The long lost kitten 3

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Requested by @ahwoods 

It's been months, since a mother and a daughter have finally reunited. They felt finally, after painful years, so happy. Each day they cherished the moments they spent together: Cat being forced to eat Potstickers, visiting the Danvers house in Midvale, walking through the parks, Kara showing her art works to her mom...Many precious moments.

But since Kara revealed to her mom that she's Power Girl, Cat constantly worries...She already started worrying before Kara even told her. Whenever when she sees her daughter on TV getting a hard punch, she just can't look. She always had this urge to run to her daughter and help her. Deep down she disagrees Kara being Power Girl, but she knew that Power Girl is a important part in Kara's life, and she will never force that to end. If Kara chose one day to stop being the vigilante, she will have her mom's full support, and if she still continues, than Cat still gives her full support. Sometimes she would talk with Eliza, and both mothers would talk their feelings out, because the thoughts can get so harmful, that they have to be let out. 

When Kara told her story about her life in the orphanage, Cat did not hesitate to ask Eliza from where she adopted Kara and when she got the information...Let me tell you that, that orphanage is done. Okay no, not 'done', but the same owner of the orphanage got a terrifying interrogation from Cat Grant, plus she even published a article about how badly kids are getting raised there and how badly they get treated. Seriously this woman will do anything for her daughter and that is a fact!

Anyway, let's go to the present.

It was rather a quiet day in CatCo. Crime has gone very low, since Power Girl and the DEO were able to stop Veronica Sinclair, a Mafia Boss, responsible for the most gangs and drug dealings. It was a huge success, and the city looked more at peace than it has ever been. 

Cat was in her office, checking her emails, which is by the way a lot. She read through email after email, until she sighed, clearly bored and annoyed. Then she noticed that she hasn't seen Kara. Immediately her mother instincts went up to the highest level and rapidly walked towards her daughter's office. Without even thinking she just barged into the office, surprising Kara and the other person in the room. "Kara? Oh...I didn't know you had guests." Cat said, raising a questioning brow to her daughter, who gave a sheepish smile. "Hey mom. Sorry, I was...Busy." Kara answered, her voice going a few octaves higher. Cat looked between her daughter and the other person, who was none other than Lena Luthor. Both young women were looking anywhere, but not Cat. The older woman looked around the office and noticed their clothes were a little disheveled, a few things  were on the ground and when she looked closer, she definitely saw marks on Lena's neck...Oh now she knew what they meant by 'busy'. "I see. Kara how rude of you to not introduce me to your girlfriend." Cat scolded, her voice teasing a bit. Lena and Kara blushed like two teenagers in love, and smiled at each other.

"Girlfriend? What? No, she's not my -." Kara didn't dare to finish that sentence when she saw her mom's death glare. "Yeah, she's my girlfriend." Kara gave up with lying, knowing that her mom is a human lie detector, literally. "Mom, this is Lena Luthor. Lena, babe, this is my mom, Cat Grant." Kara introduced both women, and was happy when she saw them give each other welcoming smiles, with a handshake. "Now I see why you were very happy taking Miss Luthor's interviews." Cat teased, getting a groan from Kara. "Please call me Lena, Miss Grant." Lena answered, giving a soft smile to the other CEO. "Than just call me Cat." The older blonde answered and wondered how she knew that she was Kara's biological mom. "Kara how does sh-." Cat was interrupted by Kara, giving her the answer: "Lena and me are now officially together for three months, maybe a little more. And she found it out when she saw a text from you, sending a picture of me when I was a baby." Cat nodded, noticing that she should be more careful now. No, it's not because Lena is a Luthor, just when she texts something, she should be more careful in general. But by the look of Lena Luthor, she could already trust the young CEO. "It's okay. I trust Lena." Cat answered, seeing a surprised look on Lena's face and Kara was clearly happy...Okay she's literally ball of sunshine. "What?" Asked the Luthor, not sure if she heard those words right. "I trust you. Kara has told me a lot about you, when you were still friends. And for what you have done for the people, you are worth to trust." Those words made the young CEO teary and soft on the inside. And Cat noticed it, giving her probably future daughter-in-law a hug. One day Lena will be her daughter-in-law. It was a soft hug, and Cat already declared Lena as her daughter. Yes, her daughter. The sight made Kara's heart melt and she happily joined the hug. "Thank you." Lena whispered and Cat gave her a gentle smile. "No need to thank me." She said back. 

