Changing the future

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Requested by @DanielleSkyeEl

Nia Nal always seemed to be hiding something, but like the most do, they ignored it or were simply oblivious. Even though she was a bright sunshine, just like her mentor, Kara Danvers, there were still shadows hiding secrets. She hid her secrets like her other idol, Lena Luthor. It's so weird that she has so many familiarities with two powerful women...It's even more weird when you look at Nia more closely, she looks like a young Lena but has the humor, the compassion to help and see the good in people, the need to bring the truth, the hope in the darkest times and the sunshine that radiates from Kara....Literally powerful features from both women. And let's not forget that Kara and Lena are like her mother's to Nia.

Alex, J'onn and Kelly have been raising suspicion, but not the negative suspicion. All three agree that Nia doesn't want to do harm and is actually way to innocent to do something rebellious, but still...She can be a real badass if she wanted to. J'onn has tried countless of times to read the young girls mind, but it seems like that "Naltorians" can block out Psychics. And Brainy, he just doesn't have a comment...Well he is form the future and must know who Nia truly is, but he doesn't want to harm the timeline and put risk into it.

But let's say, all of that mystery and suspicion will be answered one day...

Supergirl and Dreamer were trying to bring this huge rock looking alien down. Supergirl kept on giving him hard punches and used her freeze breath to slow him down, but then he gave her hard right hook by surprise and Kara flew straight into a wall. He got angry and wanted to stomp on her, but right on time Dreamer held his heavy foot before being able to step on Kara. Supergirl looked at Dreamer in shock and surprise. 'She never mentioned she had super strength.' Kara thought in her head, but got out of her trance and gave the alien a hard upper cut that made him unconscious. DEO vans started surrounding the scene and both heroines fled away to stop the robbery at National City bank.

It has been a though day for both of them and at last they headed to the DEO. Kara was still questioning about Nia's powers, maybe those are just new developments, but she can remember that Naltorians don't have super strength. "Hey Kara are you okay?" Nia asked and looked at Kara with concern. "Huh? Yeah I am, just thinking." Kara said and gave a reassuring smile, which seemed to satisfy Nia. "Well you both seemed exhausted." A familiar voice teased and bot heroine's turned around to see Lena. "Babe! I thought you were in L-Corp." Kara said surprised and went to peck Lena's lips. The Luthor chuckled and was engulfed by a tight hug. "Well, Alex asked me if I could help with upgrading their armory and that's how I landed here." Lena joked and made Kara chuckle. "Sounds fun." Kara said and gave a soft kiss to her girlfriend.

What nobody saw was the little tear that fell out of Nia's eyes, as she saw Kara and Lena being happy and totally in love. "It's nice to see them." Brainy whispered and totally took Nia by surprise. "Yeah, it's nice to see them like this." Nia whispered, happiness yet a hint of sadness in her voice. "You know, I have a feeling they might find out who you are." Brainy said clearly worried. Of course he new her secret, because he is from the future, but the risk of Nia being in caught is very high. "I know, but I never really go the chance to meet them and I just want to have the chance to know them." Nia reasoned and the alien next to her nodded. "Just be careful, you did slip out today by revealing your super strength." Brainy explained and Nia just gave a sigh indicating 'I know'.

Soon the young heroine went into one of the sparring rooms to train. And she is to exhausted to go sparring, but she suddenly found herself punching cement blocks to dust. After her heavy training session, she cleaned it up with her superspeed and sat on the floor, looking at a necklace that was all too familiar. It was the necklace from Kara's mother and it was one of the few things left from her Ieiu. But just right then Kara bursted into the sparring room and that action startled Nia that the necklace flew to the ground. Of course Kara caught in time, but was in utter shock when she saw the necklace. "Nia, from where did you get this?" Kara asked, she was in total disbelief. Nia just looked to the ground and didn't say anything. "From where did you get this?" Kara repeated and her voice was much firmer. "I...Before I answer this...You should bring Lena and Alex in here." Nia simply said, knowing that she has been caught and that there is no turning back. Not even a minute later, Alex and Lena entered the room, with faces filled with concern. "What's wrong?" Alex asked, as she looked between Kara and Nia feeling the uncomfortable tension. "I think you guys need to take a seat for this." The young heroine said and soon all three grabbed a chair from the sparring room.

