7. Square

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Benji's POV

His words rang through my head, and it was like I could feel the various uprisings commencing all over the country in my soul. I made eye contact with those around me, and there was a brief nod amongst all of us before we ran together into the square. Many others were already attempting to get the attention of the workers inside of the town hall, and a few security guards ran out to squander the growing violence. While I didn't exactly like the riot like activity, we had to get our point across or nothing would ever get done to help us. Certainly there has to be people higher up who don't support our suppression, right?

I didn't truly understand the weight of what I was taking a part of until I saw a flag. I've never seen it before, but the attraction I felt towards it was undeniable. The person wielding it was maybe 17, possibly younger, and in his eyes I could see my younger self. He was determined to make a difference on the world just as I was, but his fight was also so much different than mine. Whereas I was only trying to prove myself, he was trying to make life so much better for future generations. I could admire that so much, and while I really didn't wish I had that opportunity, I couldn't help but to feel as if I was less deserving of my current position than he would be.

No, I can't start to think this about myself again, that isn't okay. I am deserving of what I have, and that's final. I snapped back into a physical presence of myself, and I realized that I had been left behind at the edge of the alleyway. I had already lost sight of Mikey or anyone recognizable in the frothing mass, and I chose to recall exactly what I was told to do by Oliver in that basement.

I began to push myself between bodies and other objects, and I was able to get a few tiles away from the stairs before being blocked by human police. I didn't want to fight physically since it's been so long, but I know that me being on top of that staircase at five minutes past is important. I'm honestly surprised that Oliver was able to get so many humans in with our cause, but it did give me a lot of hope. Maybe we don't have to beat out every single one of the most dominant race, but only those who pose a threat. I think that genetic diversity is important and getting rid of our host species is a stupid idea, so if there's any way to avoid that I would prefer it strongly to any alternative. We're no better than them if we enslave them back; we have to show them exactly how much better than them we are by treating them fairly.

However, at least in our group, there was a lot of attack based anger going on, and I hate to admit it but I used that advantage to ascend the stairs. There was a brief second where all eyes were cast upon me, but they quickly went back to what they were doing without paying as much mind as they would to me. They didn't want the police to notice I had slid through. Honestly I'm surprised they weren't keeping a closer eye on our positions to prevent a breach. They're lucky I'm not a bad guy.

When I looked slightly to my left, there was a loud bang that shook the very ground I stood upon. That's the sign, it's time for the broadcast. All of the main cities that this was happening in had a council member present; we had to make sure that whatever we say reaches the international public. I'm certain that this would end up on their news, but to prevent a showing that isn't our city from being played, we have the exact same message in places like New York and Los Angeles. I know that I probably won't be the one on TV, but I still have to conduct myself as if I am.

"Get off of your couch, and hear the message of the people which is long over do. Tides are turning in favor of those who have previously had no voice. To those who are uninterested in being involved, seek shelter. A separate message has been sent to you instructing where to go. To those of you who are fed up, alone, tired of shying away from human tyranny? Stand on your own two feet and prove to yourself that you will not be shoved around by them! This is our chance!"

My voice rang through the square, and everyone human or otherwise was now staring straight at me. The attention didn't make me shy this time, though, rather the opposite. I felt confident that this would work. We will get free one day, and one day very soon. If I was able to get everyone in this area to stop fighting to look at me, I'm certain I could motivate pretty well. It didn't take long for the combat to resume, but this time both sides were fighting for a purpose. Everyone wanted to be the person to emerge victorious, but both for very different reasons. 

For some twisted purpose, the humans have adapted to believe that not killing us is suicide. They have shown time and time again that any slightest move makes them feel threatened because of how much more ability we have. I hate to say it, but I think that plays more of a part than their honor; they're pussies. We, on the other hand, are focused on winning because our survival depends upon it. Without winning, we will soon be lost to time, and none of us want that to happen. I get the feeling that it won't be easy for us to rise up, but when we do we can make everything take a large turn for the better.

I jumped down off of the stage to do my part; people were getting hurt and I cannot allow that to happen on my watch. I leapt straight onto a guard, and the poor man began to shout to his partners about a leech on his back. Hurts that he thinks of me as a leech but I don't really care; I'm distracting him and possibly someone else from hurting those who I care about. I began to bite at him, but he grabbed onto my shoulders and threw me halfway across the stone clearing. They are not messing around anymore, damn.

Once I had landed, I looked up and made eye contact with Mikey who I may or may not have just interrupted from his own fight by falling into him like rain. I gave a small sly smile before backing away, but he didn't seem to be impressed by the actions I had just taken. Jeeze, why do people have to throw me? I'm not that light! The square shook again, but this time it wasn't a planned one. I spun as fast as I could, and I felt my eyes widen past the normal level... Oh shit forgot about that.

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