What was she like?

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Notes: Lena died during child birth

Luke Kirios Luthor-Danvers was silently eating breakfast, well a mountain of breakfast. The young dirty blonde haired boy, with mesmerizing green eyes was minding his own business, when he saw a picture of his Ieiu and mom...It was a picture on their wedding day. He knew his Ieiu very well, but he always wondered how his other mother was like. Just then, Kara came out from her bedroom looking ready to save the day. "Morning my little warrior." Kara greeted and kissed her fourteen year old son's forehead. "Morning Ieiu." Luke answered and gave his mother a cheeky smile. Luke being the gentleman he was raised, prepared with the help of heat vision and superspeed his Ieiu's breakfast. "Thanks Luke." Again he got a kiss from Kara. "You don't have school today, right?" Kara asked, just to make sure. "Nope, school has been closed due of the scene that you were able to stop yesterday." Luke replied and showed his fourth chocolate bread in his mouth. Kara also started to eat, well devoured her food. "I should be finished early today and make sure grandpa J'onn would take my Supergirl duties." Kara said and chugged her coffee. The young Super was debating if he should ask, because he was really eager to know about his mom. His curiousness took over and he just blurted out the question: "Ieiu, what was mom like?" Kara stopped eating and took a deep breath.

Luke thought he angered his Ieiu and started to panic. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want too. I mean I totally under-." He was cut off by Kara. "It's really okay, little warrior. The question just caught me off guard and I would love to talk about your mom." Katra said softly and held Luke's hand. The older Super stood up, walking over to the couch, with the younger Super following right behind her. Kara sighed and looked at her son. "Today would be your mom's and I's fifteenth wedding anniversary." Kara said, with a little smile on her face and held Luke's hand, giving it a squeeze.

Luke felt bad and snuggled closer to his Ieiu. "Your mom...Rao she was the most amazing woman I've ever met. The day I walked into her office, with uncle Clark...That day I knew I found the one. Many people judged her by her last name, because her brother, well your uncle Lex made the Luthor name feared and hated." Kara said and stroked Luke's soft hair. "People thought she would be like Lex, but when I met her...She was the total opposite. She was so kind, charming and caring. What I heard from people was that she was dangerous, cold and untrustworthy. But I never judged a person, before I know them." Kara said with a smile on her face and Luke felt happy, to see his Ieiu like this. "Then me and your mom got closer...I noticed why she did not open up so easily. Because she was betrayed, abandon and abused by the people in her past...Mostly by her family. That's why she built a mask to hide the fragile girl in her, but when she was with me...She let everything out. Your mom was so strong, the strongest person I know. Even after all the pain she went though, she fought it and kept her posture. She kept a brave face, even when she was scared and broken inside...And that's what inspired me." Kara looked down to her son and saw those green eyes filled with curiosity. "She was the most kind hearted person I knew. She took care of the people she loved the most. She even protected them and would put herself in danger for them. Even though she was a busy CEO, she made sure to be there for you...Sometimes when I was feeling down, she would even cancel in the middle of meetings, just too cheer me up. Her heart was made out of gold, the purest heart I've known on earth. Her soul was the strongest warrior I've known, because she had fought with her inner demons. She had one of the most brilliant minds, that she was even able to beat a theory at the science guild in Argo...She was perfect." Every word Kara meant was only for Lena and her Lena. Lena deserved it like always, love and full of truth.

"And when we started dating, she would make small gestures that meant the world to me. Like leaving a rose when she had to leave for work earlier, buy me food when I had a bad day, text or call me to make sure I'm still alive after a fight...The little things mattered the most. She was the most nicest, loving, badass and charming person in the room. Your mom deserved the world, because she deserved it...I felt really bad, because why would people break such a beautiful soul? Why would they hurt or insult such a kind hearted person? The people who did that to your mom, believe me they got some pay back from me." The last part made Luke laugh and Kara had a warm smile on her face. "Your mom saved the world multiple times. She was the Luthor that shared a home with a Super. She was the Luthor that changed her company to a force of good. She was the Luhtor who changed the world for the better and has saved millions, maybe even billions of lives. Your mom was extraordinary...Someone one of a kind." Luke looked up to his mom, who had eyes filled with tears.

"Your mom was so beautiful, her eyes enchanted me, her voice soothed me, her hugs and kisses comforted me, her smile made me smile, her laugh made me want to hear it more...Everyday I fell in love with her even more. She was beautiful, strong, brave, smart, kind, badass, funny, caring, protective, trustworthy, wise...There are over a million words, that I can describe your mom, how amazing she is...Even though she has left this world, my love for her has never died." A tear slipped out of Kara's eye and Luke wiped it away. "Mom was truly an amazing woman." Luke said and hugged his Ieiu tighter. "She is and always will be." Kara said and kissed her son's forehead. "And you, little warrior are so much like her. You will be an amazing Superhero one day and an amazing man...You have inherited the best of her and the best of me. You will move the world into a better direction." Kara said, with only thuth in her words and saw her son smile bright. "I love you, Ieiu and mom." Luke said and hugged his Ieiu again. "I love you too, little warrior and mom will always love you." Kara answered and hugged Luke tighter.

From that day on Luke felt the love form both of his mother's, even though when one was in Rao's light. A mother's love will never die, even after life...

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