Die for you...2

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Requested by ZyraMaeParba 

Lena looked down at Kara...Hoping that she was in a dream that she would wake up soon. Or that Kara was just doing some mean prank...But it seems like that this is her reality. "No, no, no..." She whispered and cried, holding Kara's body tight afraid of letting go. "Please don't leave, please don't leave my love." She kept on whispering, hoping that Kara was still alive and would not leave her. But she did, because she died for her and only for her...

Suddenly Alex came bursting into the office and what she saw made her burst into tears. There she saw Lena cradling her sisters dead body, in Kara's own pool of blood. "Kara! Kara! Please no!" Alex yelled and ran to her sister. When she looked down, she knew she was too late. Kara's skin was pale and didn't radiate the light in her anymore, her warm cheeks were so, so cold like ice...Her sister was gone. She then looked at Lena with teary eyes, and when they met eye to eye, they just couldn't hold their tears anymore. They sat there in the middle of the office, grieving for the lost of a sister, a lover, a hero, a friend, a mentor...They grieved for Kara.

They shed tears till they felt they couldn't cry anymore, till their eyes became red and puffy, till their throats became dry from sobbing. Then their grief turned to anger, they were so angry at the people that killed their Kara and sought for revenge...But then they knew that there was no worth in it, because revenge wouldn't bring Kara back...

Finally DEO agents arrived and covered Kara's body in a bodybag. Lena was fighting with them, she was not ready letting go of Kara, but J'onn had to hold her back. "No! Leave her! Please leave her!" Lena pleaded, trying to get out of J'onn's strong grip...But she couldn't. "Let me go!" She yelled at J'onn, but the Martian wouldn't budge. "I'm sorry Lena, I-I can't." He answered, his voice cracking. He was also grieving...Everybody was. Lena gave up with fighting and let her body fall limp. J'onn caught her on time and just hugged her, letting the CEO cry on his chest. "It should have been me, I should have died. It's all my fault, it's my fault." Lena whispered between sobs and J'onn just rubbed her back.  "No, no Lena. It wasn't your fault...It was them. And you don't deserve to die. You deserve to live just like everybody." He said and tried to bring a little hope into Lena...Because he knew exactly Kara would be doing that right now. Lena just continued to cry, she just cried while she watched the love of her life be put into a black van. Deep down she was still hoping that this wasn't real and that Kara would wake up...But she didn't.

1 month later

The world was so dark and sad without her. It's been a month since Kara was gone, since the world lost their symbol of hope, since Alex lost her sister...Since Lena lost her world, her everything. The Luthor didn't leave Kara's apartment for a whole month, she couldn't. For a whole month she didn't go to work, because what was her reason when she lost it? Kara was the reason she fought everyday to prove the world that she wasn't like her family. Everyday she tried her best to make the world a better place, because she did it for Kara...But Kara isn't here anymore and never will be. Her motivation to face the world was swept away, when she saw the light in Kara's eyes fade away...

Every single time she would look out of Kara's window, hoping to see a red and blue streak cross the sky, but for a month her eyes never caught that familiar streak, and never will. Everyday she would wait for Kara, hoping that the heroine would enter the apartment, but for a month she never heard Kara burst into the apartment. Day and night she would lay on Kara's bed, wearing her hoodies, trying to feel any warmth, trying to remember Kara's scent. Day and night she would cry and cry, till her face hurt, till her eyes would run out of tears. Day and night she would drink till she felt numb, trying to get away from reality, even if it meant for a short time. She lost all motivation to live in this cruel world...

She was sitting on the sofa, hugging Kara's blanket tight and looked a pictures of Kara on her phone. She would listen to Kara's videos non-stop, wanting to remember that voice forever. Her mind was filled with memories of her and Kara, but she felt how her heart would ache...Because they were so painful to remember. She looked horrible, her hair was greasy, she was paler than usual, she had heavy eye bags on her face, for not sleeping for days...She can't remember the last time she even slept properly. Every time she closes her eyes, her mind goes back to that night...Seeing Kara get shot, cradling her in her arms, the pool of blood only getting bigger and hearing Kara's last words..."And if it meant dying...I'd d-die for you."

Kara died for her, protected her till her last breath...Kara loved her so much that she would do anything, and if it meant dying for her, she would do it without hesitation. Kara loved her so much that there were no words to describe it...And now she was grieving so bad, that even the word 'grief' can't describe what she was feeling...

She wished that she had said more 'I love you's' to Kara, because now she sees that she didn't say it enough. She wished that she could turn back time. She wished that she would've been fast enough. She wished that she could've saved Kara...Because if she did, the world wouldn't be grieving, Alex wouldn't be grieving...She wouldn't be grieving. She wished that the pain her heart, in her soul would be gone, but no matter what she does...It stays with her.

Deep down she knew that she should've been the one, the one dying. She still blames herself for Kara's death, despite everybody saying that she wasn't responsible. But she believes she was...If they didn't fight that day, Kara wouldn't have solar flared. If they didn't fight, Kara wouldn't burst into her office with teary eyes. If they didn't fight...Kara would've been here.

And now, she wished  that she could have done the same thing. That if it meant dying...She'd die for Kara.

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