59. Friends and Allies

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It was early the next morning when I heard a light rap on my door. I rolled over onto my stomach and placed a pillow tightly over my head but to no avail; they just walked in without authorization. "Benji, your little idea worked," Connor exclaimed, and I merely groaned trying to shut out the noise of him speaking. "Oh come on, get out of bed already. If we're going to have more people here, it's only natural that you at least come out to greet them."

"I got to bed super late last night, can't you have mercy?"

"Nope, now come along or else." 

A sigh escaped my lips as I sat up, looking at the room around me. The light blue hue escaped through my window blinds barely, and it took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to being open once more. Connor still hadn't left my room, likely to make sure that I actually hauled myself out of bed, and he was the first thing I saw once the vision had cleared.

"Do ya need help getting dressed?" he questioned, his head tilted slightly to the side. I was initially worried about how our relationship was doing, but he seemed to be in a better mood than he previously was. I felt his radiance from a mile away, and it made the future for me a lot more certain. After all of this is over, maybe we can go back to what it was like in the old days. He and I, just hanging out together like I wasn't a warlock and he isn't a demon. Just for a few moments...

"I would say no, but my doctor is already about two inches from flaying my skin, so I had better just swallow my pride and let you help me."

"Look at you with all of that personal growth and stuff. It's only been a few days since we last had a real conversation and already you've changed so much." 

His strong arms lifted me from the bed and supported all of my weight while we worked as a team to get me into clothes appropriate enough to meet brand new people. Soon enough I would be able to do this all on my own again; I wish my blood would filter to safe levels faster. Those guys really knew what they were doing to me when they used that brand of bullets.

Finally, after about 15 minutes of struggle, Connor was able to set me down in my chair, and we went together to my office. A bundle of nerves sat heavy in my chest- I always feel this way when meeting new people- but I knew that I would be able to think about strategy again soon. This influx changes everything for us; maybe the tide of the entire war will shift in our favor.

As soon as I made eye contact with the young people who had come, I knew exactly what to use them for. They looked to be 19 or 20, your typical age for joining the armed forces. One young man stood out to me in particular; he seemed the type that his charisma and soft smile would earn him all of the way to the top of the world. In a way, like me when I was younger. 

"Welcome, everyone," I began even though there were only about 10 of them. Doesn't feel like much, especially since they're humans, but any progress is still progress. I assume that if they're here, they support our fight, which is enough for me. Of course, there is still the possibility that one of them is a spy. However, if I only allow skepticism to plague my mind 24/7, there's never going to be a way forward for me. I have to trust that at least someone nearby is trust worthy.

"My friends keep telling me that you're a super mean guy," one of the girls piped up. She was the peak of health, beautiful skin and a fresh head of hair. She sure looks much better than anyone who's been with us for a long time; I can imagine that she's had time for a shower recently. 

"I know that's what the media likes to portray me as... I try my very best not to be. If you ask me, there's always a chance to show someone what you're really like. If you choose to stay here, we'll get that moment together. I like to get to know everyone here," I responded, but she didn't look quite convinced. I mean, if she isn't willing to take me at my word, all I can do is proceed to act as I always had. While it won't be pleasant to lose people, if it happens, it happens. Making someone who doesn't want to stay is never okay.

Our conversation ran smoothly at that, and I do wonder if they could feel my analyzation. Even though I don't want to be a stick in the mud, I still can't just let anyone inside. If one of their answers is too far off from the story I was told, they're right out the door. As much as I want to treat everyone fairly, I have to admit that humans give me more concern. 

There's something about the way they smile. It's soft, warm; it invites you in and reassures you that you're going to be safe. However, anyone with an inch of sense can see a layer deeper. Something is always buried inside of those eyes. I'm not a genius or anything, but humans are always lying about something or hiding things from you.

Take Varian for example. He has always given me bad vibes from the very first time I met him, but I put up with the fear in order to support Connor. I refuse to lose my only friend over a silly feeling. However, I was right. It's not like I'm going to tell him "I told you so" though. Sometimes it's better to be silently correct. 

Still, I don't get any feelings like that with this bunch. That doesn't mean that I'm going to rule it out entirely, but I think that they're going to turn out to be a useful bunch of kids.

"Is it really true that you slaughtered everyone in the clearing regardless of who they are?"

"Well, I have to admit that I did do that. Times were dire, and I didn't take the time to fully think through my actions. It's my fault that so many people are dead, but I'm not afraid to admit it to you. I understand if that makes you reluctant to join me now..."

"No, it shows me that you're dedicated. I mean, just because the people close to you were dying, you engaged in senseless slaughter? And not to mention the amount of power it must've taken to execute that. The human army has so many reinforcements, but you guys are barely holding it together. THat's why I want to join you; I feel like I can make a real purpose here."

"Well, if that's how you really feel, welcome to the team."

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