It's about time

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Requested by @Alyther

The queen of all media was tapping her pen furiously, clearly annoyed by something that must be solved. Wonder why? Let's get in her head...

Multiple hands were raising for any ideas. Cat made sure every suggestion has been said, and that everybody had a turn to opinionate their ideas. The CEO was clearly listening to one of the department heads, when she suddenly saw Lena and Kara looking at each other with love written all over their faces, literally. Maybe it could be almost called eye-fucking. The meeting continued, and both young women still continued to look at each other intensely. Cat wondered if they were dating now, which would be a cheer of relief for everyone. When the meeting ended, Cat ordered Kara to come to her office. Of course the young reporter practically ran to the glass office. Right then Cat raised a dangerous brow and dropped the bomb: "Are you and Lena finally dating?" Kara became a stuttering mess, answering with incoherent words, but sadly as it seems...They weren't dating. The CEO let it be, hoping that they would pull up their big girl pants and finally confess their feelings.

The next time it happened, was when Cat bursted into Kara's office, but finding a known CEO of L-Corp and superhero (Yes, she knows Kara is Supergirl) sleeping soundly on the little couch in the reporters office. They were literally cuddling, as if they were couple. Cat has to confess that the sight was adorable, but rather surprised that Kara hasn't woken up...You know, superhearing and stuff. Lena was practically laying on Kara's whole body, while Kara's muscular arms were protectively around Lena's body. The older CEO should be actually pissed off that one of her employees were sleeping during working hours, but what she's seeing right now is quite impossible. So she just closed the door and continued her day, with a smile. But that smile was swept away when she heard that Kara and Lena weren't a couple. 'What in the actual fuck?!' Thought the queen of all media.

The third time was the last straw for Cat, seriously. She was passing through the reporters department, but then she heard a surprised gasp from a very familiar voice. She sped walked towards Kara's office, only to find the office filled with flowers, FLOWERS. Kara stood there astonished, like in total awe and you can practically call her an idiot in love. Cat was now sure, that they were finally dating, like 99.999% sure. "I guess your girlfriend does love you." Cat said, testing if her statement was right. Kara raised a brow, wondering what in Rao's name Cat meant. "Girlfriend? No! Lena's not my girlfriend." Damn, Cat's hopes went to the minus levels, it only got worse when she heard Kara say: "She's my best friend and I guess this is what friends do. I mean what are friends for?" And Cat never knew she could despise the word 'friend' in her entire life. 'Friends my ass, you oblivious gays.' Cat cursed in her head, her eyes practically shooting daggers to Kara, who also seemed oblivious to it...Damn, the obliviousness is even worse then she thought.

Now she's here in her office, planning on how to make them confess their damn feelings...And probably get an exclusive interview as early as possible. I mean we all agree they would be the definition of a power couple. She was thinking of each possible plan, until she knew who she should call. Immediately she took out her phone, dialing the one person that can truly accomplish the mission. "Alex Danvers speaking, who's this?" Alex said through the line and Cat just had to chuckle. "Hello Miss Danvers, this is Cat Grant." The CEO answered and was sure to hear Alex choke on her drink, not sure but could be. "Miss Grant! Is everything okay?" Alex asked, seemingly surprised. "Yes Miss Danvers. But I need your help for a little problem." Cat said and Alex was all ears. The CEO explained her plan, and Alex most definitely agreed. I think everyone is fed up with Kara's and Lena's eye-fucking and the 'friends' label.

Kara entered her floor and was quite surprised to see it empty. At first is was really odd, but then she noticed the time. It was 6 am, which is quite early since the next employees would come at about 8 am. The Super walked to her office, starting her computer and started to work on her article, which was due in a few hours. Work continued that she lost track of time, and didn't notice that a particular CEO entered her office. "Kara?" Lena asked and finally Kara looked up, smiling when she saw her favorite person. "Lena! Is it lunch already?" Kara asked, looking at her watch to only see it was 10 am. "No, I got a call from Cat. She said that I should check up on you." Lena answered, giving her favorite Kryptonian a hug. "Huh, never thought she would call you. Oh my Rao is that Potstickers?!" Kara literally yelled out of joy, taking the take out bag from Lena's hand. The Luthor had to chuckle, finding it adorable how Kara stuffed her mouth with delicious Potstickers. "Well, I thought you would be hungry." Lena stated, knowing her best friend very well. They both started to have a light conversation about the most ridiculous things.

Suddenly and alarm went off, a robotic voice saying: "Lockdown, Lockdown..." It said it over and over again. Kara got worried that there was trouble, but she didn't want to leave Lena alone in her office, plus it could be a huge risk for her identity. Yes, Lena knows Kara is Supergirl, but Kara was worried that her co-workes would find out. She chose to stay low, waiting for the alarm to stop and that the DEO would come. "What's going on?" Lena asked, clutching tightly onto Kara's arm. The Super used her superhearing, only to be blocked by a high pitched sound. "I can't hear anything, whoever is attacking knows that I'm in the building." Kara now used her x-ray vision, only to be blocked by flashing lights. "I can't see anything either." She complained, clearly annoyed that none of her senses would be in good use. Just then the power went out, and for safety reasons Lena locked the door. "At least someone tries to barge in, you would be ready." Lena said, walking away from the door. They chose to wait, not knowing what was happening there and jus hoping that nobody got hurt. Kara was disappointed that she couldn't help, since she's Supergirl and should always be there to save the day. "It's okay, darling. Sometimes Supergirl has to stay on the side bench." The Luthor gently caressed the Super's cheek, instantly Kara leaned onto the touch. "I know. It just sucks not being able to help." Kara answered, looking into emerald eyes. 

They stared into each other intently, like they both want to say something, but afraid to say it. "Rao, I'm in love you." Kara blurted out, causing Lena to blush and her brain to halt. It was dead silent, and Kara started to panic that she had crossed a line, but before she could ramble something, a pair of soft lips were on hers. That's when her brain has officially fried. The kiss was soft at first, but Kara deepened the kiss, wanting more. She pushed Lena to the ground, know laying on top, their hands roaming each other's body and they moaned simultaneously. They broke the kiss, looking into each other's eyes that's now filled with lust and love. "I'm in love with you too." Lena answered, wanting to kiss Kara again, only to be interrupted.

"Finally!" Alex yelled, as she busted the door, Cat right following behind. Kara and Lena were now confused, as to what Alex meant. It took a little time, before both found out what just happened. "Did you guys set us up?" Kara asked, helping Lena to stand up. Both had threatening looks on their faces, which definitely made Cat and Alex gulp. Cat never knew that a threatening Kara Danvers would be so scary. "Well it was about damn time! You guys tortured us with your obliviousness and eye-fucking!" Cat pointed out the facts, causing Lena and Kara to blush.

At the end, Cat did get an appointment for her exclusive interview with National City's power couple.

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