Chapter 14

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A quick trigger warning for drugs / drugs misuse ! Stay safe <3

"Eddie! Eddie, wake up!" A voice shook me awake from my sleep. 

"What time is it?" I groaned, rubbing at my eyes, opening them to a pitch black room. What the hell? Was I dreaming?

"Half past three in the morning," Dylan's voice spoke, and he sounded tired himself. 

"Then why the fuck are you waking me up for?" I ask, annoyed now. I valued my sleep. I especially didn't like being woken up in the middle of the night. 

"There is someone at the door asking for you...he doesn't do I put it, sober," he finished. 

"Do we know who? I'm not just going to open the door to a str -"

"It's Harry. I really think you need to go and see him," he continues, and now it seems more serious than he's letting on. I'm literally still in my pyjamas, and my hair is everywhere, but I jump out of bed, telling Dylan to go back to his room to bed, before going to the door. 

I hear him before I see him, he's talking to himself loudly. 

I open the door, ushering him in, holding him by the arm. Switching on the light, I quickly adjust my eyes, looking at him. He looks like a mess, and his eyes are a deep red. 

"Fucking hell, what've you done to yourself?" I whispered, dragging him behind me into our living room, switching that light on and all. 

"Drugs! Lots of drugs!" He said cheerfully, clapping his hands together like a child. 

"I can see," I muttered, filling up a glass of water. I had no idea how to handle him like this, I'd never surrounded myself with - dare I say it, drug users before. 

"How did you get here? Please tell me you didn't drive," I asked, panicked. 

"Noooo, I walked. Took me fucking ages," he laughed, rolling his head back. 

"You - walked...from your apartment, to here? Whilst off your face on whatever drugs you're on?" I asked him slowly, not knowing whether I should be impressed or concerned. 

"Yes! I did nearly get run over by an elephant but I survived!" He tells me, and somehow it sounds like he may be exaggerating just a tiny bit. I go along with it regardless, knowing he'll forget all of this by the morning anyway. 

"An elephant, huh? Well, I'm glad you're still alive, Harry. How about you get some sleep? You can take my bed," I tell him, knowing he's not exactly going to say no, he's fa too gone for that now. 

He nods his head dozily, holding his hand out for me to take, his head cocked to the side. 

"You're beautiful," he grins, and even though I know he probably doesn't mean it right now, it's still nice to hear it from his mouth, despite the state he's currently in. 

"Yeah, alright...let's get you into bed, alright? Hopefully you'll feel like yourself in the morning," I chuckle, hauling him back into my room, and onto my bed, which is still slightly warm from where I had been asleep.

Thank god I had taken all of the posters down that day...imagine if he had woken up in a room full of his face? he would've run for his life and never looked back. 

"Goodnight, Harry," I started, but I could already hear the soft snores from him in my bed. He was asleep already. Now it was finally my turn again. 

I only slept until eight in the morning. Four hours after I had put Harry to bed. Speaking of, there had been no movement from my room yet, so I was leaving him be. I still had no knowledge about taking drugs of any kind, and even if I did, I still wouldn't know how to help because I had no idea what he had taken. 

I had, however, text Cal to let him know that Harry was safe at my apartment. He was probably hungover, too, but as long as I had done my part and text him, I was fine. 

Dylan slumped into the kitchen, heading straight for the kettle. He looked how I felt. Exhausted. 

"Is he still here?" 

I nodded, almost feeling guilty. Well, not almost. I did feel guilty, period. Dylan shouldn't have had to have dealt with that last night. 

"Dylan, I'm so sorry -"

"Don't apologise. Just make sure it doesn't wake me up next time," he smiles, and I feel appreciative that he's understanding. Not many people would've been. 

"He's still asleep. I think I'm going to leave him until he wakes up by himself, although I regret leaving my laptop in there now," I say, tempted to nip back in and grab it. If he was truly asleep, then he wouldn't hear me creeping in, right? 

"Go for it. I'm going for a shower, anyway. Need to wash away my tiredness," he jokes, leaving with his coffee. 

I enter my room, and it's unusually dark because the curtains are still drawn. I'm used to them being open at this time, so it's weird. I spot my laptop on the desktop, getting ready to leave until I heard him talking. 

Is he sleep talking? 

" her - no, yeah, I do...her, yeah, I like her..." he muttered, whilst tossing and turning. I felt intrusive standing there and listening, so I bolted out, my heart pounding. 

Liked who? Was it me he was talking about? 

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