10. Disaster

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Connor's POV

I finally arrived after almost 13 straight hours of driving, and I have to admit I'm totally pooped from the journey. My legs felt as if someone had taken wet paper and wrapped it three times to make a limb, but at least I wasn't late. I mean, just barely, but that's beside the point. I have to do my job. As soon as the clock struck 5, I felt a new wave of strength rush over my body, and I rushed to the broadcasting position. I know that I only get a few moments before the humans take back their TVs, but I found myself not caring in the slightest. I just have to get my message across before the time runs out.

"Supernaturals over the age of 16, it doesn't matter where you live, what your background, or what you've made of yourself, I'm certain you have faced discrimination," I began, and it was at that moment that I remembered there was supposed to be a script so that everyone got the same chance to hear the rallying cries of the people. Oh well, I've already thrown it out the window and don't have time to restart. I just have to make the awkward start hold a bit better. "We call upon those of you who are fed up, no longer wishing to conform to everything they say. Stand up for yourselves; be strong together. If we work with each other a new, better world is in reach." I might be able to make this a segway into the actual words I'm supposed to say...

"Get off of your couch, and hear the message of the people which is long over do. Tides are turning in favor of those who haven't had a say in a long time. To those who are uninterested in being involved, seek shelter; a message has been distributed via instant message on where to head. To those of you who are fed up, alone, tired of shying away from human reign? Stand on your own two feet and prove to yourself that you will not be shoved around by them! This is our chance!"  I know that I had shuffled around some of the words, but I have to hope it was good enough for people to understand. 

A loud bang came from somewhere in the crowd, and I made eye contact with a bullet coming straight for my head. Okay, time to get down now, I have to be lost within the crowd. I just hope that those two kids actually listened to me; this could get very dangerous. As soon as I got down, I called upon my old combat knowledge and put my fists up.

A human in thick camouflage clothing squared me up, and I'm not about to allow a fool to be made out of me from some stupid fighting. I don't want to appear like the weak one that really didn't hold any asset in the plan, so I gave a good punch to his face. However, I couldn't anticipate what he did next.

Faster than the blink of an eye, I felt my body beginning to clam up, and the air around me was lit up with a bit of pink powder. His hand was still in the pouch that it had come from, and I fell down to the floor coughing very loudly. My body was violently clamming up, and I felt as if I was going to die from whatever had just entered my system.

All of my energy was now focused on trying to get air in and out of my lungs, and I barely noticed that there was more of the strange powder being spread to everyone around me. Whatever the substance was, it didn't seem to be affecting the humans in the streets who were going around picking out some of the more fit people who had been grappling. They're trying to restrict those of us that could cause some serious harm; that means that they'll likely grab me as well.

Since I had never been broadcasted publicly to be the leader of the wolves, only the local Newfolk government really seemed to know exactly how powerful I was. To the average human, I just looked like another thug that's coming for their government, but they wouldn't understand how much more I could hold... Then again, I did stand on the top of the steps in the view of everyone in the clearing, so there was no way they were going to underestimate my position in this whole plot. I just have to hope they forgot all about it.

As I continued to heave, the world was getting a bit hazy. I was pretty dizzy, but I wouldn't let that stop my from hanging on at least long enough to see if I was going to be captured. There was no more fighting remaining every since they dropped the substance on us, and I heard one of the military men walking past my head. "We're lucky that it worked; if it had gotten into our systems as well it would have been very bad."

"You know that it was specifically designed to only knock someone out. The adhesive agent drops as soon as the heart stops beating so much. How healthy does that one look?" They went to the person a little bit away from me, and I could barely see them poking and prodding at the poor man from my peripherals. 

"He seems to be pretty able."

"Put him in the truck with the rest of him, there's the catalyst." Feet walked over to be, and I knew that my cover was blown. My chest was still heaving trying to get the foreign objects out of my system, but my vision was starting to spot while the world span around me. "I recommend you just let it take you, the pain will go away. You're just hurting yourself worse," the man snapped while lifting me off of the ground, and I was carried upside down to his truck. The rebellion had been squandered, at least in this city, and I hope that the same isn't true for the rest of them; that would be pretty bad. My brain finally forced me to sleep from the lack of oxygen, and I felt as if I was going to explode. Hopefully everything will be sorted when I open my eyes again...


Oliver's POV

As the efforts drew to a close, I was able to get a full picture of what had gone down today. Must I say, my inner demon is pleased with the results. Newfolk was a decisive win, Houston a decisive loss, and the rest fell somewhere in between the two. Our people were able to take over Los Angeles, but we had failed to conquer D.C. which didn't shock me at all. New York and Chicago were still up in the air, but I think that both of them should come to our side with a bit more time. Overall, it was positive for us, but there was still a long way to go... I just hope that my son is okay...

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