A true love story...

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Notes: The world knows Kara Danvers is Supergirl

A tall young man with a striking left green eye and right blue eye, with dark brown hair entered a small tribune. He kept on pushing up his glasses, a habit he got from his mother. His mesmerizing eyes searched for a pair of eyes to calm his nerves, till he finally found them in the crowd. Before he started to talk he took a bottle of water and gulped half of it down his throat. He then took the microphone, took deep breaths and looked into the crowd.

"Some of you may know me as Superboy, but many know that I am Keith Leander Luthor-Danvers and I'm 19 years old and I'm here to tell you all my favorite story." He gave a charming smile and sat on a chair.

"Now this story isn't a normal boy meets girl, they fall in love and live happily ever after. No my friends." Keith chuckles. "This story is about two women, who faced hell, have gone through highs and lows, who met and against all odds...Have fallen in love." He looks into the crow and takes a swig from his water bottle, then runs his hand through his hair, also a habit form his other mother. "Many people think that you have to meet in high school to find your sweetheart and have romance, but that's not correct. Kara Danvers or Kara Zor-El and Lena Luthor met when they were both 24 years old. Kara being a young reporter and superhero and Lena being a CEO of her family's company. I'm telling ya, it's really love at first sight...At first everything was strictly professional however, as time flew by their relationship changed. From interviews to lunches, to lunches from dinners, from dinners to sleepovers and from sleepovers to romantic dates."

He looked into the crowd and found familiar pair of green eyes, desperately he was looking for blue ones, but imagined them in his head. Those blue ones that spread joy into everyone's heart. "Kara and Lena were both adopted, they lost their families at young ages. Lena at four and Kara at thirteen. They had to find their ways into their new life, they both started at square one and had to adapt, they have been bullied, they have been outcasted by many. Because they lost so much at a young age...Kara her whole planet, culture and family...And Lena her mother, freedom and the meaning of love...But they became strong in different ways. However through all the pain they've been through, they brought the best out of each other. Lena was able to make Kara understand her pain and grief, and Kara was able to show Lena that love is not some fairytale, she was able to show it was a real thing." Keith looked into the crowd again and saw couples chuckling, people with watery eyes and kids listening attentively. "Lena and Kara have loved each other in such a powerful way, not even my Ieiu's strength could destroy it. It was something you could definitely call true love. But even though their love was so strong, every relationship had their hard times. I'll give you an example:"


Kara just came back from a mission. The Super opens the balcony door slowly peeking through the corner not seeing her girlfriend. She opens the door a little wider and walks in with two little Kryptonian puppies under her wet cape. The white puppy kept on licking Kara's face and it made her chuckle, while the gray puppy just snuggled close to the heroine. Since Kara is a space puppy herself, she always wanted a dog, but her girlfriend always said no, because of there busy lives.

But the Super couldn't say no when she found these puppies in Kryptonite cages, that she found in the warehouse. Her sister, Alex, sent her and a team to free alien hostages and after all the fighting and freeing, the had time to investigate the location more and found these two little angels. Kara literally begged her sister not to put them in containment, of course Alex let her bring them home.

Putting her duffle bag down, Kara moves around the apartment searching for a place to hide them. When she finally found place, just right then the bathroom door was swung open. "Honey is that you?" Lena asked, who had a bathrobe on. Instantly Kara tunes around and holds the little fur balls closer. "Uh, hey babe. I don't want you to come near me, I stink like smoke." Kara says, making Lena chuckle. "I doubt that. I've seen you smothered in alien saliv-." Lena was cut off by two loud barks, Kara curses herself, of course dogs bark at the wrong moment. "Miss Danvers is that a dog." Lena got closer to Kara.

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