Die for you...

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Requested by ZyraMaeParba

It was a tough day for Kara. First she had a fight with her girlfriend, Lena. Second she had to rewrite her article 5 times, and then she had to fight this huge alien, which made her so exhausted that she solar flared. All she wanted to do was go home and cuddle with her girlfriend, which always made her smile. But she knew that might not happen, since Lena told her she would be sleeping at her apartment tonight. So after getting checked up in the DEO and getting the okay from Alex, she finally made her way home.

Kara borrowed one of the DEO cars, since using public transport would be a risk for her and everybody. The Super was just listening the music, singing along every song she knew and wished Lena would be with her right now. She stopped when the lamp showed red and waited patiently. Suddenly the song 'Die for you by Dirty Blond' started playing on the radio. Immediately her mind went to Lena. "I wish that it was simple." She sang and let the music take the lead. "I wish there was a way. To fix what I have broken." It was morning when they started to fight. Kara said something that it was just dangerous for Lena to be with her, since her enemies could use Lena as a target. And it hurt her girlfriend...And suddenly they were screaming at each other, tears filling both eyes and after that...They just separated their ways to go to work. "To change the way I'm made. Cause the words they don't come easy." The light hit green and Kara continued to drive. In the back of her mind, she wished that she was not Supergirl. Sometimes she wished to be human, so she could live a normal life and won't be afraid about the people she loves getting hurt, because of her. When she would get the chance to change the way she was made, maybe she would really do it...Maybe

The music continued and the next few words were hitting her hard: "And everything I hate is listening to the silence." Those words cut her so deep, that she felt this ache in her heart. She continued driving, the music playing and having Lena on her mind. "When there's a million things to say to you. I wish you knew." Often she has so much so stay on her mind, but it's indescribable with words and she really wished that Lena knew. How much she knew what she would risk everyday. "How hard it is for me to let you know. Cause you don't know." Yes, it was so hard for her, because Lena didn't know...She didn't know what she would do for her.

"That if the world was on fire. I'd fight it for you." The reason Kara gets up everyday to fight, is to fight everyday for Lena. When the world would be ending, she would still fight, because she's fighting for Lena and not for her...She's fighting for the person who is holding her heart. "I'd cry enough water and breathe all the fumes. All the burns and the scars I'd wear like tattoos." No matter what, she would do everything to protect Lena. She would do anything to make sure that Lena was safe, even when it meant killing a person...That's how far she would go. Everyday she would fight and fight, and even though she can't get scars physically, the scars on her heart are the ones she wears like tattoos. She went through so much, that her heart was covered in scars and before she thought it can't handle more, but for Lena...She would take more. "And if it meant dying. I'd die for you." Kara sang that in a soft whisper, her eyes filling with tears...Because she knew that she would die for Lena if it meant keeping her safe. She loves her so much, that she would risk her own life to keep her everything safe...Her everything was Lena.

Something in Kara's mind made a click, reacting quickly she turned around and made her way to L-Corp. She knew that her girlfriend was still working and desperately she wanted Lena to know how much she loves her. Breaking the speed limit, she parked the car right in front of the building, running to the stairs even though she could've have used the elevator. When she finally reached Lena's floor, she ran to the door. Jess was on her desk typing away and saw how bad Kara looked...But she must say that her boss looked even worse.

Kara bursted through the office door startling Lena. "Kara what are you doing here?" Lena asked, her voice filled with coldness yet worry. The Super was trying to catch her breath, and looked at Lena with teary eyes. The CEO saw the sad look on Kara and immediately stood up from her chair. "I came here to apologize." Kara said in a whisper, but Lena heard it loud and clear. Slowly they walked to each other, while Kara said: "I wish that it was simple. I wish there was a way." She walked towards her girlfriend, meeting Lena in the middle of the office. They gazed into each others teary eyes. "To fix what I have broken, because the words don't come easy." Kara held Lena's hand, and was relieved that this time Lena didn't pull away. "And everything I hate is listening to the silence." Kara whispered, and heard how her voice cracked. A tear slipped out of Lena's eye and quickly she wiped it away. "When there's a million things to say. I wish you knew...How hard it is for me to let you know, because you don't know." Those words had so many meanings behind them, that Lena could feel it, could hear them. This time, both let their tears go and were crying together. Kara slowly pulled Lena in for a hug, and they just stood there in the office, crying in each others arms.

They pulled away and Kara continued: "That if the world was on fire, I'd fight it for you. I'd cry enough water and breath the fumes." Kara said and gently rubbed Lena's cheek, and felt how her heart fluttered when her girlfriend leaned into her touch. "All the burns and the scars, I'd wear like tattoos." Kara whispered softly, and Lena started crying hard.

"And if it meant dying..." She didn't get the chance to finish when suddenly two hitmen landed on the balcony. Kara quickly reacted and turned their bodies around, taking all the bullets. "NO!" Lena screamed out and held Kara's bleeding body. When the hitmen noticed they hit the wrong person, they fled and were gone. Lena was now laying on the ground, cradling Kara's body. Tears were blurring her vision as she looked down at the woman she called home, heart, breath, reason...Everything. "Kara please don't go, please hold on." Lena pleaded and Kara looked up at Lena and gave a sad smile, knowing it's too late. Gently she cupped one of Lena's cheeks, wiping the tears away. Her vision started to get black and she knew that there wasn't much time left. In a weak voice she said her very last words: "And if it meant dying...I'd d-die for you." 

She'd die for her...

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