9. Safe

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Oliver's POV

The chaos was going down nicely, and I was happy to know that the plan we had spent over 100 years perfecting was going exactly as expected. As twisted as it may sound, I kind of hope that someone dies from these conflicts; it would really light a fire under the revolution's ass. I really need to stop being like my father, but sometimes I can't help it. He conditioned my mind to let the most negative thoughts in, and occasionally it was all I could think of. Do I want casualties? No, not really. Do I think it would probably boost our productiveness? 1000%.

I was monitoring all of the broadcasts, and I could see that most of the cities were running according to plan. The humans were totally surprised about the scale of the attacks, and I could tell that even their precious military was running thin with all of the conflicts. Most of the troops had been deployed in Washington D.C., the capital, in order to defend their precious national government, and the pure destructiveness gave my demon soul a little bit of a thrill. No, that isn't the right attitude to have about this. I am supposed to be impartial and care only about my people, not about pleasing myself. I shouldn't be wishing for them to pass away.

My eyes were attracted to an abnormality on the Newfolk screen, and I saw a tank enter the square. Woah, they really mean business with this. I might want to send backup. Then again, think of all the souls that would come from a massacre... In the end, I decided that I didn't want to send any help and just watched...

Benji's POV

The ground trembled with enough force that I fell flat on my ass, and I swivelled my head to face the large military vehicle that was approaching our current location. This is bad, really really bad. I jumped up as fast as I possibly could, and there was a searing pain that ran through my ankle and butt. That's double not good, what if I have to run fast? I definitely can't do it in my current state.

"Benji get out of here," Mikey screamed at me over the frantic shouts of the others, and my entire body was telling me to listen to his pleas. However, I started this fight, and I'm going to see it through straight to the end. I didn't do it out of a place of desperation to prove myself like I used to do as a teen; I stayed to fight because I wanted everyone in this clearing to have the ability to prove themselves one day. My power was beginning to charge up in my soul, and I knew that once it got to the bursting point I could overload all of their machine with it. I just have to stall until I'm able build it up that high, but how would one go about doing that...

I limped my way towards the tanks, but I was grabbed on my way there and attacked brutally by a man who didn't seem to care who he hurt in order to reach his goal. My arm reached out to swing at his face, and he ducked to the side slightly. I can't use my magic right now because it would disturb the filling process, so I had to resort to one of the weirdest things I've ever done: I have to find a way to get my foot to connect with his forehead. I've been working on my flexibility for a while, and I think that doing something to that effect would shock him enough I would have the advantage for the rest of the fight.

We exchanged a few more punches that didn't land, and I initiated plan be a bendy straw. My leg raised to connect right where I wanted to, and I was honestly shocked at just how well it worked. His eyes rolled back in his head slightly before coming back to their normal position, but he was a lot more sluggish this time around. I began to pant from the sheer force of my magic trying to flow from my body, but I knew that I had to keep it in just a little bit longer. I moved on from that man and continued to their technology, and after only a few more steps I began to feel as if I was going to explode and become some Benji sprinkles.

"Keep that one away from here!" one of the men called out while pointing at me, and I was immediately targeted by every available person in the square. Thing is, I was already about to allow the power out, and anything they did wouldn't help anything. I would probably release it faster, honestly, since contact by someone else would be like punching a live grenade; I would burst right on sight. 

When I felt my body get to the perfect density, I exhaled harshly releasing the incredible shock into the earth. Any electronic device in a mile radius was fried, and a lot of their expensive military equipment combusted into unrelenting flames. I hope that everyone gets out alright. My actions called down pandemonium in the city, and a lot of the human civilians had begun to evacuate. I get the feeling that the combustion of their precious TVs shook them. 

That's for the best, though, since our main goal for Newfolk is to make it the host city of the war. We want to make it the capital of our war effort for northern America. Knowing that the other cities will be much more fortified than our own, we figured that the least popular one was best. Although, this city has been hallowed supernatural ground for many years, and I know that it will serve its purpose well.

The explosion had left me mostly drained, but I had remembered to hold onto just enough I could still use it if I needed to defend myself in a pinch. However, the humans had become much more scared now that their fancy advantage was destroyed, and I could see them beginning to prepare for a retreat. As far as I know no one died from the conflict so far, and I was very joyful about that.

"Retreat! Everyone out!" the same man that shouted for my death screamed, and everyone that was able to rushed out of the square. Our city was won, now we just have to wait on the results from all of the other ones... I'm frightened to think about what may happen if we're the only ones victorious. It will set a dark preset on the war, and I get the feeling that a lot less people would be willing to fight with us... Soon this will turn bloody, and I'm afraid that it's too soon. I hope everyone stays safe.

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