1. The Beginning of the End

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Benji's POV

"Come on Benjamin, it's time to eat," Mikey declared. I hate to admit it, but the mundane life is annoying. It was impossible not to think about the powers running through my body, but I knew that living the way we did was the only way to continue our lives. Mikey was officially working as an accountant at some boring ass company, and I was what one would call a commissioned artist. Of course, all of my pieces are hard for the mortal mind to comprehend, so they're mostly bought by the supernatural looking for something useful for showing their allegiance without their respective country getting involved. Just the knowledge that all we could do was sit around and only be connected by secret meetings was enough to make me sad, but I often ignored the feeling in my chest in order to keep morale high among those closest to me. I just wish that it didn't have to be this way...

"I'm coming," I called out through the house before picking up our six year old son, Mason, and walking to the table. There was a limit for all of our families to only have one kid, and I was so hateful of the rule that I had spoken out against it once... Of course, the rebellion scared the humans, and they had given me a large scar on my back to remind me not to cross them. They want all of our numbers to dwindle until we cease to exist; any supernatural that gets too bold is either made an example out of or disposed with properly.

I sat at the table and ate the food that was put in front of me with a sad expression pasted on my face, and Mikey crouched down before kissing my forehead. I gave him a small, reassuring smile, but he seemed to see right through my false face and got concerned. "You're thinking about the past, aren't you. Benji I keep telling you that living in the back then doesn't solve anything in the now!"

"I can't help it... It makes me feel weird that our son won't grow up with the same information we had..."

"I know that you don't like it, but he won't ever know. For him this life will just be normal."

"Michael I don't want our son to grow up without any magic in his life."

"Don't you dare say it again-"

"I'm going to be homeschooling him."

"They won't let us do that. Any magic born kids are required to go to government run education specifically so that us parents aren't allowed to seed in the rebellion and magic that you want to put into him."

"We have to fight back against this! They're going to take away everything we believe in and we won't be able to defend against it without our kids."

"Benjamin they told you that the next time you crossed them they would kill you. I'm not going to let that happen. You can continue to show you defiance in those stupid meetings you have with Connor, but publicly announcing your opinion will get you killed! You need to learn to talk less about private matters. You do realize that we are in jeopardy for even farting in the wrong presence, correct?"

"We shouldn't just sit around..."

"Forget about it. Your life is more valuable."

"But what about them?

"They don't matter. It's very late now, we should go to sleep."

"Did you seriously just say that!?"

"It's high time you grow up Benjamin... Times have changed, there isn't a reason to throw your own wellbeing out. It's been over a hundred years, the only people that experienced how it used to be are me, you, and the counsel members. Just face the facts that our kind will never be the same and forget about it." His eyes were sunken in, and I could see the slight frown on his face. I know that he doesn't really mean what he says, but it still hurts a lot. I want him to be on my side, but sometimes he just isn't. I can't blame him for that even though all I want is for him to unite with me on rebellion. Then again, he has become more of a human than a warlock in the past 50 years. Once he got that job it was never the same between us.

"I get it but... I won't ever give up."

"That's your choice, but when you get your head sliced off I'm going to say I told you so."

Once I was done eating, I put my shoes on along with my jacket before walking out of the house. As I walked across the street to Connor's house, the overly warm night air battered my cheeks. I kept my hood up and my head down in order to not be recognized by any of the men patrolling the area since we weren't supposed to be able to see each other. I slipped around to the back exit and did a secret knock sequence onto the wood, and the door opened just enough for me to squeeze in. I hugged Connor as soon as I could, and he embraced back.

"Benji?" A voice questioned, and I turned to see Connors dad, Oliver, standing in the doorway. "What are you doing here?"

"Dad... We've been meeting in secret to plan out a possible revolution. Please don't tell anyone else-"

"Oh thank god we aren't the only ones."


"The rest of the council and I have been doing that for years."

"What we weren't invited?"

"You guys both have a family that isn't fully matured. They would have killed your children if you came."

"But this is important! If something is stirring we need to be there to spread the plan."

"Drop it Connor."

"Fine, but will you at least tell us what they're saying now?"

"Come to the basement and we can talk."

I followed the two others downstairs, and I could see Connors son playing with Varian. The boy had always been happy, but it was similar to watching my child grow up. It used to be so rare to come into a wolf's home and not see at least one pup rolling around. Down that same line, before the surrender parents of my kind would teach their kids before they even entered a school. Days without any magic in the home were few and far between. On top of that, it's just like Mikey says; no one truly remembers the days of the past. We've outlived everyone we grew up with, and the feeling of my own desolation was so great... There are people out there who think that this is all life ever was. I know that we can build up a revolution because of the mistreatment, but it wouldn't be the same as it would have been 100 years ago. Everyone is used to living magicless...

"Sit down," Oliver instructed, and we both sat at the very same table Connor and I had slaved over for so many hours. "The plan goes as followed..."

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