5. Thoughts

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Connor's POV

When Benji and I were split apart in the hallway, I felt a little bit of panic rushing through all of my veins. No matter what I have to keep our plans secret. I don't care who they threaten or kill, I won't give them information. They can torture me or kill me, and while it would hurt a lot, I still wouldn't release anything. It's three lives versus well over a million; I can't allow my own needs to fall before the needs of everyone else in the world.

"Connor Pierce, wolf-demon hybrid. Aged 134, a member of the counsel," the man that was going to be questioning my told the camera before getting out of the way, and I gave him an unimpressed look. The camera was making me feel kind of nervous, but I ignored it and focused on what I needed to do. Don't tell them... Don't tell them... Don't... "Did you meet with Benjamin Evans tonight."

"I didn't."

"We found his magic signal running between your house and his, how can he have not come."

"Listen sir, neither of us has seen each other since 50 years ago when you busted us for conspiracy. We learned our lessons, and it won't be happening any more. Why would we want our family dead?"

"You know exactly what you did!"

"We didn't do anything!" If they think they're going to sway me with false evidence they're sorely mistaken. They're trying to convince me they have some kind of dirt on us so that I give something away that gives them actual dirt; I know how this goes. This must be one of those wacky strategies that makes the average joe give things us. They should know better than to try and use this on one of us, we're both too intelligent to fall for their trap. Unless they're already underestimating us, then this whole war thing will be even easier than we originally anticipated.

"How can you say you did nothing when we have this?" the man demanded before showing me an obviously faked security camera image of Benji crossing the road to get to my house. I mean, seriously, if you're going to try and fabricate this at least don't get a big buff man to play my friend. I swear he could step on a scale and it wouldn't register his weight, so the person on the screen in front of me didn't scare me in the slightest. However, I had to act as if it did.

"Sir I don't know where you found that, but we never met! He must have been leaving for some other reason like taking out the trash or something!"

"Then how can you explain him leaving out the back door?"

"I don't know, maybe his trash can is by the back door? Last night was a really nice night!"

"Why do you sound so frantic huh?"

"Wouldn't you if you were being wrongly accused of something like this?"

"Are you still trying to claim that? Fine then, we'll be bring in something to get you talking." Varian was walked in holding a terrified Larp, and I could see a scrape on his cheek. The knowledge that he had been hurt made my blood boil, and I felt the overwhelming need to slap someone very hard across the face. I didn't want to break character, though, so I refrained from doing what I wanted to do. 

A man was holding a knife against his neck, and the terror in my husband's eyes was too real. My resolve crumbled a small bit, but I hid it well. Calm and collected Connor, don't do this to yourself. "Why are you doing this?"

"You will admit to your crimes."

"No." I felt like I was a kind of badass in some movie, but I wasn't. This is real, and the one that he's holding at knifepoint isn't just a paid actor on a set. They wouldn't kill him, I know, but I hate that I have to be looking at him in a real situation like that. I wished that I could calm him and tell him that I had it all under control, but they wouldn't allow me to go near him... I can't handle this well.

"We will dispatch him."

"This won't work, I won't give you false evidence against us just because you're threatening him. This isn't allowed, it's very illegal to do this to someone. I could get you arrested for breaking about 20 constitutional amendments. If you want me to say any more, or are you going to let us all go."

"You assume that you would be treated seriously if you ever tried to sue the police department. We all know exactly how outspoken you supernaturals are, and to think that the judicial branch would even pay attention to a message from one of your kind is stupid."

"I can ruin your reputation. Let. Us. Go."

"You know what, fine. I don't even care anymore. Take your ugly ass family and go home already." I didn't take a single second before leading both of the most important men in my life out of the house, and I felt as if all of my tension was gone.

"Connor I was so terrified. They could have hurt you, or me, and then this whole jig would have been up. What then, huh? What would you do if we were both dead!?"

"Of course I would be upset!"

"What if they had real evidence? We could get even more hurt..."

"Vari we're both very smart, neither one of us would be so dumb as to get caught by some measly humans."

"Connor I don't care. I'm no longer going to allow you to host any of those stupid meanings in my home around my son."

"It's our home and our son!"

"Connor you have an issue, okay? You don't really think about how I feel, not all the way. Larp shouldn't be exposed to this anymore! You're his role model and he's being shown that the best path in life is to be rebellious and break a lot of laws. I know that you don't think so, but the humans have won over the control over the whole world. There's nothing that you can do anymore so stop acting like a whole bunch of high schoolers having a debate about the prom queen and get over it!"

His words weighed heavily on my mind, and I felt them slowly start to sink into my mind. I can't believe that he would say something like that to me since he really doesn't speak his mind like that often, and just that fact made me want to believe him right away. He wouldn't get strict like that on my unless there was a true reason for him to. Maybe he's right... Maybe I don't think about him enough. I mean, I try to consider him in all of my actions, but sometimes there are a few things that are more important. I've always been the kind of person to think that the good of all is greater than the good of only a few. I like to think that what Benji and I have been doing is pivotal for the future of every supernatural out there, so I often forget about the people closest to me.

"Fine... I won't see them anymore..." I just hope that I'm allowed for the war... I'm needed. Whatever, I have to put his needs ahead for once no matter what.

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