Bite me...Part 2

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Requested by @SamekaSmith8

It's been a year since a human and a vampire fell madly in love. Many things have happened...They made lovely memories together, travelled around the world and simply loved each other. Kara still wonders how she was able to fall in love again, after closing her heart for 400 years...But now, she is in a better place, much better...Or maybe it could get better.

Today was the day Kara would ask Lena to be her wife. She asked her adoptive vampire sister, Alex, to distract the CEO, while she prepared the proposal. It was day, and Kara was now capable to get into the light, after Lena gave her a sun-ring couple of months ago. So quickly, she went to buy flowers from a local florist and bought food from the nearest market. When she arrived in her castle, immediately she started cooking Lena's favorite dish and Kale salad...Which Kara found gross. With the help of her inhuman speed, she was done in 30 minutes. The vampire packed the food neatly into a picnic basket and loaded it into her black Mercedes. Shortly after all the other things she needed to prepare for. When she was sure she got everything she needed, the vampire got into the car and drove to her destination.

While Kara was preparing the proposal, on the other side of the city Lena and Alex were shopping. "Have you heard something from Kara today?" Lena asked curiously, while they walked to the next store. Alex was panicking on the inside, she didn't even know it was possible to hear her own heartbeat as a vampire. "Uh-Yeah, she texted me that an old friend of hers needed help." Alex answered and tried her best to sound convincing...Which she didn't do so well. Lena eyed the vampire carefully, since she was dating one herself she could easily read the body language of a vampire...But this time she let it pass. "Okay, anyway I'm excited for our date tonight so I'll see her in a couple of hours." Lena answered and ignored Alex's internal panicking. "Yeah, I hope you'll enjoy it." Alex said with a warm smile on her face, knowing what will happen.

Hours have passed and Alex was bringing Lena to Kara's castle. When they arrived, Kara stood ready in front of the gates, with roses in hand. Lena heart was beating out of joy and jumped out of the car when it stopped, instantly giving her 'girlfriend' a kiss. "Hey love. I missed you." Lena said and mastered Kara's pout. The vampire chuckled and kissed the pout away from Lena's lips. "I missed you too, baby." Kara answered and had a smile plastered on her face, showing her fangs. She then looked up to Alex and gave a silent 'thank you' and like that Alex left, leaving the couple alone. Kara's breath was taken away when she saw Lena in a beautiful midnight blue dress, fitting her body perfectly and if nothing were planned, Kara would have ripped it out of her, fucking her right there. "You look stunning..." Kara said in amazement and couldn't stop looking at Lena. "Thank you love, you look very dashing as well." Lena teased and made Kara chuckle. Indeed, Kara did look dashing: She had a dark grey suit, with a deep red tie and a white dress shirt. "Shall we go to dinner?" Kara asked and handed Lena the beautiful roses. "We shall." Lena answered with a soft smile. Kara held her hand and led her to the tiny way up to the hill.

As they arrived there, Lena was surprised. There she saw a picnic, full of food and an amazing view to the city...It was prefect. They ate together...Well Lena did and Kara just sipped on some blood. They talked cuddled together, kissed and enjoyed each others warmth...And soon enough, Kara got on one knee, took out a little velvet box and asked the big question, making Lena gasp. "Lena...My heart was closed for 400 years, I thought I was not worthy of love, but that one particular night...That night when I attacked you, you opened my heart again. Just when I looked into your enchanting eyes, I fell in love without even knowing it and from that day on, I fell in love deeper and deeper. I want to continue loving you for eternity and cherish you. I want everything with you, get married, have kids and maybe a pet...I want all of that with you. Lena Kieran Luthor, will you marry me?" Kara let her heart speak and said it only with truth and love. Lena was in tears and glanced down at the beautiful ring...It had  silver band, a ruby in the middle and was circled with tiny diamonds. "Yes! Yes, I will marry you." Lena said in excitement and Kara slipped the ring onto Lena's finger giving her a passionate kiss, filled with love and happiness. "I love you." Lena said, as they broke the kiss. "I love you more." Kara said and kissed Lena again...Just then their lives were only getting better.

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