11. Escape

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Connor's POV

Once my sense finally started to come back, I just remember my body being in a constant motion. I don't know where I am, but at least the previous dizzy feeling was gone. Instead, there was a nausea from the motion sickness of moving without being able to see why, but I wasn't about to vomit on everyone else that was already in this horrible situation.

I was fortunate to find that the car finally stopped about ten minutes later, so my constant struggle to puke was finally able to end. I felt as if I had been run over by the van I was riding in, but at least I was alive. Whether or not that was a good thing, it just was. We were grabbed out of the car and transported to a rather large, fortified elevator, and I could tell that the people with me weren't ready for some fabulous escape attempt. We were caught, and there was pretty much nothing I could do to fix that.

Once we reached the bottom most level the elevator could take us, we were split up based on some strange criteria. I have absolutely no idea what it is considering there were people of all ages, gender, and weight on either side, but it was very suspicious that I wasn't even included in any group. As I was pushed farther into what looked like a security 1000 prison, I made contact with a lot of others that had been locked down here over the years. Oh! This must be one of their prisons they designed especially for the supernaturals! They probably should have realized by now that most of us that can use our magic are escape artists waiting to happen. That is, unless they have some sort of power blocker, then this facility would probably work.

I was thrown into a cell all by myself, and when I looked around it was just darkness. They really have organized this place to be very extra. As soon as the guards were gone, I sat up to think about an escape route, but the surveying was soon stopped by the man next to me. "What ever you're looking for, stop. We've tried for years to bust out of this place, but it's impossible. There are guards everywhere, no windows no matter how hard you look, and we can't use any of our magic because they've cut it off somehow. Even if you do manage to escape, they'll always find you again, and that time it would be way worse for you. I recommend you just stay where you are and allow your fate to meet you."

"That isn't my way of life. I can't allow myself to be caged."

"Listen kid, I know you're still young, and I feel horrible that you've been put here with us after such a short life. However, you're going to need to grow some sense to survive in this place. If you try to escape you will not survive the dangers, and I would hate to see such a vibrant life cut short. Plus, the food here is pretty good when they give it to you!"

"My life wouldn't be full here anyways. I need to get out as fast as I possibly can; I have a husband and son to get back to. Good food may be a good reason for you to stay, but for me it just doesn't work. I need to get back out there to help my people with the uprising."

"There's an uprising? Is that why you're here. Woah, you must have outed yourself extra during that to end up this far down. I've seen plenty of those in my day, they've never worked out before. There isn't enough support for us to fight against the entire military of the United States."

"This is different. I'm willing to bet that the ones you've seen were actually what were later named the Uriosi wars? For the organizer that was never caught?"

"What are you, a history major?"

"No, I lived through it."

"I won't ask about how that's possible quite yet, you can tell me later. Anyways, how is it different from the one that happened today. I see the same outcome as the one all that time ago; people in the slammer for trying to support someone. That's actually how I got incarcerated, I got myself involved in something that was dangerous and nearly got myself killed for it. This fate was far less extreme than the one I would have had."

"It's different because it's been organized by high up people. My father has ironed out this plan again and again and accounted for all of the liabilities. We will be freed soon."

"Your father is a higher up?"

"Forget I said that."

"No, I want to know which idiot came up with the bright idea of freeing the people. Clearly they haven't surveyed the history well enough because they haven't yet learned that the past repeats itself if you allow it to."

"We both know way too much about the past since we've gone through it all... The horrible pain that our people have come across is too great to not try this. We've gotten too oppressed for this to not work. I know that you have scars from your past, and so do I. Nevertheless, we cannot let them stand all over us."

"You're going to get everyone killed! They're going to take it out on those who aren't fighting."

"That's why we've evacuated them to hell."

"You sent other creatures to hell!"

"We did, yeah."

"That's so stupid what if the demons kill them or something?"

"I take that to offense."

"You're a demon!?"

"You need to learn to hold your tongue, it's likely where you went wrong in your life."

"I- uh- okay... Anyways, who is your father, and who are you."

"My father is Oliver Pierce." His eyes got as round as saucers, and I almost laughed at the appearance. I held it in though because it would have been pretty rude to laugh at someone's fear. Very demonlike.

"So then he asked you to lead the revolt because you are his son?"

"Well, not specifically. I am also a member of the council, though less known and much less experienced."

"But he's still alive."

"This is lesser known by the general populous, but the families of the wolf council leader and the demon one mixed with my grandfather."

"So you preside over the wolves?"

"This is correct."

"Wow a lot has happened while I was down here."

"Well that is what happens when you get into prison."

"Alright so I'm talking to a very important very famous person right now and I just disrespected him?"

"That is correct."

"I'm so sorry please don't hurt my family."

"Whatever. Now, I need you to inform me of all the enemy placements, where there may or may not be traps, and overall where most of those who tried to escape failed. That is how you can make up your unkind words to me."

"Okay, fine, deal... Let's start with guard routines..."

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