Chapter 47

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Today was an emotional day. I had been on the verge of tears all day, and even the constant support and reassurance of Harry didn't make me feel any better. Today was the day I said goodbye to my apartment, and goodbye to living with Dylan.

I'd been living with him for two years, now, and to suddenly not live with me was sure to feel weird, and I didn't know how I'd feel not seeing him everyday.

"I'm going to start crying again," I whisper frustratedly, packing away a photo frame of us two in the Christmas market last year.

"Please don't, I think we've run out of tissues," Harry said, and whilst it sounded like a light hearted joke, I think he was being serious.

I roll my eyes at him, his words seemed to work though as I regained control over my emotions, managing to prevent myself from crying again.

"I know you're emotional, but the moving van arrives in an hour and a half, and you still haven't packed your room, we should probably get a move on," he coaxed, both acknowledging my feelings but also encouraging me to hurry up. He'd packed last night, all of his stuff in our living room.

Him and Cal had said their goodbyes yesterday, but it wasn't that bittersweet as his old apartment was close to our new one. Dylan's was not. They'd opted for an apartment out of Central London, towards the outskirts.

It meant that it would take nearly half an hour to drive to their new place, which was not easy to do with mine and Harry's busy schedules. It was looking like the trip to Guernsey was going to be a little more extended than usual - whilst we had intended on going for four days, it had somehow turned into nearly two weeks.

I had no idea how, and neither did Harry, but he seemed so excited about it I didn't say anything. Plus, I was really looking forward to it, too. The only thing that took away from my excitement was the nerves I felt, but Harry was there to reassure me about those.

"Could you do me a favour and chuck those clothes into that box?" I pointed towards the corner, going to chuck my books in a separate box at the same time. I wasn't completely unprepared, I'd done some packing already, I was just...slightly behind.

"You stress me out, Eddie Parks."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"I feel like crying again," I sniffed against Dylan's chest, as we both stood in our empty living room.

"Please don't. Harry might let you ruin his hoodies with your snot, but I will not," he says firmly, but sarcastically at the same time. "But please don't because I'll cry with you and I've tried really hard to not cry today."

"I'm trying my best!" I protested, resulting in giggles from the pair of us. It was better than crying, at least.

"I'm gonna wait by the car," Harry whispers from behind me, and I hear a cluster of words that I take as Sam agreeing, leaving us alone.

"I'm gonna miss living with you, Eddie Parks," Dylan declares, like he's announcing something important.

"I'm gonna miss living with you too, but I promise I'll come visit whenever I get a spare minute. And I'm still working on persuading Freya to hold a party at the house, which you will of course be invited to," I remind him, loving how his face lights up at the mention of a party.

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