Chapter 8

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"That was so much more fun than I thought it would be!" I laughed, climbing back into Harry's car after a few hours of posing for various different cameras. 

"And you were fucking good at it too!" He complimented, clipping in his seatbelt. 

"Really? I felt awkward as fuck the first half hour," I confessed. 

"Nah, you looked amazing. Trust me. I'll send you the pictures when I get them, but they'll be on the Sidemen Clothing website and account page probably," he told me. 

I mean, I kind of assumed they would be, but hearing him say 

"They're going to be on the website?" I asked, swallowing a gasp. 

"Well, yeah. You're practically the face of our brand now...if that's fine with you?"

"No! Yeah! That's more than fine with's just crazy, you know?"

"What, that you went from fangirl to friend?" He teased, starting the engine. 

"No, you've got it wrong. I never stopped being a fangirl," I corrected him. 

"Thanks for that. Never letting you forget it," he smirked, and we were off. 

"I already knew you wouldn't. I've got you all figured out now," I said, and it came out a lot more...flirtatious than intended. 

"Oh, you do?" He asked, his eyebrow raising in reply. It seemed like he had matched my flirting. I didn't know how to respond to this one. It was inevitable that I was going to make a fool out of myself sooner or later. 

"One hundred percent," I say back, shooting him a grin, before looking away, focusing my eyes on the road. Stay calm, Eddie. Stay confident. 

"You make me laugh, you do," I hear him reply. One month ago I would've died hearing this...and even right now I had to seal my lips to prevent myself from letting out  squeal. 

"That's stan twitter for you," I said whole personality had stemmed from there. 

"I feel embarrassed to even admit this, but I'm slightly scared of stan twitter...from the bits I've seen, anyway."

Oh god. It was mortifying because I knew for a fact he would've seen some of the tweets I had tweeted a couple of months ago...

"Alright, well, from someone on stan twitter I would like to apologise on behalf of everyone...just know we love you," I say, without even thinking. 

"Love? Seems kinda strong this quickly," he says sarcastically, making me freeze in my position. 

"No, shut up, you know what I meant!" I protested, knowing from the heat in my cheeks that they had turned a bright shade of red. Now this was embarrassing. 

"True, I's just funny seeing you squirm, sorry," he apologised half heartedly, turning his attention back to the road. 

"Dickhead," I muttered under my breath, sinking back into my seat slowly, just happy watching him drive. 

We arrive back to mine in no time - too quickly, for my liking, if I was being honest. I'd enjoyed seeing him again...and I felt sad leaving his company, not knowing when I was going to see him again. 

"Well, goodbye then," I spoke slowly, unclipping my seatbelt. 

"Bye, Eddie, hopefully we'll have another chance to see each other again soon," he smiled. 

"I hope so," I said quietly, opening the door and jumping out. 

"Me too," I heard him say back, and we shared a mutual smile before I closed the door, walking round the outside of the car to get to the gate. 

"Wait!" I heard him shout, his car door opening. I whipped my head around, seeing him stood out in the road. 

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. Ah, fuck. Okay. I don't know if this is weird whatever, but do you want my number?" He asked. 

Did I want his number? Was that even a question?

"Uh -"

"Fuck, sorry for asking. I shouldn't have asked, it's weird, right?"

"No! Harry, no! Come back...I just want you to be comfortable. if you're fine with it, I am also absolutely fine with it. I promise," I assure him, standing opposite him, awkwardly. 

"Really?" He smiled. 


He offered me his phone, and it was open to his lock screen already...I'd always wondered what his background was a picture of Herb, his dog...that was so cute. 

I opened his messages, typing in my number and sending a small hello. 

"All done," I handed him back his phone, waving to him once more. "See you in a bit, Harry," I spoke out, turning back around and walking through the gate, my head full of thoughts about him, and him only. 

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