Your care is what I fell for

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Requested by @ZyraMaeParba

Everything was chaos...Buildings destroyed, cars crushed, people running for shelter. Total chaos. Supergirl was trying to stop this solar eating alien, but it was so strong. She took punch after punch, feeling how her whole body was getting weaker and weaker. But she continued to fight, not wanting to give up, because she is Supergirl and if it means dying for the people, then so be it...It was a promise she made when she started as Supergirl, and she keeps her promises.

With the last bit of energy in her, she gave the alien punch after punch. Her knuckles started to bleed, but that didn't stop her. With one last blow, she finally knocked out the alien, falling onto the concrete, leaving a crack behind. Kara was exhausted and fell onto her knees, feeling darkness consume her. She took deep breaths, observing the area, before everything went black.

Doctor Luthor was pacing around, worried that the Super would not wake up. It's been already three days, since Supergirl was brought into the hospital. The sight was...It was terrible. It was painful to see such a powerful creature so fragile. The Super was covered in wounds all over her body, her suit covered with dust and her own blood. Multiple nurses and doctors, including her were trying to keep the Super in a secure state. When they finally heard a secure being nice from the heart monitor, everyone in the room let go of a breath they haven't know they were holding. They lost the heroine twice, and it was some miracle that she survived. But her body was very weak, so they chose to put her in a coma, hoping it wouldn't take too long.

Lena stopped her pacing and looked from the window. The room was so quiet, so was the hospital. Lena finally entered the hospital room, taking a seat near the hospital bed. She didn't know why, but she found herself gripping the Super's hand softly. The Luthor looked at the Super's features, even though she was bruised and wounded...Lena had to confess that Supergirl still looked breathtakingly beautiful. It was like a goddess was right in front of her, sleeping soundly after 1000 years of fighting in war. What Lena wouldn't admit is, that she always had this slight crush on the Super and was really excited to move to National City. The main reason she wanted to move there, was because of the Super. Hoping that their paths would be different than form their older relatives, hoping that Supergirl would see through her name and see tat she is different. She noticed she's been gazing at the goddess too long and eventually made her way out of the room. "Wake up, Supergirl." She whispered before leaving the hospital room.

The light beeping noise was surrounding the rather quiet hospital room. Slowly, very slowly Kara opened her eyes, but closed it when the light was to bright. She grunted, displeased on how bright it was until she thought...Is she dead? Immediately she opened her eyes, sighing in relief when she noticed she wasn't dead after all. Her eyes started to roam around the room, trying to take any detail, only to notice she wasn't in the DEO. At first she wondered why, until she remembered about the alien...Alien, Metropolis, chaos, buildings, fire, screams. Her heart rate started to beat rapidly, her intake of breaths becoming ragged. A panic attack was starting to come. It only got worse when her superhearing got out of control and now she had a sensory overload. "Too loud, too loud..." Kara whispered desperately, covering her ears with her hands, searching for something to focus only to find nothing. It was slowly getting too much for her, the pain in her ears causing her to almost scream.

Right then a doctor came rushing into the room, seeing the distressed Super. "Supergirl! Supergirl are you okay?" A soft voice asked, trying to help the Super in any possible way. The doctor noticed Supergirl's heart rate was very high, making her even more worried. "Too loud.." Muttered Kara weakly, her eyes closed shut not wanting to lose control with her x-ray vision either. The doctor started to wonder what she could do, she was not specialized with aliens especially a Kryptonian. But then she noticed that Kryptonian's have heightened hearing. "Okay, try to focus on my heartbeat." The woman said in a very soft voice, afraid to scare the Super even more. Slowly Kara concentrated onto the woman's heartbeat, finding the strong, beating heart very calming. It took a little while, but when finally all her senses were in check, she opened her eyes, only to be met by beautiful Kryptonite green eyes. "Oh Rao..." Kara whispered in shock, absolutely mesmerized by the beauty in front of her. "Are you okay now?" The beautiful woman asked, Kara just nodded, still enchanted by the beauty.

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