Chapter 16

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I was still out of breath by the time we had made it up the stairs, into Harry's living room. For some weird, unknown reason, we'd both mutually decided that a race from the station to his house would be a clever idea, forgetting that it was actually a good fifteen minute walk normally. 

To cut a long story short, I was keeled over by the sofa, and although Harry was managing it a lot better than I was, he was still very red in the face, downing a glass of water. 

"You two sound like you've been -" Freezy interrupted, walking through into the room. 

"Shut up," Harry grinned, throwing a soft cushion over at him, hitting him in the face. 

"Oi! I was just saying that at first, it sounded like you two were going at it! Eddie can handle it, she's one of the boys now," he grinned, holding his fist out for me to bump. I did so, earning a smile back from Cal. 

"Yeah, make sure you don't suck her into it too much," Harry warns, and there's definitely something behind his words, but I'm unable to figure it out. Not right now, at least. 

"Anyway, I hear you're coming clubbing with us tonight?" Cal changes the subject, moments after Harry leaves the room. 

"Sure am! Have an outfit and everything. I even have my ID, because fuck knows I'll need it tonight," I smile. Every time I'd bought alcohol or anything that requires being over eighteen, I'd always gotten ID'd because I just did not look a day over eighteen. 

"Love to see it! We're leaving in an hour or so, see you then," he tells me, leaving the room as Harry comes back in again, his arm wrapping around my shoulders. 

"My room?" He asks, but not even giving me a chance to answer as he's already starting to walk me back up the stairs. 

"Wait, shit, I forgot my bag, it's in the living room...let me grab it quick?" I ask him, slipping out of his grip and going back down the stairs, picking up my bag and starting to walk up the stairs again. 

As I do, I manage to catch a wisp of a conversation between Freezy and - I couldn't hear the other voice. He was on the phone. 

"Yeah, no, yeah. Fifty quid? Sick, yeah, I'm with some friends, planning on asking her if she wants to try some too, but I'll have to do it when he's not around. I asked him over text today and he got weird about it. Anyway, see you in a bit, man."

What the hell was he talking about? Who was the girl? Who was the boy? Was it me? 

The room he was in started to create more noise so I sped away from where I was standing, back up the stairs and into Harry's room, where he was sat on the bed. 

"Everything alright?" He asked, not looking up from his computer. 

"Yeah, everything's cool. Can I use your bathroom to change?" I ask politely, still clutching onto my bag. 

"Course you can," he smiled, briefly looking up, before looking away again. 

I don't hesitate, going straight into his bathroom and locking the door. I chuck my bag on the floor, taking another moment to just process the fact I'd heard something I most definitely shouldn't have. 

It wasn't any of my business. It wasn't any of my business. It wasn't any of my -


I looked in the mirror, taking slow breaths, controlling my breathing. I was fine. It was fine. I was just...overreacting. I just needed to let loose tonight, and to have a good time. And to do that, I needed to look good. It was time for a transformation. 

Five minutes later I was changed. A further five minutes after that my hair was done. Fifteen minutes after that my makeup was done. 

I unlocked Harry's door, peaking my head out from the door, spotting him lying down on his bed, also changed into new clothes. It was weird seeing him in something other than a football shirt and shorts, yet here he was in grey sweater and black trousers. 

Simple...but very, very effective. 

I felt overdressed now. Had I overdressed?

"Eddie..." I heard my name being called. I looked up to make eye contact with him, and he looked...impressed. It made me feel incredible, and I was unable to prevent the smile forming on my face. 

"I look alright?" 

"You look...amazing. I kinda just want to - you know, kiss you," he spoke quietly, tilting his head to the side, obviously checking me out. 

"Then do it," I encouraged him, teasing him almost. 

He didn't need telling twice. He was by my side in a second, his hands cupping my cheeks, taking my face and pressing his lips against mine. It was suffocating, but in the best way possible. A feeling that I would be chasing after until the next time it would happen. 

He pulled back, his breath heavy against mine. "The things I'd do if we weren't going out in twenty minutes, holy shit," he whispered, and his words excited me. 

"Twenty minutes is a long time," I mused, my fingers playing with his chin, tickling him almost. "Enough to do what you're insinuating, anyway," I smile, watching him catch on. 

"But your dress...your hair," he countered, his fingers intertwining with the solo strands at the front. 

"What about them? You're the only guy I wanted to impress by them, and it seems it's worked," I smirk, slowly walking back, towards his bed, all feelings of worry from earlier vanishing by the second. 

"You are kidding? Of course it worked," he spoke slowly, walking towards me, until he reached me, and even then he kept moving, pushing me back down onto his bed as he towered above me. 

"Why don't you prove it?" I teased, and after my words escaped my lips he seemed determined to do just that. 

His knees were either side of my waist and he had lowered his head so it was directly above mine. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment."

His face graced mine once more, his lips on mine once more, and my body was lit up, from nerve to nerve, everything was on fire, everything was moving so fast. And then one of his arms travelled down to my thigh, the other staying firmly on my waist, every angle of my body itching to be covered by his. 

"You need to be quiet...the walls aren't soundproof," he whispered, seconds before his hand moved up, earning a small shriek from me due to the surprise movement. 

His hand covered my mouth, his voice lower than it was before. "What did I tell you about being quiet?" He asked, refusing to let go until I nodded my head. "Good," he continued, sounding more satisfied. 

He's stopped kissing me on the lips now, instead moving down to my jawline, and soon enough it would be my neck. My dress would be off in less than two minutes, and if I was being completely honest, I was absolutely fine with that. 


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