Chapter 22

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once again, sorry for ghosting! hope you've had a good day! start a convo in the comments, i'll reply if you want! or don't, i can't rlly force u lol! enjoy :)

The morning after, I woke up happy, reminiscing last night, and how happy I'd felt the whole way through. Everything about it was perfect, the way he set it up, kept it a secret, and executed it...made me feel like the luckiest girlfriend in the entire world. 

I awoke in his bed, not remembering how I got there, but also not minding. There was definitely a lot of alcohol involved last night, which also probably meant - 

My clothes were bundled on the floor, along with his, making sense in my head. I peered over my shoulder, noticing that Harry was still fast asleep next to me, one arm tucked over the duvet, his lips crushed together as he was on his side. 

My hand instinctively reached over for his hair, two fingers running through it, combing it almost, as if it was a practiced routine for me. It wasn't, but I could definitely get used to it. 

My mind was conflicted. On the one hand, I desperately wanted to shake him awake, spend the morning just talking with him, but after all he'd done for me last night, he deserved a nice lie in...

I became the better person, slowly removing my hand from his hair, just admiring him from my position. Only a few moments later I made the decision to get up out of bed, leaving him there whilst I ventured into his kitchen, looking for something to eat. I wasn't expecting anyone else to be up, but Lux was sat at the table, eating some sort of bread. 

"You always seem to be up early," I smile, helping myself to the cereal in the cupboards. 

"What can I say, I'm a morning person," he replies, making brief eye contact with me, smiling and then looking back at his phone. "You have a nice night last night?" he asks, his tone sounding very...knowing. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask over the sound of cereal pouring into a bowl. 

"Come on, Eddie! Harry was literally pacing all day worrying about if his food was gonna be good enough, if you were going to think it was cringe, if you'd even say yes..." he trailed off, moving over so there was space for me to sit down next to him. 

"He was really that worried?" 

Cal nods his head feverishly, looking surprised at my own surprise. 

"I said yes to being his girlfriend in the middle of a crowded nightclub...the bar is on the floor, for me at least," I laugh, tucking into my food. 

"You two are hopeless together," he snorts into his food, turning red as he continued to laugh. 

"I'm sorry, we're what?!" 

"No, no! I mean it in a good way. You're hopeless together...he's off worrying about you not liking him enough, but you're right here, saying yes to an important decision in a dirty's just fucking funny to me!"

Well, now he'd put it like did sound kind of funny. We were an odd pair, me and him. Literally two people, against all odds, yet here we were, together. 

It was moments like these that truly made me wonder how the hell I'd ended up here, in this apartment, surrounded by these people, in his bed...because how did that happen to people like me? 

"Eddie? Did you hear what I said?" He reiterates, catching my attention this time round. 

"Huh? No, sorry, I zoned out...what's up?" 

"I said Cal and Laura are back," he spoke, standing up and taking his plate with him. I, however, stayed sat at the table, frozen to the spot because Harry had promised they wouldn't be in the apartment when I was. 

Well, technically he had promised me that last night...I'd never specified I would be staying over...

Fuck! I didn't want to see Cal. Or speak to him. Or literally acknowledge his existence. He'd frightened me so much to the point I couldn't move. Where it became difficult to control my breathing. 

My hands gripped onto the table in front of me, I looked ahead at the wall, focusing on a small line of discoloured paint to try and get my breathing under control again. If I could just centre myself now, I could get back into Harry's room and completely avoid Cal. It would be fine.

Or, at least I told myself it would be. 

It took me just under a minute to start breathing properly, allowing me to stand up without feeling shaky and jittery. Slowly I walked back towards Harry's door, my fingers crossed I wouldn't run into him. 

I turned the corner, Harry's door in sight now. I could hear Cal and Lux talking in his room, and they sounded pretty thorough. I reached his door, opening it and racing in as quickly as I could, shutting it immediately behind me. 

I must've shut it with a little extra force because Harry sat up, his eyes wide, as if something terrible had just happened. 

"Eddie? What the fuck?" He asked, clutching his heart, looking concerned. "What happened?"

"N - nothing," I stammered, my heart still racing, but lying through my teeth to him. 

"You just - you just slammed my door shut and you look unsettled, what happened?" He asks, rubbing his eyes and yawning, looking more awake now. 

"I promise I'm fine," I lie once again, coming to sit cross legged on his bed, avoiding looking him in the eyes because I knew I wouldn't be able to straight up lie to his face. 

His hand reached out for mine, taking my wrist, firmly but not too tight. "Eddie, I'm not playing...what happened? Was it one of them? What'd they do? What happened?" He repeated, looking more serious now. If I didn't know him better, I'd be getting slightly scared by now. 

I sigh, looking down at his hand before looking up. "Promise you're not going to get mad?" I ask, but knowing that after he hears what happened all thoughts of rationality and reason would leave his head. 

"Depends on what happened," he replies, his mindset not changing. 

"Freezy, on the night we went out, to the club, he - he cornered me outside and tried to blackmail me into trying - the drugs you guys do, I dunno, I didn't take it, and then you called but it was just fucking scary, and I don't -"

I felt him let go of my hand, everything moving too fast for me to comprehend. It took him under five seconds to throw on a t-shirt and leap out of bed, whilst yelling the words, "I'm going to fucking kill him," leaving me there in his room, completety dumbfounded. 

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