57. Risks

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Connor's POV

As soon as Benji was lying down again, I left the room to check on everyone else. The fight was brutal, I know, but at least we were able to pull through. At least, I think we were. Did Benji's magic get to the men outside?

I stepped out of the door, and in front of me was everything I never wished to see. A sea of red stretched before me as far as the eye could see, stretching up walls and coating the ground of the square. Limbs and dismembered heads were sprinkled throughout the landscape, their owner's eyes glassy and cold. Those who remained alive groaned pitifully underneath the howling of the wind; they wouldn't last for much longer. The scent crawled up my nose, metallic and bone-chilling. It was pungent- so much so that I could taste it as well. I crouched to touch one of the ailing men, but the skin was much too easy to push. Nearly falling over, my hand was plunged into the red torrent, and I almost shouted at the warmth. This is unlike anything I've ever felt before. This... This must be what war is really like.

Before I could dwell on just how stomach-churning this situation is, a hand was placed on my shoulder. I know its purpose was to comfort me, but it just made my nausea even worse than before. I've never been able to handle blood, and the sheer quantity of it in front of me elevated that intolerance. I was able to stand with the help of emotional support, though, but it didn't help... This really is a massacre. "Sir, I would like to inform you that a lot of our men died."

"I... I can see that."

"The hit on our numbers has been hard; we're going to need some kind of reinforcement. Luckily for us, the enemy was also shattered by whatever happened to them. It'll be impossible to sort through all of the bodies."

Think... Think... What would Benji do in this situation? Would he freak out like I am? I mean, he probably would for the first few minutes, but then he would pull himself back together for the others. That skill doesn't come nearly as easy for me. What if I just... "How many survived?" I know that I'm not going to like the answer, but I don't know what else to say.

"Only seventeen."


"One warrior, three field doctors, five shielders, two assistants, and seven runners. That doesn't include those who weren't well enough to fight, but obviously they aren't at our disposal right now."

"Would you please bring me the most able runner? To my office, if you would." The man nodded before limping off, and I went back into the Town Hall to get my bearing. My feet were in control of themselves as I walked down the corridor, and I was just shocked and confused by how empty it is now. We really need more people to help us, but will they come?

Once I got into my office, I began to scribble a frantic letter to the nearest major battle ground, Atlanta. My writing was sloppy but readable in my haste, but I didn't have the time to care. There's so much more at stakes here than just another casual letter; this is life or death. I know that Benji- no. I need to stop caring what he would do. It's getting out of hand.

Just as I was signing my name on the bottom of the document so that they knew who it came from, the door was pushed open. My head was still down since I was devoted to my work, but I was shocked what I saw when I looked up. The older of the two kids from the bush- Carter, I think his name was- stood before me. The side of his face was covered in scratches and his arm was in a sling, but other than that, he seemed to be alright. I mean, I suppose that he must be if he's the most capable of his job type.

"Charles sent me," he announced, and all I could do was nod. It makes me cringe internally to know that I'm about to send a teenager into danger, but I've run out of options. If I don't, he'll die anyways, so it must be justifiable... Right?

"Good, I assume you're capable of travelling distance?"


"I need you to take this letter to Atlanta for me, please. Make sure that you give it to the lead of the operation; he's the one that will need to approve of what we require." I held out the envelope I had just sealed, and the boy took it carefully. It was when I looked into his eyes that I saw it: the blazing fire of youth. After living for almost 150 years, I've lost that constant hunger for more. I remember when I would have loved to be in this position, one of leadership. It was all that I was raised to want, and it had ingrained itself in my mind. I would have craved the assignment he was given, one pivotal to our survival. I miss being that young... I miss being able to dream.

"Yes, I can do that," he responded while taking the paper from my hand with his uninjured arm. From his expression, I could tell that the letter would get to the right place with almost certainty. He was determined not to fail me. Good... This is good.

"Thank you."

Carter nodded his head curtly before leaving the room with considerable pep in his step, and I went back down to the medical ward to inform Benji of what was going on. However, when I arrived, he wasn't even there, and I began to fret. What if there was a second wave while I was writing, and he was taken away? We certainly don't have enough men to launch an invasion to get him back. I don't like the idea of my friend being trapped in enemy land with no way out.

However, my worry calmed down when he came out of the bathroom, and I gave him a moment to sit before beginning to inform him of the events that took place.

"So, you're telling me that we're so low on men that you had to send a child to Atlanta to get more? You know that they're having a lot more trouble than we are; the kid is going to get killled out there."

"Benji, I ran out of choices. If he stayed here, he would have died as well. He might as wel go out knowing that he did something helpful for our cause."

"But he wouldn't if he never made it there. We would have no way to know where that kid is. We wouldn't even have the knowledge that he had fallen for 2 weeks. You're so dumb sometimes!"

"Hey. Just because you're injured doesn't mean that you get to take it out of me."

"Sorry... Just- follow him or something."

"I'm needed here! You're hurt and this place needs some leadership."

"I'm fine, just go."


Benji sighed loudly, but I wasn't about to let him push me around like that; not again. "Fine, but blame yourself if he dies out there."

"I won't. I'll blame the people who killed him."

"You sent a kid to his death."

"Shut up, it'll work out."

"Whatever... Just go away."

"Fine." I stormed out of the room angrily before going back to my room. If he wants to be like that, fine. I'll just avoid him from now on.

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