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Who knew? Who knew that Kara Zor-El Danvers, the bubbly reporter and inspiring hero...Could be a monster? Out of all the people, she has turned into one.

The question is...How did she become one?

7 years ago, she was the happiest in her whole life. She married the woman she loved with all her heart, Lena Luthor. A year later, they both welcomed their first child, Leandro Kyros Luthor-Danvers, who is a very sweet boy. Later, they welcomed their second child, Katherine Lynn Luthor-Danvers, a adorable baby girl. They were truly a happy family, a family many have wished for. Kara also got successful as a reporter and eventually became editor in chief and inspired more hope into the world as Supergirl, bringing peace closer and closer. 

Everything in life was going so well, that she forgot that bad times were always going to follow up. and that day came way too soon...

The Nazis wanted to take their revenge on the heroes that defeated their generals and leaders, so they took over the nearest to their Earth and that was Earth-38. The DEO, Supergirl and the other heroes were abel to stop them, but what happened at the very end is what they never expected. When Kara got home from defeating Nazis trying to invade Earth-38, she saw the biggest nightmare she never wished that came true...But it did. Kara cried out in pain and anger when she saw her whole family slaughtered in the worst way possible. Blood of her wife and children covered the whole house and soaked the once white floors. Immediately she ran to the bodies of her children and wife, sobbing when she saw how lifeless their once so bright, beautiful eyes were. She cradled them into her arms and sobbed, sobbed till her throat was dry, cried till her eyes hurt. "No, no..." Kara whispered in pure pain. She just held her family, looking at them...Hoping that they would wake up, hoping that this was just some illusion...But it wasn't. She was so angry with herself, she couldn't save her own family and she promised to herself, to her family, to everybody that she would protect them...And she failed. She then touched Lena's face softly, still afraid that she would hurt her "I'm so sorry my love...I'm so sorry." Kara chocked out. Why would they do this to her? Right when she was on her best, this is what she gets? Kara was furious with the whole universe now...After all the pain she had to go through, this is how it ends? Her clothes were soaked with the blood of her family...Just the image of it was unimaginable. 

And from that day on...That was the last day people saw Supergirl and Kara Zor-El Luthor-Danvers.

If you're asking yourself what happened...Let me tell you.

After seeing her family slaughtered in the worst way possible, she broke the promise to never kill people. She killed every criminal in National City, making people fear her...And not only National City...She made the whole world fear her. Killing the criminals on her world was not enough, so she wanted to take revenge to the people who were responsible for the murder of her family. Without hesitation, she teleported to Earth-X killing the whole Nation...Leaving behind a Earth filled with dead bodies. Her cousin, sister and friends tried so many times to bring her back into the light, but she was so deep into the darkness...That she would even kill them if she has to. The family crest she once wore proudly, a symbol of hope...Became a symbol of fear and terror. 

People would hide from her, fear for life when they see her fly above the sky. She did not only make the world fear her, but the whole universe. The greatest villains and mightiest heroes have been slaughtered by her bare hands. Many call her...'Death Angel'. From 'Guardian Angel' to 'Death Angel'...Villains are fallen heroes. All they see is a monster...A monster they never imagined. All Kara wants is to show the world, the universe  how she suffered, feared and pained. She wants them to feel what she felt...

Alex, her sister is the only one who has the guts to get near her and asks her often: "Is this what Lena, Leandro and Katherine wanted from you?" By that question, Kara would show the slightest sign that she is still in there. That the ray of sunshine is still in her , but it will always be replaced by a cold, emotionless glance. The answer would be always: "People should suffer, as the way I did." Alex can feel how her hope for her sister always fades more away...And soon it would. 

Who knew this was the monster inside Kara?

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