Chapter 17

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"I'm just off to grab us some drinks, give me two minutes," Harry shouted, making sure I heard him before he left. Lux had gone off with a group of lads around fifteen minutes ago and was now dancing on a table to the music. We'd decided to let him be.

Freezy had been coming and going, socialising with pretty much everyone he saw. Currently, though, he was at the table with me.

"Eddie, can I speak to you outside?" He shouted, starting to stand up.

"What about Harry?" I called back, looking over towards the bar, where Harry stood, his back facing us.

"It's chill, I told him where," he says vaguely, and I agree to it, partially because I'm already pretty waved.

I follow him out, squeezing through the people partying, where we finally make it outside of the club, hearing the distant sounds of the banging bass.

"What did you wanna talk about?" I ask, quieter now because it's just us.

His hands dip into his pockets, and he brings out a small bag full of -

"Is that a bag of coke?" I gasped, stepping back, my legs hitting the wall behind me.

"It could be yours, if you wanted it," he spoke slowly, holding it out towards me.

"No, no thank you," I stuttered, shaking my head. I might've had quite a bit to drink, but I also knew where I stood regarding drugs, and it was a big fat no.

"Have you ever even tried it before?" He asked again, sounding pretty insistent. 

"N - no," I whispered, shaking my head vigorously. 

"Exactly! You might like it if you try it, and then if you like it I can get you more -"

"I said no, Cal," I said quietly, looking over at the door that now seemed so far away. If he was just a little to the right I would've been able to dart past him. 

Where was Harry? I needed him here right now. I needed him to tell Cal no for me, maybe he'd listen that way. 

"Stop being fucking pathetic and just try it Eddie!" He shouted, taking a step closer towards me. 

My body was starting to freeze up now, my fight or flight instincts kicking in as I felt threatened. 

My phone started ringing, the familiar tune feeling like a breath of fresh air. I whipped it out, seeing Harry's name on the front.

"Don't even think about telling him," Cal warned me, putting the small bag back in his pocket, finally walking off and leaving me stood there, my phone still ringing. I swiped across, accepting the call, with a shaky hand I held it up to my ear. 

"Eddie? Where are you? I came back and there were new people sat at our table," I hear him say over the music. 

"Cal -"

"Hey mate! Where'd you go?" I heard him ask, a little distantly, obviously he'd lowered his phone. "Sorry Ed, Cal just came back...what were you saying? Where are you?" He repeats.

"I'm uh - I went home, didn't feel too well," I lie, biting my lip as I lean against the brick wall, trying to hold in a sigh. 

"What? I would've come with, you alright?" 

"I'm fine, promise. Don't worry about me, just have a good night," I tell him, starting to walk further and further away from the club they were in. 

"Eddie, if you want me to come to yours or anything I will, I'll call a taxi or something," he insists, but he can't know that anything happened. Not when I don't know for certain he'll take my side. 

"I'm seriously fine! Just overwhelmed. I'll text you tomorrow, alright?" I say again, and after what feels like hours he finally agrees, letting me put the phone down. 

When it's over I let out the huge sigh I'd been holding in, although at this point it's more of a sob. A what the hell had just happened kind of sob. 

I had absolutely no idea how I was ever going to be able to show my face at Harry's place again. Not with Freezy being there. I didn't want to see his face again. Not for a long time. 

I didn't really want to get a taxi home either, I just started walking, not minding where I'd end up. It wasn't too late. Dark, but still only around eleven. There were various groups of people enjoying their night, with their friends. I wanted to go back to half an hour ago where I'd been the exact same. 

The music had changed to a song I'd heard Harry playing in the background of some streams before, I knew it was one he liked. 

"You wanna dance?" I asked, catching his attention. His face immediately lit up, downing the rest of his drink before standing up with his arm outstretched. 

"What was that for?" I asked, mid giggle as I motioned towards his empty glass. 

"Confidence," he replied, taking my arm and whisking me towards the dance floor. 

"Confidence for what, exactly?" I asked, letting his arms reach round my chest, clutching me firmly, swaying along with the music. 

"To ask you out," he grinned, making me tense up. 

"You what?" I asked, unwrapping his arms and staring at him, the two of us motionless in a club full of people dancing. 

"I asked you if you wanted to be my girlfriend," he repeated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "And I needed to drink that last bit to make me less sober, you know, if you say no I can forget about it," he shrugged. 

"I'm inclined to say yes, I suppose," I smile, watching his own smile widen, pulling me towards him, starting to dance again. "You should've known it was always going to be a yes, dickhead."

I stopped in the middle of a pavement, my fists clenching as I looked up at the sky. I should've known. I should've known things had been going too well. This sort of shit only happened in books. And I sure as hell wasn't the main character anymore. 

@eddieparks: fucking asshole 

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