22. Peace

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Benji's POV

Reading through Connor's work brought back the feeling of happiness I had felt before, but I also felt a new urgency to get this moving along. All of the statements he had made were true, and my reading brought all of the thoughts about our mistreatment. I thought back to the time where everything was peaceful, and I knew that I had to get back to it. There was nothing that made me more squeamish than looking at all of the wrongs in one place, and the only thing that made me feel a bit better was the hand Connor placed on my back.

I smiled at him a bit, but there was no reason to smile at the stuff he had brought me. It was all in harsh, slightly gory detail, and it should make anyone who looked at it sick to the stomach. I know that it wouldn't mean much to the humans since they have never thought about how we feel before, but it was a real strike to the heart for any supernatural. It put the years of darkness into one, a solid place where anyone could read it. "Connor, since your designated city was a fail, do you mind being the one to bring this to the other council members? I have to stay here to keep everyone from killing each other."

"Of course I can. My job is to support you, after all."

"You know that it isn't like that. I still see you as an equal. I just really need a runner right now so that the entire war doesn't fall apart."

"I know what you really mean. I'm on my way." He lept from the window easily, and I cracked a small smile. He has always shown more interest in entering and exiting through windows rather than doors, but he had stopped recently for some reason. I think that he's worried about seeming mature, but he needn't be. He's slowly taking away his personality, and I really don't like it. I miss the simplicity of laying around planning pranks together rather than an all-out war.

He took the documents before leaving on his own mission, and I sat back in my chair thinking a lot more about the past. At some point, I had made the shift between someone who was slightly immature, and at times suicidal, to a person that can follow data and make a logical decision. While my idea of logic is different from what other people's may be, it still makes sense of risk and reward. I value that level of learning more than anyone could ever know.

I walked out of the room, down the stairs, and out to the forest behind the building. It's been a long time since I was back here. Connor and I used to play here as kids when our parents would chase us, and I haven't had the chance to return ever since. The beautiful leaves of all different colors were falling around me, and I even got a few into my hair. I really do miss being alone with nature.

I wandered all the way until I reached the demolished mansion, and a few more memories came to me. I remember running around with Connor wreaking havoc on the poor place, and a smile came to my face when I thought about the day that my magic had exploded here. It may have been the worse day of my life when it happened, but in the end, it had turned out very well. I wouldn't be where I am today without going to school. I never would have found my soulmate, and I kind of need him to get through the day.

When I walked forward a bit more, a bubbling stream stopped me. This hadn't been here before, but it let me know that there might be a bit of wildlife nearby if I look hard enough. I don't like insects, but deer and other animals are my favorite. I know that there was enough time for the rainfall to make a stream out of nothing, but I didn't like to think about how much time lost that means. It's a while since I've seen such a natural beauty, and I couldn't help but to sit down and enjoy it for a little while.

I didn't allow myself to think about where Connor is right now, and I didn't even venture into the thought of what the humans might be planning. I just allowed my body to relax, and I have to say that I truly enjoyed myself for the first time in ages. I went back after a few hours of doing nothing but watch the birds fly around above me, and I was satisfied to see that everything was still going to plan. Everyone was training for the next fight, and those that were injured against the demons were being healed up. I hold a lot of pride for the people who support our effort, especially those overseas with no council members to support them. I think that it would be much harder to take part if there were to be no structure.

I meandered to the bathroom, and I stood in front of the mirror to get a good look at what my reflection had become. I hadn't been accepted into a hair salon for almost 50 years, so my hair was kind of all over the place. I was lucky that Mikey could kind of run a pair of scissors, but it still didn't look professional at all. Poor Connor's hair was all different lengths, and it made him look like a psychopath sometimes when the difference was dramatic enough.

My brown eyes were staring back at me from the glass, and I noted that my face was still pale from spending so much time indoors. I hope that I can change that soon enough; I really like going out to the beach and tanning, but that hadn't been an option in a while. If I spent more than a few hours out of my home, I could bet my ass that they would find some kind of felony to catch me with. I know because it's happened to me. The thing is, I haven't done much wrong in my life, so it was always so hard to find a charge that they gave up. I've spent a few nights in prison, but never more than that. I just hope that I can keep it that way.

I cleaned up my face a little bit before wandering out of the room, and there were a few eyes on me the entire way back to my office. I know that I'm important, but I'm really no that soft on the eyes in my current state. I spent the rest of the evening reading random books that I found on the shelves, and the feeling of emptiness returned as it often did. Mikey was around somewhere, but he had his own life. It was unfair of me to try and spend time with him, so I was good for now. I just hope that everything comes together soon...

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