Chapter 37

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ps, song inspo for this chapter was sparks by coldplay. go give it a listen!

I spent the next week at my own apartment, in my room, keeping to myself. Sam had all but moved in, and whilst I wasn't opposed to the idea, it definitely changed the dynamic between Dylan and myself.

Whilst before, when Harry had been here too, it had been more balanced. We'd spent time with our partners, leaving just enough time for each other now too. But now that Harry was gone, the gaping hole that left me alone felt so isolating. Dylan and Sam were happy, and I was happy for them, yet I couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness. It poked and prodded me so much that it got to the point where I needed to leave the apartment for my own well being.

"You're going out? Anywhere nice?" Dylan asks, resting against the countertop in the kitchen whilst Sam is busy showering in his bathroom.

"No. Just for a drive, maybe get some dinner on the way," I shrug, sending a small smile his way, chucking a few essentials into an over the shoulder bag.

"You know, we could always come with you," he suggested, but the answer was unanimous before he'd even finished the sentence.

"It's alright. Another time?" I offered, though I knew I wouldn't be too eager to follow through.

"Definitely! If you're back late just let me know, be safe, yeah?" He asked, blowing me a kiss and sauntering back to his room.

I hadn't told him about my encounter with Harry last week. Especially not about the drugs, the fact he'd nearly overdosed, or that I'd vaguely promised him a relationship in the future.

I'd barely even spoken to Harry since. Well, at least not directly. We'd decided it would be for the best if we went our separate ways for a couple of weeks, whilst he got back on his feet and prioritised getting sober again. Then we would talk.

But I'd asked Cal to keep an eye on him, and he'd been letting me know about how he was doing. And he was doing okay. He was doing alright for someone going through serious withdrawal, amongst other mental health issues, and I was rooting for him from the sidelines.

I unplugged my phone from where it was charging, briefly looking through the notifications, seeing if there were any worthwhile me reading. Most of them were just useless twitter mentions, not even worth my time, but there were a few texts from close friends, amongst other interesting ones.

@freyz mentioned you in a Tweet!

@freyz: The general public has spoken, @eddieparks - will you make a debut in my next youtube video?

2k retweets, 7k likes

      @eddieparks: i would be more than honoured!!!!!

3k retweets, 11k likes

To: FREY !!

if this video includes forfeits then i, myself, forfeit

Now where is the fun in that!!

it has been said i am secretly the most boring person ever

Do not lie to me young one

never (and i mean it) call me young one again



ok cool wine auntie

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