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The day Lena Luthor was born, her eyes only saw white and black. Her biological mother has said: If you find your soulmate one day, you will see the most beautiful colors. And little Lena believed that, with all her heart. That she would see beautiful colors just as her mother described. Blue like the oceans, green like the gras, yellow like the sun...Many colors to bring happiness in your life.

But the hope she would see colors one day, has been shattered the day she saw her mother drown to death. And it got even worse when she got adopted by the Luthors. A family that didn't give her love, attention, safety, trust...And she had no other choice to become a cold hearted person. A person that made her give up seeing colors, love...To ever find her soulmate. She gave up on the one thing she was desperate to have one day...Will she ever see colors?

The same question is also for Kara Zor-El. The day she crashed on Earth, the light that once shone through her bright blue eyes have been drained. Losing her home, family, friends, culture...Everything that made her feel safe, loved...Home. But as she saw Earth, all she saw was white and black. As she got adopted, she built the courage to ask Eliza and Jeremiah why she couldn't see colors as her mother once described. The couple gave a sad smile and explained that if you would find your soulmate you will be able to see beautiful colors. And by that thought, Kara started to doubt that she would ever see beautiful colors. Her adoptive sister, Alex, always tried to bring hope into her little sister and times it did, but also times that it didn't.

Two souls trying to restore faith in their lives. Two souls with traumatic childhoods, that drained their hope away. Two souls missing the love, safety...Homey feeling they once had. Two broken souls, that gave up on seeing colors.

Both went down their own paths. Lena becoming CEO and renaming her family's company, changing it into a new direction of bringing good into the world. Her technology helped countless lives and even though after all the good she has done, people still doubted her because of her last name, Luthor. Kara becoming reporter and National City's local hero, Supergirl. Bringing the truth out as reporter and shining hope as superhero. Even though Kara embodies hope, deep down her hope is broken...The hope of seeing colors.

But there is this quote that many seem to forget: The ones that never expect love, are the ones to experience love the most.

And one day, they do see colors.

It started as a normal routine for the both of them. Lena getting up at 5am, drinking a cup of coffee, putting a killer CEO outfit that shows power and answering emails already in her car. Entering the building and her assistant, Jess, littering her with meetings, interviews, paperwork...The usual life of being a CEO. For Kara, it's about the same time of waking up...There is no break for being a superhero. Stopping multiple robberies are her morning routines, later going home to change into her work attire and grabbing her bag with her laptop and articles. Of course stopping by at Noonans to grab her usual order and sprinting into CatCo, getting yelled at Snapper and rewriting her articles, plus having Supergirl emergencies in between. A normal day for two busy people.

But as Kara looked through her calendar, she saw tat she would be interviewing one of the most powerful women in whole National City. Noticing the time, she grabbed her purse and flew out of the balcony she had in her office (Perks of having your former boss knowing your identity). Within a minute, she landed in an empty alley near L-Corp. Quickly she adjusted herself and walked towards the tallest building in National City. After entering the entrance that was filed with security, she finally made it. Walking up to the assistant, Kara said: "Hi I'm Kara Danvers. I have and appointment at 14:00 o'clock with Miss Luthor." Jess gave the reporter a welcoming smiled and nodded. "I will call you if she is ready." She replied and Kara gave a genuine smile back and walked towards the sofa.

After waiting and reviewing her questions for the CEO, she finally heard the assistant tell her that the CEO is ready. Kara gave a thankful smile to Jess and walked into the modern office...And her breath has been taken away when she saw the Luthor. Even not able to see colors, she could she how beautiful Lena is. And I'm sure the same happened to Lena. As she saw Kara, she couldn't take her eyes off of those muscular arms and beautiful face the reporter has. For who knows how long they stared at each other at a respectful distance, Kara broke their trance: "Thank you Miss Luthor for making time for this interview. I'm Kara Danvers." She walked towards the CEO and gave her hand to shake. And it happened...By touching their hands, their vision changed from black and white...To beautiful colors. They both gasped and looked into each other's eyes. "Your eyes..." Both said in a amazement and got lost into each others eyes. "Your eyes are green like Kryptonite." Kara said in utmost admiration. "Your eyes are blue like the oceans." Lena replied out of breath and felt how she fell deeper and deeper.

And that day in, their faith got restored in seeing colors...From two broken souls, became two healed souls.

As I said...Remember the quote.

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