Chapter 12

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My head was absolutely not okay. It was banging, and by the amount of alcohol I had consumed last night, I was absolutely not surprised. 

It was a struggle, but I opened my eyes, grimacing at how light my room - wait, this wasn't my room. Why did it look so -

I sat up in horror. Looking to my left I saw him fast asleep, facing the opposite way. My heart started racing, why the fuck was I in his bed? 

I looked under the covers, to my relief I was still wearing last nights clothes. Thank fuck. 

But still, why was I in his bed? The last thing I remembered was drunkenly singing I Will Survive on the sofa last night - that was it. 

I climbed out of his bed as quietly as I could, managing to leave the room without waking up. All I needed to do was get out of the apartment without -

"Morning," a voice echoed from the other side of the room. 

For fuck sake. 

I swivelled round, seeing Lux sat at the table, a coffee on the table. How was he so - okay this early in the morning? He had been pissed too last night, right? 

"Good morning," I replied, partially distracted with trying to figure out how I was going to leave before Harry woke up. 

"Leaving without saying goodbye?" He continued, standing up and walking over to me. 

"Goodbye?" I questioned, finding my coat on the floor. 

"I meant to Boggo," he repeated, as if it was obvious. 


"He's fast asleep, I'll text him later or something," I say quickly, but realistically I just wanted to go home to avoid the awkwardness. We had shared a bed. 

"You're more than welcome to stay here until he wakes up, if you wanted to," he continues, giving me a knowing smirk. 

"I friend's probably wondering where I am. Thank you though," I say to him politely, putting my coat on and walking to the door. 

"You want me to tell Harry anything?" He offers, holding the front door open for me as I hover there. 

"Just tell him it was a fun night. I'll see you soon?" I ask, turning to go. 

"I'm sure you will. Goodbye Eddie," he said politely, closing the door behind me. 

Maybe I should text Harry now, explain where I was before he woke up. I owed him the courtesy, after leaving so suddenly. 

hey! i've gone back home now, i just thought i'd tell you before you wake up :)

from what i remember it was a fun night so thank you!

ps i hope your headache isn't too bad because mine is horrific

There, that was explanatory enough. It would do. I got into my car, and started it up, whilst simultaneously phoning Dylan. Hopefully he'd be awake. 

He was. He picked up nearly straight away as I started to drive. 


"Dylan! I'm on my way home now, sorry for not texting you," I started to explain. 

"Don't even worry. I knew you were fine," he replied, and I could hear through the tone in his voice he knew something. 

"What's going on? Why do you sound like that?" I questioned, not sure if I even wanted the answer to that question. 

"Please tell me you remember what you posted on Twitter," he laughed, but after a moment of silence he stops laughing. "Oh my don't remember?"

"Of course I don't remember, otherwise I wouldn't be asking! What did I post? I can't exactly check right now, I'm driving!"

"Oh, uh, you really want me to read it out?" He asked me slowly, and at this point I knew I was completely fucking screwed. 

Surely if it was that bad then Cal would've told me before I left? Right?

"Yes! I do want you to read it out!"

"Okay, well, the first one wasn't so bad -"

"First one? How many are there?" I asked, getting more and more stressed by the second. These needed to be deleted as soon as possible. 

"A few," he continued, and started to read them out. "The first one was just a video of Harry singing, you captioned it 'drunk wroetoshaw for the timeline', then the second one was 'I'm at his house y'all' and the third one -"

He had to pause, so I knew it was bad. 

"The third one was 'he's a good kisser,'" he finished, leaving the call silent. 

If I hadn't been driving - 

I needed to pull over. Right now. 

"Eddie? Hello? Are you still there?" Dylan asked. 

"I'm still here, yeah. I'm trying to pull over. I'll see you when I get home," I say, managing to find a spot to stop, waiting for him to say goodbye before ending the call. 

I opened Twitter, going onto my profile and seeing not only the massive increase in followers, but also the sheer amount of likes that stupid tweet had. 

Over a hundred thousand? This had to be a sick joke. 

Are you sure you want to delete this Tweet? 

This Tweet has been deleted. 


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