A soulmate would love their soulmate no matter what

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Requested by @MarianaMoll3

Kara's pov

It was a normal evening in National City. There were a few crimes, but Supergirl was able to stop them. Even though my life is really complicated, I wouldn't change it...Because I love it, I love it even more when I met my soulmate Lena. Lena and I are going strong, and we've been about almost eight months together...And those eight months were amazing. The first time I met Lena, I knew she was the one I want to marry...I don't have second thoughts about, I never had. I'm just wondering when I should ask her, plus I still ned to buy a ring.

I got home earlier than expected. I knew I would be alone for awhile, because Lena had a project she has to have it finished due today and would probably come home at around midnight or even later. I ate some leftover food and started to watch some movies, because Supergirl wasn't needed and all my articles are done.

But suddenly I got this weird feeling in my stomach...I ignored it at first, but then this pain came in...How is it possible that I can feel pain?! I groan in pain and then I have this feeling I have to puke everything out. Immediately I run to the bathroom and puke my guts out...Literally everything I ate came out and this is the worst feeling ever. When I was done, something crossed my mind...Nope, no it can't be, Lena and I are females and can't get each other pregnant. But the symptoms I have are the exact same of a pregnancy...Could it really be? I have to be sure, so having an internal panic attack, I opened a bathroom drawer and took out a pregnancy test.

After the longest three minutes of my life...I looked onto the stick and it showed...Positive...I-it's positive...No, no it can't be! I used my x-ray vision on my body and there I saw a little bean in my uterus...Oh Rao, I'm pregnant...But how? How is it possible. I haven't slept with a man...I didn't cheat on Lena and never would. What should I tell her? What should I tell everyone? No one would believe me when I tell them I'm pregnant, but haven't slept with a man. What should I do? What can I do? I don't know what to do...

I was so lost, I sat on the floor and began to cry...I should be happy that I would have a baby, but right now I feel lost, scared and fooled by myself...If I would tell this to Lena, she would leave me, because she would think I cheated on her and if I tell this to everyone else, they would leave me too, because I betrayed someone in a relationship, they would think I'm a bad person...I would be left alone, with a child. I could only think on one thing...Leave.

I wiped my tears away, stood up, grabbed the test, super sped around the apartment, packed a few things and got changed. I didn't know what to do, so the best way possible to avoid any pain was to leave...To run away. I grabbed the remote Cisco gave me, but before I opened a portal...I thought about what I would leave behind...I would leave Lena behind, I would leave everything behind. Quickly, I grabbed a paper and pen and wrote down the things I wanted to say...Maybe soulmates are soulmates, but some are not meant to be together. As I finished writing, I laid the letter onto the kitchen island, with the apartment key and then...I jumped into the portal and left.

Lena's pov

Ugh, finally I was done with my project and could not wait to see my beautiful girlfriend at home. All I wanted to do was to get changed into one of Kara's sweater, cuddled with her while we watch movies and get kisses...I really could it wait and when I finally parked my car into the garage, I jumped out like a kid who was excited for ice cream. When the elevator stopped at the floor, where Kara's and I's apartment is, I walked out of the elevator and opened the door. "Love, I'm ho-." I cut myself off when I was met by a dark, empty apartment. "Kara?" But I didn't get any response. I turned on the lights and there was no sign of Kara, nothing. I searched around the apartment, till I found a letter and a key on the kitchen island. I gently grabbed the letter and opened...And as I read the first two words, I began to cry:

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