We fall in love 3 times

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Kara and Lena were in front of their daughter's house. Both went up to knock on the door. Immediately it was open and they were met by their 22 year old beautiful daughter, who has striking mix of green and blue eyes and dark brown hair, with blonde strands. "Hey Ieiu, hey mommy!" She said enthusiastically and gave her mother's a bone crushing hug. "Hey my little superhero." Kara said and kissed her daughter's forehead. "Hey, my princess. We've missed you." Lena said and hugged her daughter tighter. She just chuckled. "I missed you too."

The couple got into the house and started making dinner. Kara was making Risotto and Lena making some homemade Potstickers. "You have no idea how I missed your food." Their daughter said, who was setting up the table. Lena and Kara just chuckled and looked at their daughter. "That's life, princess. Mostly college life." Lena joked and made everyone laugh."Yeah it is." Agreed their daughter. "So what's wrong, baby girl? Usually you call us on holidays." Kara asked, knowing that something is wrong. Their daughter sighed. "It's nothing really." She lied and looked onto the floor. " Kyra Lynn Zor-El Luthor-Danvers." Her mother's said in unison. "Princess, sadly you have your Ieiu's crinkle." Lena teased and made Kyra roll her eyes. The half Kryptonian sighed in defeat. "Fine, there is something. But can we talk about it after dinner...I'm starving." Kyra said and made her mother's laugh. Kara and Kyra using their superspeed to get the food ready and Lena was already done. During dinner they talked about their day, mostly about Kyra's college and superhero stuff. All three have enjoyed dinner and Kyra used her superspeed to clean up.

When everything was done, all three were on the couch, cuddling together. Kara and Lena were waiting patiently for their daughter to talk. "So I met a boy." Kyra said hesitantly. Kara and Lena smiled. "Oh, I'm intrigued." Lena joked, which made Kara chuckle. Kyra took a deep breath and continued: "His name is Aiden. He's a really great guy and is really passionate about music. He loves to help people and is studying medicine. We are really close friends. But...but the first time I met him, I got this weird feeling inside me. Now my feelings are all over the place and I don't know what I'm feeling towards him." The half Kryptonian was frustrated. Lena and Kara looked at each other, knowing that their daughter needed guidance. "Your mother and I...We had the same situation. Our feelings towards each other were also all over the place. We didn't know if it was friendship love...or more." Kara said and hugged their daughter.

Lena continued: "We fall in love, with 3 people in our lifetime." That sentence got their daughter's attention. "The first love often happens in a young age. You eventually grow apart or call it quits over silly things. When you get older you may and think it wasn't love. But the truth is, it was. I was love for what you knew love to be." Kara said softly and kissed Kyra's forehead, while Lena held Kyra by the shoulder. "So my middle school boyfriend, Ethan, he was my first love?" Kyra asked shyly. Both older women chuckled and nodded 'yes'. "That was your first love, princess." Lena said and held Kyra's hand. "The second love. The hard one...You get hurt in this one. This love teaches us lessons and makes us stronger. This love includes great pain, lies, betrayal, drama and damage. But this is the one were you grow...We realize what we love about love and what we don't love about love. Now...we know the difference." Lena said, and tucked a little blonde stand being their daughter's ear. Kara looked at Lena, with pure love. "Remember my high school boyfriend, Jackson?" Kyra asked and both mother's nodded. "He was my second love. I got hurt, when we both broke up...I got depressed and miserable. But now I notice that, that love was meant for me to learn both sides of love." Kyra said, who now looked at her Ieiu and mommy. "Yeah, that was your second love. For your mother and I...we also had really hard second loves. But they made us both stronger." Kara said and looked at her daughter, with a warm smile. "The third love. This one comes blindly...No warning. It creeps you silently. You don't go looking for this love...It come to you. You can put up any wall you want, it will be broken down. You'll find yourself caring about them. They look nothing like your usual crush type, but you get lost in their eyes daily...You see beauty behind their imperfections...You hide nothing from them, you want marriage and a family with them...You thank the universe for them, because you truly love them." Kara said, as she looked at their daughter and her wife.

"It's like your Ieiu and me. We never excepted for each other...Rao, both of us didn't even know we were into women. But the day we met, we both felt something we can't even describe in words. There is one thing I can say, everyday we both get lost in each other's eyes. Every small gesture we do for each other, it sends us butterflies in our stomaches. When I got may feelings together, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with your Ieiu and that's what happened...We both found true love in the most unexpected way." Lena said and looked at Kara, who's eyes were glistening. Then she looked at their daughter, who was listening very attentively. "And if you feel like that towards Aiden...then maybe he's your third love, the unexpected love. But don't rush it, give it time. The third love also need time to build, because this love is love who needs an unbreakable bond. It's like what your uncle Winn said...It's a smack on your face because it's not expected, it goes WHA-POW." Kara said  and kissed Kyra's cheek. The last part made everyone laugh, because it's true, it's WHA-POW. "Thank you mommy and Ieiu. I love you" Kyra said and hugged her mother's tight. Kara and Lena smiled warmly at their daughter and hugged back, tightly. "We love you too." Lena and Kara said in unison, with love in their voice.

Love, true love...The love we want to spend our lives with. It takes time, it comes to you in moments we never expect. This love is something that can't be rushed, because we are clueless to it. But let it build, let your connections towards a certain person become stronger. The third love, is the one you want your future with...

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