61. The Final Battle: Part One

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Benji's POV

Silence rang through my ears, occasionally broken by the slightest shuffle of bushes. My heart pounds out of my chest as I stare, praying that the humans don't notice us before they're in position. I hope that the rustling I can hear is only due to the utter lack of sound, and when they come, their footsteps will drown out the noise. 

Suddenly, in the distance, a branch broke, and I just knew; they're coming. The shifting around me went totally silent, and the waiting grew intense. I was the first to see a man around the bend, and I crouched down further so that I was fully concealed by the foliage. No one dared to make a single sound, knowing that this is the final possible stand; if we mess up here, it's all over. 

I held tightly to the object I would use for my bidding: a button, designed to destroy a quarter of their forces. It may seem cruel, but the mass explosive is the only equalizer we have. I've already warned Chris and Laura to get clear out of the way, but I don't know for absolute certainty how large the explosion will turn out to be. As much as I despise it, I can't guarantee their safety due to the unpredictable nature of the bomb, and I'm sure that I'm going to get it if they do blow up. 

As soon as they passed the predicted blast range, I pressed my finger down on the trigger, and body parts flew everywhere. It took me all of the efforts in the world not to throw up from the sight as blood sprinkled down like rain around me. In all, about half of the humans were taken out, and the remainder were struggling not to panic. With that, I called those on my side to charge while the panic was at its worst.

Those who were staged under Chris and Laura immediately turned against their own army, and I smiled to know that my plan with them worked much better than expected. Not only had they convinced the higher-ups to follow our plans, but they got others in the army to join our cause. It's not too long now before our victory is assured. 

I rushed in with my second favorite, only to my magic, weapon, the lance, and started to fight like there was nothing left. My pride in my species, my fear over losing the people close to me; I let it all out. My blade sliced through the human flesh as if it was butter, and I close my eyes to not release the contents of my stomach. People think I'm strong, and I might be, but my stomach is sure as hell weak. At the same time, fighting with my eyes closed isn't a particularly good idea.

Screams surrounded me as people young and old were stricken down by each other, and I had to take a step back to analyze what was happening around me. We seemed to be triumphing over them, but the numbers were close enough that I wasn't sure. Add to that that some of their own army was fighting with us, so just looking for uniforms wouldn't be good enough. In the distance, I saw a plane, and a spike of fear rose in my chest. Did someone have time to call for backup?

It continued to fly straight for us, and when my eyes narrowed I could see that the landing gear was down. "Retreat," I cried, and the people who were with me came back a few yards just in time for the plane to carve a path of destruction right through its own forces. I watched in horror as a few humans got caught on the wheels and dragged through the dirt, finally being squished beneath the weight of the entire airplane. 

Connor ran over to me and shouted a few words I could hardly hear over the deafening engine, but I swear I could hear the horrible panic in his voice. My eyes began to tear from the heat, and I was barely able to keep them open while I looked after the plane. Men began to pour from it with the army uniform, and I stumbled back. I have to think of something, fast... What can we do- what will get us out of this situation...

"All archers, prepare a shot! Spread out; surround them if you can! There are a lot of them, but we can pull through with enough tenacity! I need 5 people to come to me right now, there's a special job," I declared, and people around me began to instantly conform to my will. I can start to see how some army generals grow corrupt with the power given to them; being able to control those around me makes me feel special. Five of the most strong came to me, and I gave them a warm, reassuring smile. This reminds me how my skills can only go so far. Even if I think everything into the ground, there's no way to predict- say- airplanes coming out of the sky through the battlefield.

"I need you guys to listen close to me. I'm almost certain that this airplane wouldn't be leased out to just anyone- one of those on board has to be important. While the rest of us are busy occupying their attention, I need you to sneak around back and board the plane, if you are capable. If we get lucky it'll be someone pivotal to their chain of command, and we can weaken them for the rest of the conflicts." 

"What happens if they take off while we're still inside? I barely found my way here the first time, I'm not sure I can do it again," one of the men questioned, and I frowned. I didn't have time to think about that; people shouldn't be doing my job for me.

"I don't think that they would, but in the case that they do, stow away in the undercarriage of the plane. There might be a chance to get into the main section of their command and wreak havoc. Just in case, here's a communication device that will work up to 500 miles. As long as you don't fly out of range, all you have to do is press this button and speak, and I'll be able to hear you." I handed them the item while doing the demonstration, and they nodded. I watched as they ran off and redrew my weapon, preparing to run in and fight, when a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Benji, you need to stay out of it to get the best eye on the situation," Connor instructed, but I merely shook my head.

"This is my fight too, Connor, I have to go with them."

"You're of better use watching our backs. None of us noticed the plane; we would have died if you weren't watching. And you and I both know you don't deal with blood well."

"If you insist... I'll stay back and watch for trouble. But if anything happens, I'm blaming you."

"Fine, fine. Just- don't die, Benji... Please."

"You know I'm too good for that," I remarked. "Now go on and fight for the both of us."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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