Chapter 33

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"Eddie? Wait - please just hear me out, I'm so fucking sorry, I just - Cecelia?"

I noticed her from the corner of my eye. I only looked at her for a couple of seconds, but it was a couple of seconds too long, because Eddie's face had fallen, and any chance I had of explaining myself to her had now dissolved into nothing.

"Still sorry?" She asked, the sarcasm so obvious in her voice. She sounded so angry, and it hurt because I knew she had every right to be. She'd walked away immediately after, and I didn't even bother trying to follow her because I knew I'd be stopped by someone the moment I moved.

Cal was trying to handle the Cecelia situation whilst simultaneously glaring at me, and it gave me an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I hated when the two of us argued because he was the chillest guy around. When Lux was angry at you, you knew it was because of something bad.

"You sorting this out, or what?" He asked, and his voice sounded almost poisonous. If words could kill, I would've died on the spot. He was filled with a seething hatred for me, but then again, I would be too if I was him.

"Yeah, I will, yeah," I mumble, trading places with him, watching him leave the lobby, just me and this girl stood together.

"So, you remember me, from la -"

"What do you want? Money?" I ask bluntly, trying my best to sound bored so I could get out of this situation. I wanted to be anywhere but here.

"No! I don't want money. I just - I don't know. Look, last night was the most fun I've had in ages, I just wanted to know if it was a possibility that -"

"No. Absolutely no way at all. Is that all?"

I got the feeling she wasn't used to people telling her no, as she looked like she was about to burst into a fit of tears.

"But -"

"I said no! I don't even know why you came here! I thought it was obvious from the way I left it was a complete mistake! I wish it never fucking happened! Please leave!" My voice had significantly raised, and she looked taken aback now. I watched as she retreated away from the doorway, walking back down the path, leaving our driveway.

I didn't give her a second look before closing the door, momentarily holding onto it, letting out a sigh that had been building up for at least an hour.

"Nice job, dickhead," I heard from behind me, but not in the usual sarcastic tone I was used to. No, this time it reeked of actual anger, and rightly so.

"Look, Cal, I get it. If I could leave here, leave all you guys so you could have fun without me being here, I would. I know I fucked up, I don't need the constant reminder. I'm not in denial, I've accepted I fucked up, what else do you want me to do? To say? You guys don't want me to say anything! I can't win in this situation!" I reply, my tone equally as angry because for the first time I'm at a loss of what else I can actually do.

"I just - why, man? Why the fuck did you go and do that?" He asked, his shoulders slumping, looking at me as if he was in defeat. I was unsure, but for a moment I wondered if he was willing to hear me out. Out of everyone, he would be the person most likely to.

"I didn't! I mean, I did, but it wasn't me, I swear! I was so off my face, Cal. Not just drunk, either, but please don't tell anyone that. I promised Ed I wasn't doing them anymore, after Freezy, and fuck, man. It's just so - fuck!"

"Dude, on her birthday?"

"I know, I know I've ruined a day that she already hated, you don't have to remind me," I shook my head, looking at the floor, feeling completely and utterly sorry for myself.

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