Chapter 15

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I woke up with a sore neck, not the way I would've chosen to wake up. I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar sight - was this my living room? 

I had slept on the couch? Why had I slept on the couch? 

"Morning," a croaky voice from the kitchen called out. Was that -

"I'm sorry, I know I'm still here. I just wanted to be around when you woke up to apologise," he continued. 

"Harry - you're - in my flat?"

"Oh fucking hell, you don't remember? Maybe that's for the best," he laughs, bringing over two mugs of hot drink. 

"Thank you?" I say, slightly confused as to what's happening...I feel disorientated, and now, after his words I feel like I'm forgetting something. 

"Did you - did we?"

"No! No, no, no, no! Fuck no - not that it would necessarily be a bad thing, but no," he tells me quickly, and suddenly I can breathe again. Thank god. 

"So why are you here? You came round last night?" I ask, sipping on the drink, quickly pulling back after burning my tongue. 

"Well, I - uh, seemed to have come round last night, slightly off my head -"

"So basically you were drunk?" I interrupt. 

"Not entirely, no..." he spoke hesitantly, looking at me. 

I cottoned on soon after. "Oh..." I spoke out, and he nodded his head along in mutual understanding. "Are you alright now?" 

"Oh, no, yeah! I'm always alright the morning after," he smiles, and he says it so casually, as if he hadn't been as high as a kite on drugs last night. 

"Oh, that's nice," I spoke slowly, almost awkwardly. I wasn't...against drugs, necessarily. They just weren't something I'd ever plan on doing, or ever planned on being around.

"Look, I never wanted to mix you up in it, I was perfectly happy keeping it separate from you," he sighed, leaning back in the seat. 

"So why didn't you?"

"I dunno. I didn't have control of it last night. All I thought about was you, and in my mind I just needed you. I remembered your address and walked here from mine, fuck knows how because it's absolutely freezing outside, but I did it I guess," he shrugged. 

"Well, if anything, I'm glad you're safe. And feel free to stay around as long as you feel like, I've got nothing going on," I say quietly, the temperature of my drink finally reaching a tolerable level. 

"I'm not doing anything either," he smiled. "We could always go out, to like Hyde park or something," he suggested. 

"There's a nice café down by there, it does lunch stuff...we could visit there too, if you feel up to it," I added on, and we kept going until we had planned our whole day, right up until dinner. 

"...yeah, and I'll get the stuff from the Tesco's downstairs, and then I guess you could stay at mine? Or we could go out, into the night and all that," he said, and it created a whirl of butterflies in my stomach. 

"I meant it when I said I was fine with anything," I say softly, and he nods his head. 

"Pack an outfit, then, I guess we're going out tonight," he grinned, standing up and putting the mug in the dishwasher. 

"So we're going to yours after lunch? We aren't coming back here?" I double check, thinking about what I needed to pack. 

"Yeah, if that's alright with you. I don't mind carrying shit when we're out," he offered, walking back round. 

"I should be alright, but I'll keep that in mind," I smirk, telling him I'll only be a couple of minutes whilst I grab my stuff from my bedroom. 

I pack a dress I'd been keeping for the occasion, a shortish black dress with thin straps, nothing too major because I wasn't planning on impressing anyone at the club. Except Harry. 

I put a few other bits into a day bag, and walk back out into the living room, where Harry had now moved over to the beanbag on the floor, scrolling through his phone. 

"Hey, smile," I shouted, capturing the photo just as he looked up, a startled expression on his face. 

"Fuck sake," he grinned, looking back down at his phone. "That'll be trending in an hour," he added on, seemingly reading my mind as I opened up the Twitter app. 

"Too right, you give me way too much power," I smile, uploading the photo. 

@eddieparks: giving you all the content bc he's too dry to do it himself 

@eddieparks: giving you all the content bc he's too dry to do it himself 

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31.4k retweets, 98k likes

@wroetoshaw: I'm in the mud

10.8k rewteets, 47.9k likes

@eddieparks: ratio

7836 retweets, 50.2k likes

"Did you just use ratio on me?" He asked, a strange noise leaving his mouth. He almost sounded...impressed. 

"I have to handle my newfound fame in one way or another, what better than ratioing the guy I got it all from?" I smile, swatting his arm gently. 

"God knows what I got myself into when I followed you," he rolled his eyes. 

"Yeah, but think about how entertaining your life is now you know me," I wink, secretly very unsure of where this confidence has come from. 

"Very true," he agrees, walking towards the door and unlocking it. "Time to make a move?"

"For what? Our date?" I tease, watching his mouth move as he tried to form a witty comeback. But he didn't. 

"Yeah, I guess you could call it that."

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