All three talked for a bit, till Cat noticed that her next meeting was in 15 minutes. "Oh dear, I still have to attend an annoying meeting." Cat said, rolling her eyes, knowing this meeting would be a waste of time. Lena and Kara chuckled, seeing how 'amused' the queen of all media is about a meeting. "Have fun mom." Teased Kara, getting a little death look from her mom. Before the older CEO left the office, Kara asked her: "By they way. It's my turn hosting game night and I was wondering if you would come? It's at 6." Cat gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead and smiled. "Of course honey." She answered and left the office, but before she really left she said: "Oh and no doing 'business' in the office, or else I have to walk around with surgical gloves." Then attending to that annoying meeting.

It was 6 in the evening and everybody was there, except for the queen of all media...Well she is always fashionably late. Kara was taping on the kitchen island, waiting anxiously for her mom. Her taping stopped when a soft hand grabbed hers. "She's on her way. I'm sure she's late, because of traffic." Lena said and gave a soft kiss onto her girlfriend's forehead. "Yeah...I'm just worried." Kara answered and faced Lena, giving a soft kiss onto her lips. Both heard from Alex: "Ugh, you guys are sickeningly cute." Which caused both of them to chuckle. "Hush Alex, I could give a taste of your own medicine when you always kiss Maggie." Kara shot back, causing Alex to raise her hands in mock surrender. Right on time, there was a knock on the door. Immediately Kara sprinted to the door, swung it open and people were afraid that she accidentally might have ripped the door off, but she didn't. "Mom!" Kara greeted, giving her mom a tight hug, which Cat happily returned. "Sorry I'm late, there was traffic and I had to get a few drinks." The older CEO greeted everybody and showed the nice display of extravagant drinks. "Mom, you didn't have -." Kara got interrupted when her sister shushed her. "She brought delicious whiskey, leave it." Alex whispered her threat, making Kara gulp. "Please don't get wasted." Kara whispered back and got a shoulder slap form Alex, making her laugh. "Let's play Monopoly!" Winn yelled, clearly tipsy...Or drunk already. Everyone agreed, but a few groaned, knowing they would not have a chance since there are two CEO's in the room. Teams were made: Alex and Maggie, James and Winn, Eliza and Cat, Kara and Lena, J'onn and M'gann.

The game was intense, everyone were playing like their lives depended on it. "Oh come on!" Alex complained when she landed in jail. "Calm down babe." Maggie soothed, giving her significant other a kiss on the cheek. The gesture made Alex all soft and was now smiling like an idiot. Eliza didn't miss it and couldn't suppress the smile creeping on her face, when she saw how her daughter was happy. Suddenly a duo yelled: "We won!" Startling everyone. Kara and Lena were jumping around like toddlers, and Cat just rolled her eyes. "Looks like we are still raising five year olds." Whispered Eliza, causing Cat to chuckle. "Very true my friend." Cat answered, clinking her glass of wine with Eliza's. She then looked at her daughter, and couldn't stop smiling. Lena and Kara kissed each other softly, and just by the spark in their eyes, Cat could see how happy they were...Now she's waiting for a wedding invitation. Seriously there better be one.

Game night continued. They played so many different games, everyone was enjoying and having fun. The night was filled with teases and laughter. But slowly people started to leave, and at the end only Kara, Lena and Cat were left.

Cat felt how her heart got warm, when she saw the cute couple asleep on the couch. Gently she grabbed a blanket and covered them, finding it adorable when Kara held Lena tighter, afraid of letting go. Cat quickly cleaned up the glasses and snacks, sometimes looking at her daughter and possible daughter-in-law (They better get engaged one day!). When she was done cleaning up, she went to grab her purse and coat, but before leaving she gave a kiss onto Kara's and Lena's foreheads. "Goodnight kittens." She whispered softly, later leaving the homey loft, and couldn't stop smiling. She couldn't believe that after all of those years, a miracle happened and brought her the best gift ever...Her lost kitten has been finally found, and she couldn't wait to see her daughter's future, especially that she was now a part of it.

The End

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