A little glimpse

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Oh crap. This is not how the plan should have gone! Absolutely not! She didn't mean to stop to save the kids from being hit by the school bus. She had been crossing the street and it had just...happened.

Now a blurry image is plastered all over the news and the DEO is definitely looking for her. On the more positive side, no one was able to get a clean shot of her face...So that's a relief. If they did get a clear shot..Let's say she would have messed up the pace-time continuum worse than the Flash himself.

her mission is supposed to sabotage Lillian's ship beyond repair, so that even the best brains in the world can't even fix a single thing. The ship that would deport all registered aliens to the other side of the universe, so that twenty years in the future Lillian wouldn't try it gain. Or at least her uncle Brainy had predicted the she wouldn't.

Her sensitive ears twitched as her superhearing picks on a familiar sound, and her head snaps to the right, eyes lading on two familiar figures that ware talking in hushed whispers. "Kara, she could be dangerous!" Hissed Alex to Kara, clearly stating facts. They're talking about her, obviously. "Alex! But she saved people! Kids on the school bus! Who knows? She could be another superhero." Kara said full of hope. The other's chest swells its pride.

It's really weird, seeing those she knows twenty years in the future. Kara, her Ieiu, looks almost exactly the same though. Before she notices what's happening, her feet are carrying her to the direction of her mother and aunt. "Lena?" The girl's eyes widen when she realizes that she's been spotted and is about to flee when the blonde walks up to her. "Wait, you're not Lena." The heroine said in surprise and a little embarrassment. "I'm Lorena." She waves hesitantly, eyes flickering to her Ieiu and aunt Alex. "You look exactly like Lena." Alex narrows her eyes. Lorena things of an excuse and took a little longer than expected. "Oh, I'm her d-niece." She blurts out, almost slipping out." Kara's eyebrows shoot up in shock. "You mean Lex has-." Quickly she interrupted Kara, not wanting to bring panic. "No! Not that side." She rambles quickly. "Her, um, biological mother's side...In Ireland." That was a terrible lie, of course they would find out. Great Lorena, just great.

"You don't have a accent." Alex notices, bringing her future nice into a internal panic attack. "I didn't know Lena got back in touch with her mom's side of the family." Her Ieiu says in bewilderment. "She did! And, uh, nope! I have an American accent?" It sounded more like a question than a statement, plus the high pitched voice didn't help at all. Alex's eyes are still narrowed, filed with suspicion. "This is awfully suspicious." Lorena throws her hand up, accidentally knocking off her sunglasses that had been hiding her eyes. Her hand shoots up out in inhuman sped to catch hit.

Blue eyes. The blue eyes only the House of El inherited. And boy, Kara sucked in a breath. The young girl tries to slip the sunglasses back on, but a hand flashes out and catches her wrist. Lorena tries to pull away, but Kara has her wrist gripped with a little super strength. She yanks her arm out with supers strength of her own and leaves, running away with superspeed. Kara kicks herself in action after a second of being stunned of what she just saw. But the moment she comes within ten feet of the girl, she flies away.

"It's her." Supergirl blinks at Alex, who looks at her equally shocked. "That girl in the news."

After some time, Alex orders Winn to scan whole National City for any Kryptonian heat signature,while Kara called her girlfriend about the news and Lena came after a few minutes running into the DEO.

"Love, how come can she have the El eyes if Kal and you are the only ones left?" Lena questioned, while everyone were thinking with at the round table in the middle of the mainframe. "I don't know. Kal and me were the only kids in the House of El...And it's not possible that Astra and Non conceived a child, since they spent most of their life in jail. Can it be a shapeshifter?" Kara stated and looked towards J'onn and he nodded a no. "It's not possible for shapeshifter to copy a face and change the eyes. Either they only change their eyes or copy the whole face, but can't be both." J'onn said and everyone nodded. A short while of silence took over, till Winn shouted: "Found her!" Which made everyone startle. "Where is she?" Kara asked and Lena grabbed the heroine's hand, noticing the worry in Kara's voice. "South end of the city." Winn answered and with a blur, Kara was gone.

