35. Letter

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Benji's POV

After a pleasant night of spending time with my husband, I was feeling pretty high. Nothing could bring me down off of the high I'm riding. Well, almost. When I woke up the next morning and went into my office, a neatly wrapped letter sat on my desk. It was a pale tan color with a wax seal holding it together, and I was reminded of the old days. Back when I was still just an average human without the weight of the whole world resting on my shoulders. My mom had a job that involved a lot of mailing, so it was a part of my life to smell the seals. It made me euphoric but also sad. I haven't thought about them very much since they died; it feels like a kind of injustice.

Anyways, when I sat down at my desk to open the letter, I almost dropped it. For some reason, I wasn't expecting a response so fast. This damn country is going to be the death of me. Who would guess that such an innocent letter would contain an official declaration of war? If I was still in civics or even close to remembering my work from then, I could tell you all about the process it took them to do it. I'm surprised how quickly they moved this out. Then again, we're seen as public enemy number one, so I'm not surprised anymore. 

I rested my head on the table even though I should be rushing to tell everyone else. I'm just too overwhelmed that there was even a formal letter. I thought that we were just going to be duking it out unofficially. Maybe they want it to count as a war so that they can school all of their children about the cruel supernatural when we lose.

I came to my senses after a bit and informed every major city I could reach. Word needs to get out that this is about to get serious. Connor rushed in as soon as he heard with poorly concealed red eyes, but I ignored them. He's allowed to cry about what happened to him; it was horrible. I know that I wouldn't have any clue how to go on in a situation like that. I guess that human mates are a slippery slope. The bond is bound to be weaker than a bond with another supernatural. I couldn't imagine one that allowed a soulmate to betray the other.

If Mikey did that to me, I would probably lash out at first. Maybe I would do something I regretted against him, like getting violent. I don't know that I could harm a hair on his head without losing sleep over it. At least not now. I know that I did some questionable things when we were teens, but I'm adamant that I've changed. I fully believe that I have, so I'm not going backward. Not again.

"I came as soon as I could; I was a little bit caught up."

"It's alright; I don't really need your help, anyways."

"Wooow, rough."

"Not with this. You need to take care of yourself first."

"I'm here to help now. The doctors said that Larp was stable, and that's all that I ever asked for. It isn't a perfect situation for me, but it's all I have to work with. I have to make due and remain strong not only for myself but for my son. It's complicated. I'm not going to say that you wouldn't understand because I know it would piss you off. Just know that it's my battle, not yours. Keep your eyes on the prize."

"Are you sure, Conny? I may be the leader of this revolt, but I'm also your friend. I can give you attention without the need to drop everything else."

"Anyways, the letter. Show me the contents of the letter. Actually, read them to me; my brain is fried."

"Benjamin Evans and whoever else this may concern," I started, and he made a kind of gagging noise. Yeah, that's about right. It's so formal; I wouldn't expect anything different. I mean, this is an important matter. They can't afford to drop their professionalism, and I guess I should be using the same attitude. The thing is, I just don't care. The humans can go suck a big hairy dick.

"This is a formal declaration of war by the United States of America. The actions you have taken against our people are unforgivable and in violation of our peace agreement. As outlined in that document, this is to be met with an instant and violent response. We will no longer be holding back against you or any of your friends. This is a war that you will not win, and we will not show mercy. Sincerely, your enemies in all senses of the term, the United States Congress."

"That's rough," Connor simply commented while stealing a long drink of my tea. Hey! Tea stealing is illegal in the law book of Benji. 

"Put that down."

"I thought I was the friend that you so dearly cared about."

"You know the rule, no one touches my tea. This includes even my own father when my twin passed away."

"Harsh. Fine, fine, I won't touch your damn tea." He put it down, and I gave a light-hearted smile. We both know that I didn't mean any real anger behind my words; it was just a running joke. I do have a slight tea addiction that I don't like to talk about. It just comforts me for some ungodly reason.

I closed my eyes for a brief second before reopening them. The real war has begun for us; I'm not sure what the humans have in store for us, but it's something not good. I don't fancy having my head on a pike, but there isn't much I can do. I pegged my life on this revolution, and like a captain, I will go down with my ship. Anyone who doesn't do the same is a coward. 

"You seem stressed again."

"How can I not be? I've just received a letter condemning half of the people in this place to death. You know that that is never what I want for them. I want everyone here to live a long, happy life. Still, some idiot human could waltz in and ruin that dream. I will not let that happen if it's the last thing I do. I would die for everyone in this place!"

"Alright, you need to calm down. We need a leader, not a martyr in fancy clothes." I nodded along with his words, but we both knew what I said still holds. I wouldn't endanger myself on purpose. However, at the end of the day, I'm not going to be a pushover. I can't protect them forever, I realize, but I'm going to do my damn best. I may have to play dirty or hurt some innocent lives, but that's all part of war... I just have to open my mind to it... Soon enough.

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