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Kara couldn't be more happier. After hearing that she could get an early leave, she had to try her best to hide her excitement, but of course Lieutenant J'onzz, knew that the sergeant was boiling with absolute excitement.

"I really have an early leave?" Kara asked in disbelief, as she was holding the FMLA document, reading it through and through, just to make sure she hadn't read anything wrong. "You deserved it Sergeant Danvers. After all of what you've done...You definitely deserved it." Lieutenant J'onzz answered, patting the sergeants back, while giving her a soft smile. Kara smiled back, giving the lieutenant a hug. "Thank you." Whispered Kara, happy tears filling her eyes that she would be able to see her family soon...Gosh how much she had missed her family, her wife and her son. J'onn hugged the young woman back, knowing how much Kara missed her family and always dreaded of missing so much of her son's life. "Your welcome, but you were the one who did all the hard work." J'onn answered, causing Kara and him to chuckle. "Well, I did have a great teacher." The blonde answered, making the lieutenant smile. "You better go, before someone changes their mind." Joked J'onn, immediately seeing Kara run off to her room to definitely pack.

Hours later, Kara had everything packed and the plane ticket all ready. She was thinking of calling Alex, give her a heads up that she would be returning home..But a brilliant idea came into her mind...She was going to surprise all of them. Before leaving, she wanted to say goodbye to her friends. "I can't believe you are going to leave us." Winn said dramatically, trying to cry intentionally, but failing miserably. Kara rolled her eyes in amusement, finding the stunt very...Extravagant. "Oh shush, I know you will get your leave in a few months and you're anyway living in National City, so we'll definitely see each other again." The sergeant reasoned, getting a laugh from Winn. "True...I totally forgot that." Muttered Winn, hugging the sergeant goodbye, both laughing at the ridiculousness of the specialist. Kara then turned towards James, who was actually crying. "Wow, never in my life had I thought I would see Jimmy Olsen crying." Teased Kara, hearing Winn laugh behind her. "Shut up, I'm just very emotional." James complained, giving Kara one last hug, before she was going to leave. "I'm gonna miss our arm wrestles very much." The corporal sniffed out, getting a chuckle from the sergeant. "I'll miss them too, but as soon you get your leave...I will beat you again." Teased Kara, getting an eye roll from James as they broke the hug. They said their last goodbyes, and Kara made her way to her other fellow teammates and Lieutenant J'onzz, saying her goodbyes and giving last hugs. Then she ran off to the bus, not in the mood of waiting another hour for the next one and missing her flight as well.

The next thing, Kara was on the plane, soon taking off. She took out her locket, opening it and smiling at the picture of Lena and her son. "I'm coming home my loves." Kara whispered to herself, kissing the picture, before closing the locket and tucking ti back into her shirt. And right then, the plane took off and made it's way to National City....Kara was finally returning home.

After a long tiring flight, the plane finally touched down and Kara had to stop herself from jumping out of her chair and running out of the plane...She desperately wanted to see her whole family again, kiss Lena passionately and hug her son as if it would be her last time. "You seem impatient." The elderly lady next to Kara said, amusement evident in her voice. Kara turned towards the lady, giving her a soft smile. "Yeah, I just can't wait to see my family, after being gone for two years." Kara replied, kind of astonished that she hadn't seen them for two years...Two long years. The elderly lady gave a smile, happy to see a young woman happy. "Well, cherish the time you have with them." The lady advised, to which Kara agreed. "I do that every second." Kara answered, making the elderly lady chuckle. The plane came to a stop, and after getting the signal to disembark, Kara was kind enough tp lend a helping hand with the lady's luggage. They talked for a bit, until they had to separate ways. After going through immigration and getting her rather large backpack in the baggage claim, Kara waisted no time in running out of the arrival and signaled a taxi immediately.

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