53. Medical

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Benji's POV

I was lying down with my eyes closed when the alarms began to sound. I was trying to rest because my doctor suggested it, but I couldn't go back to that. The concerns about the people who were about to make a stand wouldn't let me. It's been a long time since I've felt vulnerable like this. Usually, if there was a conflict near me, I would throw myself in headfirst. I know that I can't do that this time, but that doesn't change the fact that it's my basic instinct. I want to help them; I really do. However, the stress that it would cause on my body is too much risk. I hope that it's worth it in the end.

The noise didn't shut off until 10 minutes later, and the movement was already beginning around me. The doctors were preparing for the inevitable influx of new patients by the end of the small battle. Those who were lightly injured were preparing to fight again, which would have counteractive effects. Wounds can't be made better by fighting more. When the shouting of war and pain began, I sealed my eyes shut. There was no light left for my eyes to see, but I could still hear it. The screams of the innocent are never a pleasant sound unless you're a psychopath.

It didn't take long for the first round of people to come flooding through the cream-colored double doors. They all seemed to have some kind of possibly life-threatening injuries, and I felt a strange sense of pain myself. If I was there, I might have been able to help a few of them from getting hurt. It's no secret that Connor is awful at battle plans. He's stellar at stitching together words to reach the desired meaning but not at coming up with his own ideas. My friend could have been a sensational author if any good at making a plot. I could make a plan years better than whatever one he used. I had given him a few presets to use if this happened, but they only work in the right situation... I hope he used the correct formation.

"What's happening out there," one of the teenage doctors questioned a patient. The kid had no skills in fighting but wanted to help. I remember seeing his face pass my desk since he would be no use in a battle. Even a lot of the doctors had a few skills in fighting, but he didn't. I still admired his drive, though, so I let him in. Everyone should get the chance to help however they could as long as they're old enough.

"The humans are coming from so many directions. We don't stand a chance at half capacity. The plan he chose isn't working, and we're crashing and burning even more than before. It might have had an effect if all four thousand of us were around to fight, but those kinds of numbers aren't available. If we continue on this path, everyone here will die." The woman's word weighted heavily in my mind. It was like I had been hit in the chest. It isn't very often that my worst-case scenarios come to light.

Suddenly, a loud crash occurred, and I saw the glass in a nearby window fall out onto the ground. A man in midnight black clothing burst in through the gap, and it was as if everyone around me was frozen in time. No one moved an inch because of the horror of the situation; a human is in the medical bay. Humans have been in here before that were on our side, but this is a hostile one. No one in this room is qualified to fight them. They had to have insider information about where this is... Why do we keep experiencing so many moles?

Even more began to flood in through the other windows, and I tried to summon my magic to fire it at them. I know that my doctor had said it was dangerous to do so, but I was the only option. There may be a slight chance that my magic would misfire, and I would blow up into millions of tiny bits. Still, the people here were totally defenseless. What is my purpose without excitement?

The tiny bolts sparkled around the humans, but they weren't phased. They've all seen the height of my abilities, so the surprise was gone. Now it's just the same old same old, except this time I can't throw around my physical attacks. I'm utterly bedridden and useless for the war. One tried to make a move for me, but they were halted in place by a loud bang. My doctor stood behind the man hanging onto a folding chair, and I was reminded that I really am not alone. I can keep these people from injury while also not moving. As long as they're there to do the physical attacking, I can shoot magic and back them up. Nothing is a one-man game.

The fighting went into full swing, and I was proud to see the teen doctor focusing on getting disabled people out. There were plenty of people in this medical ward that can't do anything at all, and it was endearing to see someone caring. We all have to play to the few strengths that we have, after all. His advantage to not being able to fight is the time to get others out. I hope that someone has realized that we've been compromised, or this is going to go south before you could even say turtle. We're either untrained, unspecialized, or unable to stand; we can't hold against their attacks forever.

I only closed my eyes for a single second to deal with the pain from my legs, but the entire world went to shit in that short time. When I opened them again, everyone was being so severely beaten. I didn't know if I could get them out of the situation before they got hurt. I looked down at the floor while charging up a bit of magic. I know that I can't do too much, but a little bit shouldn't hurt. What's the worst that can happen.

Well, my head reminded me, the worst that can happen is me blowing up. Sometimes my head is an awful place to live. It's always so dark and stormy in my brain, and I just want the chance to live without all the pessimistic viewpoints. I could accomplish so much more in life if I didn't have to live through my own doubts. Other negative views are enough for me.

I didn't allow my power to charge all of the ways before producing a large bolt of electricity that flew through the enemies around me. It caused a minimum amount of damage to their body, but it offered enough time for my allies to get back on their feet. It created the needed gap for the next phase of our plan. We need to get them out so that the next wave of patients didn't come into a hostile environment. I hope it isn't too late. 

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