Lorena was sitting against a wall and closed her eyes. She messed up, but mostly she was able to accomplish her mission. Thank Rao her other mother, Lena, was able to make it possible to time travel safely without ruining the timeline. But soon, she felt familiar boots landing in front of her. Kara grabbed her shoulder and blue eyes met blue eyes. "You have to come with me." Kara said softly, which made Lorena release a breath she didn't even notice she was holding. The young girl nodded and soon, both Super's flew into the sky towards the DEO.

As they landed on the known balcony, people came running over them and agents cuffed Lorena with power dampening cuffs. The young girl made a pleading look to her mother and they both noticed. "No, let her go." Lena and Kara demanded at the same time, and thankfully the agents obliged. They all walked to the interrogation room and J'onn signaled Lorena to take a seat. As she sat, she noticed how young they all looked like. "Who are you?" Was the first question with came from Kara. "I'm Lorena." She answered, she didn't want to reveal more, since it could do a lot of harm. "Full name." Alex ordered, a little harsh. "I-I can't. It could harm the space-time continuum." Lorena hesitated, but by the look of their faces they understood about what she was talking about. "You're from the future?" Lena asked and sat beside Kara, and Lorena just nodded. "Why are you here?" J'onn asked, trying so hard not to read the young girl's mind. "I'm here on a mission. Lillian is building a ship that would transport all registered aliens to the other side of the universe in a blink. And twenty years into the future, she tries it again. So my real my mission is to sabotage the ship and plans, that no engineer in the word can fix it to build it." She said and everyone looked at her wide eyed. "Don't worry, I was able to accomplish my mission." She said and heard multiple 'thank God' in the room.

It was silent for a time and Kara kept on inspecting Lorena's face. Eyes, lips, face structure, powers...Oh Rao, it can't be. "You're our daughter." Kara blurted out and made many heads turn to her direction. "What?" Almost everyone said in unison. "She Lena's and I's daughter." Kara said more clearly and right then it clicked in everyones head. "Oh Rao, that's why she has your eyes and almost looks like Lena!" Winn said a little over excited. And Lorena just gave a smile, which made her mothers smile. "Yeah, I'm your daughter." She stated and her mothers looks at each other in utter adoration. 'Damn, they are really in love.' Lorena thought in her head. "This is my future niece." Alex said astonished and couldn't stop looking at Lorena with a proud grin. The young girl just nodded. "Wait, aren't you harming the timeline while you're here?" Kara said in a bit of panic. "No. Mom, well Lena, made it possible to time travel safely without harming the timeline. But I am harming the space-time continuum." Everybody looked towards Lena and gave her a proud smile...Especially Kara. "Well, whats your full name?" Winn asked overly excited and got a slap on his shoulder from Alex.

"It's fine...I can reveal my name. But at the end, J'onn has to erase all of your minds about this." She saw how her mothers frowned, but they had no other choice. "My name is Lorena Kiana Danvers." She answered and sees how both of her mothers eyes went wide. "I took Kara's name?" Lena asked and her future daughter nodded. "Lena Danvers..." Lena whispered out, trying to hear how it would sound, resulting with a happy smile and a huge blush from Kara.

At the end, Lorena had to go and before she enters the portal, she gave her mothers and literally everyone a tight hug. "I'll see you in two years?" Lorena joked, which made her mothers chuckle. "We'll see you in two years." They answered in unison and right then, they saw how their future daughter entered the portal, sending her back to the future. "We'll be parents in tow years." Kara said amazed and Lena nodded in agreement. "A little glimpse of our future." Lena said and Kara have her a soft kiss. But soon, it was time for their memories to be erased to keep the space-time continuum in it's right place. J'onn slowly put his hand on each of heir foreheads and soon everything has been forgotten of what has happened...But their little glimpse of their future is very near.

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