Chapter 5

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liked by wroetoshaw, dylanpeters, maisiecloke and 301 others

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liked by wroetoshaw, dylanpeters, maisiecloke and 301 others

@eddieparks: promise i'm happy

@wroetoshaw: Excited for tonight yeah ?

      @eddieparks: naturally 

@dylanpeters: it's so unfair i like boys

@maisiecloke: I MISSS YOUUUUU COME HOME SOON!!!!!!!

       @eddieparks: COME TO LONDON SOON!!!!

@user827492: why did harry like this post lmao

Seeing him in my notifications still came as a surprise, even two weeks after he has started following me. I guess we were friends now - right? Us texting everyday, joking around with each other, that was what friends did. 

I still felt nervous when texting him, the whole idolising him for years thing hadn't died down, it was definitely still there. Right now it looked like he hadn't cottoned on to how much I had been a fan girl, and hopefully he never would. 

There were some things about my time as a fan that he could never find out about. Ever. 

"Oi! Ed! Your laptop's making a funny sound," Dylan called out from the living room. 

My laptop? 

I walked in, hearing the familiar ringtone coming from my laptop. Someone was facetiming me. I didn't know whether it would be my parents or someone else, but to my surprise it was Maisie, my friend from home. 

"Ooh! it's Maisie. I'm gonna take this in my room," I explain to Dylan, accepting the call and retreating back into my room, my laptop just about balancing on my arm as I did so. I managed to drop it onto my bed just as it connected, her face coming on full screen. 

"Ed! God, I've missed your face. So, tell me everything!" She said, propping herself up on her bed. 

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently. I knew exactly what she meant. She had been friends with me during the peak of my obsession with...Harry, and the rest of them. We'd been inseparable since I was thirteen. 

"What do I mean?! Excuse me, you have the man you dedicated like, what? A good chunk of your life to, in your Instagram comments! How have I been told nothing about any of this?!" She asks, astonished. 

"Ohhh, you're talking about that!" I said sarcastically. "He followed me on Twitter like two weeks ago, and then he invited me to a video shoot and we've been talking ever since," I say simply, although I was dying inside at my own words. It seemed like she was too. 

"Eddie Blaine Parks I can't believe you have not told me any of this! This is so fucking huge!" She screams, so loudly I have to press something against the speakers on my laptop. 

"Maisie! Shush! Dylan's probably trying to do something!" I laugh. "Anyway, the new video with me in is coming out tonight...well, actually in literally half an hour...I'm so nervous," I tell her, chewing on my fingernails. 

"Why're you nervous? You've already filmed it, right? You know exactly how it went," she asked, not really understanding what I was worried about. 

I didn't know how to explain it to her...she wasn't really...on the same side of the internet as I was. Some of the things I had grown up with she had never even heard of. 

"Nothing, nothing. It'll be fine, I was just overthinking," I lie to her, knowing I'll talk to Dylan about it. 

"Are you sure?" She asked, clearly concerned. 

"Of course, of course," I try to reassure her, and start steering the conversation a different way. 

We end up talking for another ten minutes or so before I make up an excuse to leave the call, promising I'll call her again soon. 

By now it was only minutes before the video was scheduled to go up. My Twitter timeline was flooded with guesses what the new video was going to be, with my mentions also going crazy. I was on sixteen thousand followers now...that was way too crazy for a fan account...

@wroetobog: ten minutes i'm gonna poop my pants lowkey

@wroet0whore: ME TOO EDDIE ME TOO

@starminter: SAMEEEJDDNWS

@user821327: Lol same

192 retweets, 1,259 likes

@wroetoshaw liked your tweet!

@wroetoshaw retweeted @Sidemen's tweet!

i'm nervous

What for?

the video to come out

Wait why?

i'm just nervous that people aren't gonna like the fact i'm in it

like they'll recognise my face and shit

Eddie if you're genuinely not comfortable I can talk to Josh or Kon or someone but I can't guarantee it won't go up

no no don't cancel it going up i signed the slip of paper anyway

They made you sign shit??

well yeah like confidentiality and stuff idk


Well I'm sure people will like you in it. And even if they don't, I did

And I'm glad you came along 

i'm glad i went too :)

sorry for randomly messaging you like that btw, i know it was weird

i don't wanna overstep

We're friends, Eddie

There is no overstepping when it comes to messaging on twitter

Message me for literally anything

i'll hold you to that :)

You better. 

It's up!

i know i'm already watching it

That was so fast?!

uh yeah i just refreshed it a little???

I keep forgetting you've watched us for 'long enough'

careful i can sense the sarcasm

Good. Now relax, and enjoy the video. I'll message you in a bit :)

How mad did that one sound?

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