Chapter 20

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@eddieparks: bf reveal ?!?!??!?

@wroetoshaw: Fake news I'm not her boyfriend

    @eddieparks: sorry guys i'm imagining scenarios again

    @wroetoshaw: Once a fangirl always a fangirl 

    @eddieparks: I HATE YOU

It was the morning after...Dylan and his date had walked back in on us doing - whatever we had been doing. Harry had stayed over, like he'd promised, and we'd had a very chilled night. Lots of promises being fulfilled, if that meant anything to anyone. 

"Not that I don't love staying over at yours, because you know I do...but why won't you come back to mine? I know it's probably nothing and I'm just being a dickhead and overthinking it, but every time I bring it up you change the subject," he whispers to me as we lie together in my bed. 

It's been just over three weeks since the night out, and I've managed to avoid Cal the entire time. I thought I'd been hiding the problem pretty well, but judging Harry's concern right now, I'd retract that statement. 

"Harry, I -"

"Please don't change the subject, Eddie...I know something has to have happened," he says quietly, absentmindedly twirling a strand of my hair between his fingers.

"It's literally nothing," I sigh, procrastinating telling him the truth. I'm still not completely sure on how he'll react, and it scares me. 

"But it's something, right? Something happened, I'm right about that?" He pushes, making my breath hitch slightly. 

"Me and Cal just had a little argument, that's all...nothing major, but I just wanted to stay away for a couple of weeks," I tell him, brushing my palm against his in an attempt to reassure him I was fine. 

"You're sure that's it?" He asks one more time, holding onto me tightly whilst we spoon. 

"I'm sure," I lie, hoping this is the last time he asks about it. 

"Alright," he says softly, planting small kisses on the back of my neck, and immediately I begin to feel at ease. That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. 

"Come round tonight?" He asks after a few more moments of silence. Clearly this is something he's not going to let go of easily. 

"Harry -"

"It's alright, Cal's staying with Laura tonight, it's just Lux in the apartment," he reassures me, kissing my neck again. 

"I don't get why you want me to come round so much...but fine, we'll spend tonight at yours," I say, not being able to resist him any longer. 

"Because I have a little something planned," he replied, vaguely, I might add. 

"Fucking hell, what're you doing?" I ask, twisting my head round ever so slightly to just get a glimpse of him. He was smirking, the dickhead!

"Well it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you now, would it?" He teased, sounding so pleased with himself. 

"You and your fucking surprises, I swear to God," I joke, leaning back into his chest. "I hope it's nothing too huge," I add on, all of the endless possibilities running through my mind. It literally could be anything. 

"It's nothing too huge, I promise. Just a little something, Ed. It'll be worth it," he whispers, and I start to feel at ease again. 

"You have yet to break my trust Harry Lewis, don't go starting now," I warn him, smiling to myself as his grip became more firm around my stomach. 

"You know that's never gonna happen, right?" He asks, his voice coming off a little deeper now, inciting a flurry of butterflies in my stomach, just underneath his grip. 

"Thanks for the reminder," I tease. 

"Yeah, well, Dylan may've slipped it into conversation you like to be reassured sometimes, guess I'm doing a good job," he says, making me tense up in the position I'm in. 

"Dylan told you that?" I ask, wondering just what else he's told him about me. If he even dared -

"Yeah, he told me a couple other things too," he replies, and I can literally hear the smile on his face as he talks. 

"Do I wanna know what else he's told you?" I groan, my hands covering my face in embarrassment. Knowing Dylan, he's one hundred percent already told Harry everything there is to know about me, including -

"The pictures you had on your wall? Yeah,, he told me about them" he speaks, silence following them. 

"That little fucking c -" I say, but break it off as I remember he's in the other room. If he wants to embarrass me in front of my boyfriend, I'm sure as hell going to do it in front of his date. 

I jump out of my bed, racing out of the room before Harry has a chance to stop me. Darting through the living room, I burst into his room where I see him and Sam lying on his bed together, both of them lifting their heads up at the sound of the door being opened. 

"Sam, did you know Dylan once congratulated a woman for being pregnant when she wasn't? Did you know he locked himself out of his car when he was on holiday in France? Did you know he once laughed the whole way through a funeral? And he also -" 

I was interrupted by Harry entering the room and covering my mouth his hand, also managing to lift me up, holding me against his side. 

"Dylan, I am so - and I mean it, so sorry," he apologised, leaving the room straight after, with me still in his arms. 

"Luh - me - guh!" I muttered through his hand, half tempted to bite it until he removed it. "You can put me down, too! Prick," I muttered, grateful for when my feet were firmly on the ground again. 

"Eddie, fucking hell! Calm down! He only told me one thing, and in my opinion it wasn't even that bad! As long as you don't have a shrine dedicated to me right now I couldn't give a fuck!" He explained, seeming genuine about it. It still didn't lift the feeling of embarrassment, though. 

"Can I clear up that I do not have a shrine of you?" I repeat, finally looking at him, making eye contact. 

"Everything's fine then, yeah?" He asks, holding his arm out for me to grasp, which I do, enjoying the feeling of his touch very much. 

"Yeah," I agree, holding him there for just a moment before deciding I need to go apologise to Dylan. "I'll be back," I say to him, going back over to his door and creaking it open this time. 

I back away immediately though, after hearing the rustling of sheets and a not so innocent sound coming from Dylan. I guess that was what I got for bringing up the funeral incident. 

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