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Benji's POV

The flashing... Oh my God, the annoying flashing that will always haunt me in my dreams. When the light turns on, it's a happy memory. They would always follow a formula designed to make me feel like I'm slipping. Then again, I am sliding over the edge, and there isn't anything that I can do about it. I know for sure that I have a place in this world for now. However, once everyone finds out that I deserted their friends and family, what will I become? Connor will always stand behind me, but who else will? Will I just be left alone?

However, the more telling of the light flashes was the darkness after the blinks. In it, I can see death and despair. It's like a look into the future, with everyone around me dead. I'm all alone in the darkness, and it's a horrible feeling. I don't want to die alone, so why is it shaping out like that? Everyone I know isn't going to die that easily, so why am I so worried? I just need to worry about myself, not them... Still, why can't I help it? No matter how hard I try to convince myself, I still feel alone every once and a while.

The darkness only confirms what will happen eventually. No one knows what the afterlife is, no matter how hard they try to figure it out. The only people who know what awaits on the final front are those who can't come back to tell us. It's a sad thing, really. I would rather know what's coming for me when I take my final breath than being in the dark forever. Anyways, I just have a feeling that death is cold and lonely. There's no evidence to prove that we go anywhere special after we die. We just cease to exist, in my opinion.

Then, the final flash arrived. I know that it's the one because it's the most recent happy thing to go on in my life. The scene had changed over the years, but it always means the same thing; I'm going to wake up soon. I looked around at what it was now, and my heart warmed. It's now the night that the moon goddess first told me that I had what it takes to control all of the supernatural people. It fills me with joy to know that someone recognizes me. Then, the dream world went dark for the final time...

I forced my eyes to open to a warm atmosphere. There was a quiet viola being played somewhere to the side of my head, and I could hear a bit of a fire burning in the distance. It was relaxing, but there was a kind of tension in the air. I went to sit up, but I was pushed back down onto the ground. The music had stopped, and a man was sitting above me. His face was pretty goofy and slightly angry, but I didn't feel fear. He didn't seem like he could harm a fly.

"I need you to stay lying down, please. We can't have your heart rate getting too quick."

"You're stressing me out, so of course, it's going to get very swift right now. Maybe explaining yourself before you touch me would help me to handle the fact that I'm in a random place with a random weirdo."

"I guess I ought to start with my name. I am Hirosi Narigami, and I am the lead medic for the supernatural revolution. I was called here because of your fight, and I just so happened to be here to help treat your wounds."

"What wounds? Last I checked, all that I sustained was a cute little gunshot to the leg."

"You should think again about it being anything but dangerous. Listen, kid, that bullet was coated with clove; do you know what that is? Are you aware of what that would do to a person like you?"

"I've never heard of anything wrong with clove. Come to think of it, I've never even heard of it. What is it?"

"Clove is a herb that can be found around the equator usually. I don't know how the humans got it here, but it was very intentional. This is an attack that was designed especially for you. They want to get you down and out so that they can make a move against us. I trust that I don't have to explain how dangerous that is to you."

"Why is a little bit of herb such a problem?"

"For warlocks, it is not a little bit of herb. That stuff is the bane to your existence. When the world was still primitive, your opponents in evolution would throw it at your kind to eliminate them. It got so bad that the original warlocks were almost wiped off the face of the earth. Just a little bit absorbed into the blood can be deadly as soon as it gets near your magic supply. When the two connect, it leads to a massive explosion in your internal organs. It will kill you instantly without anything we can do."

"How has it not killed me yet if it's so dangerous?"

"I was able to put up a shield in your leg to keep it out, but it will dislodge with too much movement. Then, with the circulation, it would travel towards your heart, collide with your magic, and you would die. Therefore, I need you to keep it as still as possible. No one here wants to see you harmed."

I can't believe that there's something so dangerous going on for me right now. This is the most exciting thing that has happened to me ever since my famous showdown with King Dray. I know that that isn't the proper way to think about it, but I can't help it. I like the feeling of being unique for something, good or bad. I like the attention I get... "Thank you for that. I will try my best to keep it still as long as you guys promise not to leave me behind if we're invaded. Just put me in a wheelchair when we get home, and I can still do everything I need to."

"That's the thing; even a wheelchair could be too much movement. I wasn't able to secure it with my magic for reasons that should be clear to you. It's easy to jive unless you're handled in a specific way."

"How would it be better for someone to walk with me? There's more motion in the human body than a stationary chair with wheels."

"You make a valid point... Fine, you can have one once we get home. Until then, your friend with the long brown hair is going to carry you wherever you need to go."

"Connor's safe?" I don't think that the doctor understood how much that one sentence empowered me. I'm glad that my friend got out safe. As selfish as it sounds, he the most important person to me in that building. I'm supposed to have the same feelings for everyone, but I just don't. He and Mikey take all of my priorities.

"Yes, he's fine. Now, please go back to sleep. It's safer for you to be unconscious."

"Will do, doc." I closed my eyes while reflecting on everything he had said... This is going to be the most annoying two weeks of my life. 

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