28. Death

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Connor's POV

I wasn't expecting this, but it was actually pretty fun hanging out with my father. It made me feel like a kid again... Well, almost. He's still not the same person he was before; he's just so out of it. I know that with time it'll get better, but I just felt really sorry for him. I hope that he finds better luck soon... I wish that I had heard him out before I encouraged Papa. There isn't anything for me to do now, and it hurts me deep down inside. However, if what my dad says is true, I'm kind of glad they split before it could get super bad. At this point, it can still be salvaged, yet I still don't hold a lot of hope...

"Hey Connor?" he breathed, and I turned my head to him. He was sitting on a stool in front of the mirror, aiming to get his old appearance back at least a little bit. Right now, he's combing the knots out of his long, black hair, and I got memories of when Papa would do that for him. No, that's negative thoughts. Don't think negative thoughts.

"What is it?"

"Did you know that you're the next ruler of hell still, even if you're the councilman for the wolves?"

"Wouldn't it be better to let Ariel do it? She's been out for my spot since we were children. I'm kind of busy; I can't occupy two spots."

"Connor, this is going to sound very stupid and very prejudiced, but it's tradition; I can't change it. The leader of hell can't be female. That's why we were training her to help you out on the pack side, not that one."

"That's horrible; it's her dream."

"I'm sorry, there isn't anything I can do about it without years and years of paperwork. I might not have that much time."

"I'm sure that you aren't going to die any time soon. You're still pretty young as far as council standards go."

"Connor, have you forgotten that we are in the middle of a war. It's a dangerous world out there."

"You aren't going to die, though, right?"

"It's possible either way. I may not, but I need to be prepared."


"I'm not afraid, and neither should you. Death is a part of life."

"What about me?"

"You will be fine. You have a supportive friend, a family, and somewhere to go from here. I only have you, and that's enough for me. At least for now. In a way, I'm ready to die. I can feel it deep in my bones that it's going to happen soon. I may not know when, but very soon. I need to get everything sorted before I do."

"I'm going to miss you when you go."

"I know you will."

There was a quiet knock on the door, and I turned towards it. A young man pushed it open, and I could see his wide-eyed naiveness just from looking at him. He was the kind of person that had no point of being here during a war, and I wanted to send him straight home. However, I didn't have the authority or a real reason to do that. He was allowed to make his own choices on whether to be here or not. I was only able to advise him in one direction or another. I don't control him.

"Yes, what is it?" I asked quietly. He was intruding on a conversation, but I could see from his onyx eyes that it was on purpose. Either he was ordered to come here, or he had a pressing issue that couldn't wait.

"I was asked to come to get you by Benjamin, sir. He said that it was something urgent involving your family. He's waiting for you in the underground. " My blood ran cold in my veins. My family? Had they been hurt? Hopefully, the humans haven't found some way into Hell.

"Thank you for letting me know. I'll be there in a moment."

"Of course, sir." He gave a quick bow before walking away, and my anxiety only grew. I began to worry about little Larp; was he alright? Benji should have known not to be too cryptic with me.

"That sounds pretty important; you should get going," my father instructed, and I stood up.

"You're right, I should." I speed-walked out of the room, and it only took a matter of minutes for me to descend below the earth. I could tell that this was previously used as a cellar. It would also be the best place for us to go if we were ever bombed; it's secure, and I could see myself feeling safe down here.

I followed Benji and another familiar scent, and it eventually brought me to a room with a metal door. I knocked, and the ring from the metal bounced all around the empty space. The noise made me jump a little bit, but I ignored it after a while. No one responded initially, but I heard a quiet, "Connor?" from the other side.

"Yeah, it's me," I responded, and the door slowly pushed open. Benji closed it behind him, and I felt like I was about to get a speech. I don't know why, but I couldn't drop the feeling like I was about to get bad news. Then again, what other reason would he want to talk about my family?

"I'm about to tell you something shocking; do you think that you're able to handle it right now?"

"I definitely can. I've never been better."

"Don't be so confident, Connor. This isn't a joke or a prank."

"Is it Larp..?"

"No, no one's been hurt. It's much worse than that. You're going to feel very hurt, right in the center of your chest. It's going to burn like a fucking bitch."

"Benji, just tell me, please. The secrecy is what kills me."

"Don't say I didn't warn you." He pushed the door open, and I was shocked to see Varian in the center of the room. I mean, less surprised since he had said it was about family but not Larp. The thing that had me thrown off was that he was tied up. His arms were behind his back, and his hair was in total disarray. I don't know what he's doing down here, but I must find out as soon as possible.

"Why do you have my husband tied up in the basement."

"Maybe he'd like to tell you himself?"

I turned to Varian, and his eyes were on me with a lot of anger. I don't know what I did to deserve it this time. Did I leave spoilt milk in the fridge again? "Why are you in the basement?" I breathed at him directly, but he kept his lips firmly sealed.

"Well, go on then; he should hear it from you."

"I'm not going to say," he commented.

"We'll wait. Unless you want to feel my wrath again, I suggest you tell us what you've done."

"Fine then... I'm the mole." This can't be happening...

Sorry for missing yesterday's upload; I had a lot of testing, and I was pretty tired afterward. I went straight to bed with the worst headache ever, so I didn't have any time to work on the story. 

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