Chapter 45

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Harry's birthday was this coming Friday. Just five days from now, and I still didn't have a clue of what to get him for his birthday. He had spoiled me so much on mine - regardless of what had happened that night - we didn't mention it.

What were you supposed to get someone who had the money to get whatever they wanted? I didn't know what he wanted, and I didn't want to ask him because I'd planned it to be a surprise.

"You look deep in thought," Harry's voice popped my bubble of thought, his hands sliding down my shoulders, his head looming over my own.

"I am," I replied vaguely, not wanting him to catch onto the fact I was stressing over his birthday. I was certain he'd tell me not to worry about getting him anything.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked, the use of the phrase reminding me of my nanny I'd had as a child. The reminder brought a smile to my face.

"Mmm, I don't know about that. Might be too intelligent for your brain to handle. Don't wanna overload you," I joke, stroking his cheek in adoration. "Only joking. Just thinking about how we'll be living together in a couple of weeks," I lie, but not completely. That had also been in my head too.

He took the bait. "I'm excited. The apartment, you, the's so exciting."

"How did Cal take it?" I ask, realising I'd never even thought about it before.

"He's - uh, he's fine. He has someone moving in," he says equally as vaguely as I'd been earlier, making alarm bells go off in the back of my head. I didn't know if I liked the sound of that.

"Oh? Good for him," I appear to sound happy, not wanting to intrude. It wasn't my business, regardless of how weird it sounded.

"It's Maisie. She's moving in, they're official," he tells me, and I don't think I've ever been more surprised at the revelation of anything.

"Sorry - what?" I exclaim, now physically twisting my neck round to face Harry, who looked like he was bracing himself for my reaction. "Did he not kick her out of this place only a few weeks ago?"

He gulped. "Well, yeah, out of respect for you in the moment. He still likes her. He told me he hasn't felt like this since Sarah - and that was years ago. He seems genuinely happy with her."

"Right, then," I say simply, not having the energy to debate this with him - or anyone right now.

"I know you two aren't talking right now, and you know better than anyone I'm not entirely fond of her...but Cal is our best mate, so I figure we should you know, try to be civil with her for his sake. I know he would do the same for us."

Harry, annoyingly has a very good point. Cal was the most giving person I knew, which was exactly why I worried that he and Maisie were just not a good match. Cal was all give, and Maisie was entirely take. I didn't want her to take advantage of him, like she had with me. Cal was too nice for his own good, everyone around him would agree.


"Right, yeah, got you, okay," I muttered, wanting this conversation to end.

"Alright, then. Love you," he offers as words of comfort, and as usual I accept them, saying it back to him.

"Love you too."

"I've got to film with the boys for a couple hours, but it's for second channel so I'll just be in my room doing it. You gonna be okay?"

I nod my head. "I think I'm gonna head out for a bit. I'll text you," I smile, tilting my head upwards to reach for a kiss. "Have fun filming!"

"Where you off to? Anywhere exciting?"

To get your birthday present. Or at least try and find it.

"No, probably just to see Dylan, or maybe Freya, I'm undecided yet."

"Have fun, Eds. Text me if you need anything," he says, pressing up against the sofa, retreating to his room, leaving me alone in the living room.

I was still at a loss of what to get him for his birthday, and time was pressing. If I ordered something online, the chance was that it wouldn't come in time.

That left the only option of buying something in person, and where better than Central London?

I'd recruited both Freya and Josh to help me on my mission to find Harry a birthday present. Josh because he knew Harry in a different way than I did, and combined we could work out something for me to get him. I'd brought Freya along for the moral support, really, and also because I hadn't seen her in so long.

We made a good trio, I thought, and except for the seven times we'd been stopped to take pictures so far, we'd been very productive.

"So nothing football related -" Josh started, and I shook my head before he even finished his sentence.

"No. He has literally everything football related, anyway. Besides, I want it to be more meaningful. Something not too sentimental, but something he'll like, and actually keep.

"Eddie, he'd keep anything you got him," Josh said with a smile, Freya joining in.

"The man is so head over heels in love with you, I might hurt you if you don't realise that," she warned, and a part of me knew she wasn't exactly joking.

"Okay, okay. But still. I want it to be special, not just any old boring present. It's his birthday with us together, and I want my present to reflect how much I love him, and how much he's done for me. Like, come on - he surprised me with a trip to Italy for my birthday. How am I supposed to compete with that!"

"You don't. It's not about competing. Just think of him, or your relationship, and try and think of an object that would symbolise that. What is something he's wanted, or mentioned? What is something you want him to have?" She listed, and it got me out of my mental mind block.

I had an idea.

"This way!" I shouted, the shop we'd passed earlier popping into my mind. I started to jog back down the street, through the bustling crowd, Freya and Josh trying their best to keep up with me from behind. It didn't take long for me to locate the shop, and I opened the door, welcoming the refreshing smell that filled my nose.

I saw the exact present I wanted to get him at the back of the store, a grin dancing on my face. It was perfect. It captured Harry's essence completely, and was something I wanted him to have. It would need a little modification here and there, but I was sure if I paid extra I could get it done by his birthday.

"You bought us to a ring shop? Are you trying to propose to him or something?" Josh asked, scratching his head in visible confusion.

"Don't be stupid. I'm getting him a ring with our
names engraved. I've always pestered him to start wearing rings, and he said if I bought him some he would. What better than to buy him one and engrave our names on it?"

"That's a perfect present," Freya whispered, all three of us walking to the back of the store so I could pick out the exact ring I wanted.

"Isn't it? Something clicked when you said what you said earlier," I smiled tiredly, pointing at the ring in awe. "This place is perfect."

"He's going to love it," Josh said, looking at the ring in admiration. "I kinda want one myself."

"Christmas, maybe," Freya hints, gleaming down at the rings already on Josh's fingers. Maybe I could get Harry to wear them like that one day. He'd look amazing with them on, I already knew it.

"Hi, can I help?" A store assistant asked, interrupting our conversation.

"Hi! I'd like to purchase this ring..."

1.3k words :) i have work at 3am tomorrow and it's currently half 8 so i should probs sleep oops! hope u enjoyed pls vote if u did it rlly helps!!

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