Family is not perfect

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Lena was at the DEO, helping Alex to try and analyze an unknown serum. "Lena, I think we should take a break." The director said exhausted and Lena agreed. "I'm going to the canteen. Do you want something form there?" Alex asked. Lena looked at the older Danvers and smiled. "No thanks Alex. I'll get food myself." Lena said and Alex nodded, leaving the Luthor alone.

Of course Lena continued to analyze the serum, almost forgetting about the thought of food, till she saw Supergirl or Kara come in. Of course she knew Kara was Supergirl, glasses did not really disguise well and she wasn't mad when she found out...She actually understood why Kara hid her alter ego, because of her protection...All she did was wait till Kara would tell her. There was a this frown and anger on the Super's face and the Luthor wondered if somethings was wrong. Kara didn't even notice Lena was in the facility and walked over to her private room, where her mother's hologram is. Worry and curiosity took over Lena's mind and quietly followed Supergirl. When she saw the Super enter a room, she peeked through the door and saw Supergirl standing in front of a hologram. "Kara Zor-El, my daughter. What is it that you want to know?" The hologram asked and Lena was shocked. 'That's Kara's mother? Kara Zor-El, that's her Kryptonian name?' Lena asked in her mind. "Stop the formality mother. Was father a criminal on Krypton, so you used aunt Astra and uncle Non to cover up his crimes? Is he the cause that Krypton was destroyed?" Kara asked, clenching her fists and anger was clear in her voice. "I am not programmed to answer this." The hologram said. "Answer me!" Kara shouted and made Lena flinch. "I am not programmed to answer this." The hologram said. "How dare you cover up crimes for a man that destroyed my home?! Our home?! I hate you and really hope you get my words and see how much you've hurt me! I've spent two decades in the Phantom Zone, thinking I will be stranded there for eternity. I saw Krypton die with my owns eyes. I saw how Astra and Non died...I lost everything! My home, my culture, my family...Everything that has held me together. Why did you let father do this? The man you loved was a monster and you let other people pay for his crimes and let everyone die....How could you?! You have no right to call me your daughter, because I don't see myself as yours. I am not Kara Zor-El, I feel ashamed to wear a name of a monster who has killed my planet...Do not call me Zor-El!" Supergirl shouted, tears of anger flowing out of her red, gleaming eyes. Lena was in shock, she never saw Kara like this.

I was quiet for a moment till the hologram said: "I m not programmed to answer this." Kara was on the edge and activated her heat vision. "AHHH!" Kara yelled angrily. The hologram disappeared and Supergirl kneeled on the floor in defeat. "How could you?" Kara whispered and started to sob. Lena on the other hand, never saw Kara this broken and started to pity her. She thought the Super's had the perfect family but she was clearly wrong...Even their family is not perfect. She now knew one thing, Kara and her did relate in many things. From being hurt, used and betrayed by family, to trying to make a name for themselves out of the shadow of their older relatives. Lena's thoughts got interrupted when Kara stood up and walked towards the door. Quickly Lena sped walked to the control room. Acting as if she did not hear Supergirl's hurt voice, the Super herself came into sight with a smile, a smile that did not reach ear to ear. "Miss Luthor! I did not know you were here." Kara said surprised and walked towards her best friend, giving her hand to shake. "Supergirl, nice to see you too. I was helping Director Danvers with the serum." Lena said and shook Kara's hand. "Well, it's always nice when you're here." Kara said, with a warm smile. Lena saw pain, betrayal and...adoration, in the Super's blue eyes. "Do you mind if I help with the serum? I may know what it is." Kara asked and Lena nodded. "Of course." Lena answered with a genuine smile.

The Luthor and Super walked together to the laboratory, in comfortable silence. As they arrived into the laboratory, Kara asked: "Have you eaten any lunch?" Lena raised a brow and nodded a 'no'. Not even a second later, Supergirl was back with Big Belly Burger. "I knew you wouldn't eat, so I ordered Burger for you." Kara said and handed the take out bag to Lena. "Thank you, Supergirl." Lena thanked, with a warm smile on her face making Kara smile. "No problem." Answered Kara. While Lena was eating her Burger, Kara took the serum and did some stuff. "Supergril what are you doing?" Lena asked, wondering what she was doing. "We don't need to analyze the serum. This serum was created by my fa- by a criminal, who was a scientist. It can be used to kill every alien except for Kryptonians, but just by a few molecule changes it will be deadly to Kryptonians. The formula was in the Fortress of Solitude and J'onn ordered me to destroy it, which I happily did." Kara said, looking through a microscope. Lena was kind of surprised that Kara was quite nerd with science, but she felt bad when she heard the pain in Kara's voice by the mention of her father. "So how can we disarm it?" Lena asked, she was attracted to the Super, well Kara for a long time and seeing Kara all nerdy is adorable. "It's quite easy. I'll take the most dangerous molecules out and destroy them with my heat vision. The other's will die without the molecules I will separate." Supergirl answers and started to separate them, with some machine.

"Okay. I actually never knew you were that good in science." Lena said and saw Kara frown. "Yeah, not many know. On Krypton I was the youngest to enter the science guild. I had also interest on engineering, but not as good with science. I did inventions there and other stuff...Those were the good times." Kara said, hiding her pain with a smile. Lena knew that the smile wasn't real and wanted to help her. "Are you okay? I mean you can talk to me about it. It's just you seem hurt by something." Lena said worriedly. Kara was taken off guard and thought she was hiding her pain well, but she really needed to talk to someone. She sighed and signaled Lena to take a sit. A short time on silence took over. "My parents don't seem to be the people I thought they were. My mother was a judicator, some type of lawyer here on earth. My father was a scientist, a very respected scientist. My mother sentenced people with high crimes to a ship known as Fort Rozz...My aunt and uncle were sentenced there. All I thought, my parents played the heroes on Krypton, but it was the exact opposite. My father is the cause of the destruction of Krypton...he did experiments on the cores of Krypton and people had to adjust very quick onto the new climate...But because of it's fast changes, we could not adapt that quick, causing more damage to it due to economical problems. He also did other things...Experimenting on people, animals, precious plants or stranded aliens. My mother was blinded by love and covered up his crimes, by putting my aunt and uncle into prison...The reason my aunt made Myriad was to stop my father from doing these crimes..But of course another story came out. The worst part is, they also used me to capture them." Kara said, as tears dwelled up in her eyes. Lena just listened closely and attentively, understating the hurt in Kara. "I-I feel angry, betrayed and hurt. They sent me away, without giving me the truth and if they were alive I would want to scream at them...For the pain they've pt me through. I know you had also problems with your family...I mean you were betrayed and hurt by your family, Miss Luthor. And I'm sorry if I'm bringing you bad memories. But what my family did is a shame to the once great House of El...And I hate carrying his name...I hate it." The Super said, wiping her tears away.

Lena scooted closer to Kara ad gave her a hug. The hug meant a lot to Kara and it calmed her down. "We both relate in a lot of stuff. I fell the same...I hate carrying the Luthor name, but we have to live with it. Don't let the name bring you down, let it lift you up...Prove that you are not like them...Be different, be good. That's what my best friend Kara taught me. She also taught me one thing...Family is not perfect." Lena said and looked into Kara's eyes. Kara was astonished that she was the one that said those words and Lena really took it with her. "Kara is really wise." Supergirl chuckled out, making the Luthor smile. "Yeah, she's eaxrtaornednary." Lena replied, gazing at the beautiful woman next to her...the hero of National City, the ace reporter form CatCo, her best friend...The love of her life.

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