"I'm not who I seem to be...I'm Nia Astra Luthor-Danvers and I come from the future." Nia said that with so much fear in her voice. It was quiet for a time and all she could see was the shocked faces on all three older women. "So you're telling us..." Alex let the question hanging in the air. "That I'm Kara and Lena's future daughter and your niece." Nia answered the question. The then looked at her mother's who seems to be trying to process the information. "It explains everything." Kara whispered and got questioning glances. "You love reporting and being a superhero. And today you showed that you have super strength...And Naltorians don't have super strength and now it explains everything. You look like a young Lena and you understand complex mathematical equations...We have similar personalities and your fighting style is just like the one that Alex taught me...You are really are my daughter." Kara said that in a mix of happiness and disbelief at the same time and Nia saw tears building up in her Ieiu's eyes. "Don't forget that she's my daughter too." Lena stepped up and went to hug Nia tight, and soon followed Kara and Alex. It just got to emotional, that all started to cry. Nia just enjoyed the warmth she got from her mother's and noticed how much she missed it...She felt like she was safe and loved.

As they broke the embrace, Alex asked: "But you why are you here? Wouldn't future Kara and Lena be worried?" Nia knew what she was about to say would only bring more concern. She took a deep breath and looked ta her aunt and mother's with worried yet serious expression. "I just want to meet my mother's and get to know them...Because in the future I didn't get the chance." And that got an eyebrow raise from Lena. "What do you mean?" Kara asked, concern evident in her voice. To be honest all three were worried about their future. "I couldn't spend a lot of time with you as I wished too. You guys died when you tried to protect me and from then on I became an orphan. I didn't have much of you in my memory, because I was only four when I lost my mother's. So aunt Alex and Kelly raised me and told me stories about you...Who you were, how you met, what you did...And it made me miss you so bad, that my mission here is to prevent it from happening...That you guys will be alive and have a chance to raise me." Nia had tears in her eyes and swallowed a sob. "I know what I am doing is a huge risk for the timeline and the future, but I just want to meet my mother's and change the direction. I know how it feels to lose your parents and when I saw I had a chance to change it, I took it." It was quiet and everyone were in tears, but then Kara took Nia in her arms and hugged her tight, as if she were afraid of letting go. Lena and Alex followed the embrace and once again they're crying together. "We will make sure that you have us in your future." Kara promised, knowing that it is a promise she doesn't know if she can keep, but she will try her best. "We can't promise, but we will try our best. We are so sorry the pain we inflicted on you." Lena said with teary eyes and cupped her daughter's cheeks. "I love you mamaí and Ieiu." Nia whispered and heard both of them gasp. Again, fresh tears were pooling out of her mother's faces and Kara gave Nia a soft kiss on the forehead. "We will try to change the future." Kara promised.

15 years later

"Nia Astra Luthor-Danvers! You are going to be later for school if you don't get up!" Shouted Lena from the kitchen, while cooking pancakes. "Shhh....Five more minutes mamaí." Grunted the young half Kryptonian. Lena sighed and just saw her wife enter form the balcony after stopping a fire. "Go wake up your daughter. She has your grumpiness, so you should be able to deal with it." Lena threatend with a spatula, which of course Kara found adorable. "Good morning to you too babe." Kara greeted and pecked Lena's lips, before going up the stairs to wake up her daughter, who is definitely not a morning person. "Inah, it's time to wake up or I will eat all of the pancakes." And like that a 11 year old Nia is out of her bed, speeding to the kitchen. "No!" She yelled and made Kara laugh. As she went down to the kitchen to see her daughter and wife eating peacefully, she was happy to see that they were able to change the future. She was happy that she and Lena were able to keep their promise to Nia. They did change the future, but this time with a happy ending.

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