Chapter 4

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hello!! psa that i will be using lydia night as the faceclaim for eddie! so for any twitter posts or instagram posts in this story, it is lydia's face that will be featured!! okay enjoy 

Wait for me in the dressing room. Won't be long :)

That was the text I had received from Harry nearly forty five minutes ago. It was getting later now, and soon enough it would be getting dark. I hated travelling back in the dark. I was almost considering texting him saying I had to go, but a large part of me didn't want to leave...I probably wasn't going to get this sort of opportunity again, I needed to use every single second and make the most out of it. 

i'll be late home today, don't stress xxx

how'd it go babes!!!

scary but soooo good. he's so much more good looking irl!!!

i'm jealous...that man is EYE CANDY!!!!

i love him.

i know you do ed hahaha

be safe coming home

i will!! see you later dyl 

I nearly dropped my phone when I heard a knock at the door, it frightening the life out of me. 

"Eddie? You still here?" 

It was Harry. About time!

"Yeah, I'm still here," I replied politely, remembering that he was the famous one and I was not. 

He peeped his head round, closing the door after him. "Sorry it took me so long. They needed to refilm some bits, and I didn't have my phone on me to text you - anyway, I'm sorry. Thanks for waiting," he said, rushing his words. I couldn't help but smile at the slight panic in his voice. 

"Harry, don't worry. It's alright," I reassure him. "So, uh, what did you want me to stay for?" I asked, now I was the awkward one. 

"Oh! Uh, I just thought we could talk a little. You know, maybe just...get to know each other? Or something - unless you have to get home, which I'd totally understand, you're probably a very busy person!"

"Not as busy as you probably are," I reply, shuffling over on the small couch, allowing room for him if he chooses to sit down too, which he does. This is probably the closest I've gotten to him so far and my heart rate is showing for it. 

"I'm dying to long have you watched us for?" He asked, making himself comfortable whilst grinning over at me. 

Rolling my eyes, I softly glared at him. "Why did I know you were going to bring this up again...I'm not telling you that! Long enough is the definitive answer," I say, the two of us smiling. 

"Okay...fine. So how come you're living in London already? You're only nineteen, right?"

"You're only twenty two," I counter quickly, and he looks surprise at my comeback. 

"Alright, true...but I have a reason for mine...what about you? If you want to answer, obviously."

"I'm staying with my best friend, currently looking for a job after I dropped out of parents are paying for me to be here," I say truthfully, something I don't tend to tell a lot of people. Or, anyone, really. 

"So your parents must be minted, then?" 

"Something like that, yeah," I say vaguely, not wanting to get into my backstory at all. 

I think he could tell I had become awkward with the conversation because he soon switched it to a different subject, one we were both passionate about. 

We must've lost track talking because it had soon approached nearly seven in the evening, and it was pitch black outside. 

"Crap...I'm gonna have to book an uber in the dark," I muttered under my breath, not expecting Harry to hear, but he did. 

"I'm sorry for keeping you so late...I could, uh, drive you home?" He offered hesitantly. 

"Oh, no, don't worry...I'll be fine getting back," I say quickly, not wanting to overstep the line at all. I didn't want to ruin the little bond we had started to create today. I didn't want to ruin our friendship. 

"Are you sure? Like you said, it's dark, and uber's can be - sketchy in the dark," he pressed. 

"Yes, thank you for reminding me about that...but no, seriously, I'll be fine getting back. Thank you though."

"Alright...give me a message when you're home, if you wanted to, you know...anyway, thanks so much for today! I hope I can - uh, see you again? Maybe?" He suggested, and I wasn't sure if I had heard him correctly. 

Again?! He wanted see me again? I gulped the shock down, trying to start my brain up and figure out what to reply. 

"Right, yes, yep, message me...whenever." It still felt weird saying that. I had close contact with a man I was and had been in love with for nearly four years? Bordering five? 

"Alright, then. Be safe, Eddie, okay? See you soon," he said, getting up and waving goodbye before leaving the room. I breathed out, as if I had been holding my breath back the last few hours. The day was over but it had been the best day I had had in a while. 

I called an uber to the address, scrolling through Twitter to pass the time. I still had nearly twenty minutes left before it arrive so I decided to tweet a couple things. 

@wroetobog: literally what even happened today

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@wroetobog: ok well if we are playing this game i will post some pictures !

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@wroetobog: i've had a stinker!! -boggo

@wroetobog: i've had a stinker!! -boggo

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