41. Relaxation

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Benji's POV

It was nearly 12 am when my phone began to chirp off of the hook. I rolled over in my bed to peek at the dimmed screen, and I found that I was beginning to receive information about the enemy. Damn it, I was supposed to be able to sleep tonight. I haven't done so for a long time, and I was looking forward to that extra bit of shut eye. Then again, the war is always more important. No matter how tired of it I am, I volunteered for this. I have to play my part; there isn't any room for error. 

I sat up before clicking on the lamp beside my bed, and the yellow light shone all throughout my bedroom. I rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes before picking up the small transmitter again. It was some kind of tablet, and it was designed to not be seen. The screen was dimmer than dawn, and I had to narrow my eyes in order to see the small black text scrolling across it. I pulled out my notebook before beginning to write down the information coming through. 

I had muted the device, so it was no longer shouting the notification sound. The only sound in my room was the scribble of a pencil on paper, and it was strangely peaceful. The low light level allowed me to relax all of the way, and it was almost like there wasn't a dangerous thing going on. I know that the actions I'm making this random demon take are necessary, but it still irks me if I think about it for too long. I don't like to think about him getting shot down or worse... Captured. 

It took me a mere 10 minutes to translate everything he had said onto pen and paper, and I set the notebook down once I got to the bottom. I noted that the last bit of information was sort of a conclusion, so I can only assume that he made it out safely. There's not a way for me to confirm it until he actually comes back, but I'm hoping that it's the case. I don't want any more casualties on my hands until we get to the actual battle. Looking at the terrain and similar things, I can almost feel a plan beginning to emerge in my brain. It's starting to take shape.

I decided that I would take care of the rest tomorrow; I need rest now. I can't expect myself to get anything productive done with such little sleep. My eyelids had a mind of their own at this point, and all they wanted to do was close down. I laid back in the sheets before allowing it to happen, and the warmth enveloped me in comfort. Tomorrow I'll have a lot to do, but it's nice for me to think about what I need right now... Sleep. The only thing my brain was able to think up on the brink of darkness was the light I left on... Oh well, I'll get it tomorrow.


I woke up to the screaming of my alarm for the first time in weeks. It's been so long since I was able to get sufficient rest that I forgot how it feels to be refreshed. I used to have all of the time in the world with the supernatural lock down, but there's no such thing at this point. I think that I've consumed more coffee over the past few weeks than I have in the rest of my life. I'm a morning person, which is a blessing and a curse. I'm glad that I can start the day bright and early, but it annoys the hell out of Mikey. 

I stood up out of bed and went downstairs for breakfast. My small notebook was fastened to my belt loop so that I knew I would never lose it. There's a lot of confidential information in there, and it can be very bad news if it falls into the wrong hands. I just like to know I always have it. The little thing reminds me of the time where it was considered cool to have a notebook the size of an index card. My, how everything has changed over the years.

As I stuffed myself with eggs and toast, a ruckus happened towards the front of the cafeteria, and I looked up instantly. A man in his mid 30s was on top of someone else I can't see from here throwing punches; I have to stop this. I rushed over to the two, but by the time I got there it was already broken up. On the ground, I saw a kid who couldn't be older than 17 holding a bruised cheek. Who in their right mind would beat up a child?

"What is happening here," I shouted, my voice booming around the entire room. I didn't know that I could project it that loud; that's a new record. The man who had started the fighting began to search for a response, and I could tell that he wasn't planning for me to be here. His eyes searched around wildly for an exit, but outraged people had made sure that there wasn't one. This man isn't going to escape easily; not without giving a good reason for why he was punching a teenager.

"I swear that this isn't what it looks like! The kid started it!" The teenager shook his head with a look of surprise, but the man also had a very straight face. I can't read who's lying yet, but I know that someone will soon. All that I need is a slight slip of the face or an inconsistent story. Any leads that tell me what was going on could help.

"That isn't true! I was just trying to mind my own business, and he attacked me. I don't know if he thought I was someone else or what!" I narrowed my eyes at both of them to see if either would show me a tell. When neither did, I continued on my search without letting up for a single second. Sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of a nudge in the right direction. Others, a push off of a cliff. Either way, I will get to the bottom of this.

"He took my food!"

"Sir, there's more food," I pointed out bluntly. Seriously, he thought such a weak argument would work? Then again, I don't know for sure if he was aware he could take more than one serving... I still need a bit more information from the both of them to come to the decision.

"How was I supposed to know!"

"You hit me!" the teen butted in, and I stopped them both. I'm not about to let this get out of hand; I'm the one in charge, here.

"Whoever did whatever, it's never right to hit a child. I don't care who stole what, just apologise and move on. It isn't worth all of this."

The two reluctantly apologized to each other, and I went back to my table. Seriously, can't someone get a bit of peace around here? Hopefully the rest of the day will be better.

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