31. Victory

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Connor's POV

When the shots first began, the panic was widespread. Some people were running around like chickens with their heads cut off, but I could tell that they just lacked instruction. We had a loose formation, but Benji had known he would need to adjust for whatever the circumstances were. He hadn't really planned that far ahead because of how unpredictable fighting could be, so we were just holding on for life now. I didn't know how good he would be at improvising, but it was a necessary skill. I can't bail him out this time; I have my own section to lead.

With his barking orders, the room began to calm down and get into whatever he had said. I was only listening half; the other part of my attention is on the humans. They're making pretty loud noises out there, and I can't imagine what we're going to meet when we go out. Will there be victory, or are we going to be plunged into a worse position? Benji had the first part of his plan in action, and I came back to the present. Missing a signal could mean destruction.

I began to brief the winged ones on how to fly with stealth, and everyone was clinging to the words I said. No one wanted to get themselves killed; they were eager to prove themselves as well. I think that all of the people in this room realized now how much danger there was. The humans don't care who they hurt, and we needed to stay clear of that. I know that I'm going to feel responsible if anyone doesn't understand enough. If I don't get the instruction across well adequately, there are lives on the line.

As soon as Benji flashed the hand motion, I bundled everyone out of the side door. We flew low to the ground, being shielded by the trunks of the trees. The only noise we made was the slight whoosh of the wind around our wings, but it could be easily concealed by the wind. The warmth of the midday sun shone down through the canopy creating dappled lighting, and if we weren't in the middle of a war, I would enjoy the atmosphere. It didn't take us very long to reach the buildings behind the humans, and it was clear that they weren't expecting it. Everyone was poised over the wall shooting at the people on the other side. I hope that Benji hasn't been hit; that would put a huge wrench in our desperate plans.

Just when I felt like we had been waiting here for hours watching our friends being shot at, a loud voice rang throughout the clearing. "The metal hasn't fallen! Come now!" Benji called in demonish, and my group instantly exploded off of our position. There was no noise on our part except for the footsteps, and I just hoped the humans wouldn't notice us until we were already upon them.

When we entered the main square, no one had seen or heard us still. How stupid do you have to be to not watch your back or your flank? I threw myself at the first human I saw, and the man shrieked in shock. Before he could even think about defending himself, I sent a swift punch straight to his face. The man instantly fell back, knocked out, and I felt the power start to get to my head. I calmed down my other side before it could get out of hand. I only want to disable the humans temporarily. I'm not going to kill anyone; I'm not my father.

There was a loud crash from somewhere, and I could tell that the barricade had fallen without even looking up. Metal makes a very unique sound when that much of it hits the ground at once. As expected, backup came running in with a fury, and we easily outnumbered the humans. I'm thinking that they didn't realize so many of us were still alive. Newsflash, we are, and we're angry. However, I hadn't thought about their machines. We didn't have a lot of resources, so we relied on tooth and claw.

An ear-shattering boom slammed through the clearing, and I looked up briefly. I saw a large gray ball flying through the crowd, and I was filled with dread right away. Oh my God, they're actually trying to kill us. We should do the same, but that was Benji's job to decide. I have to focus on what I was assigned to do, and that was to deal pain. I won't defy Benjamin's orders just so that I can have a moment of glory. A flurry of panic shrouded the supernatural, and I was afraid as well. If I'm honest, being faced with such a large projectile shared the shit out of me. I could break my spine and never walk again. Or worse, I could die from it.

Just when I thought that all hope was lost, Benji's unifying voice called from the roof of the city hall, "To the right!" Everyone knew that his words could only mean one thing; storm the cannon that's to our right. We all ran in that direction, and the humans handling the massive firearm dodged out of the way. One of the warlocks put water in it, and an ice incubus froze it up. The hole was plugged, and we were back on the advantage.

Benji was shouting instructions from his vantage point in demonish, and we were able to follow them almost to a science. The humans soon found that they had lost their advantages and that resistance was futile. "Retreat!!" a man in his mid to late forties called, and they began to stream away. I could feel the cogs turning in Benjamin's mind, and he spoke an order before they left the area.

"Take a few prisoners," he instructed coldly, and the directions were followed instantaneously. The humans offered no resistance, and I was reminded of another part that made them so weak. They didn't have the feeling of kinship with the other people of their species; they will never stick together the way we do. I know that if any of our people were getting wrangled up like we were doing now, I wouldn't just sit around waiting for it to happen. I would take a stand and fight for those closest to me. Once we had rounded up the ones that didn't run fast enough, we put them downstairs with Varian... All of them would be prisoners of war. I don't like thinking about my husband that way, but that's the only way I could. He had betrayed us, and we wouldn't forget it.

I went on a mission to find Benji, and he was on the second floor, walking back from the roof. His hair was sticky with sweat, but I saw the shininess in his eyes. I know how good it must feel for him to use his magic against someone again. The rebellion was still alive in my chest, and he gave me a flawless smile. "We won the first of many."

"We did, and it's all thanks to you."


"Nope. Now, let's go check on the injured then celebrate."

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