I want you back...

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Thank you @Louzzaza for giving me this incredible, awesome idea!

I really enjoyed writing this one, and hope you guys like it. And sorry guys for not updating for awhile, life has gotten a little busy. Anyway, hope you have all a wonderful Monday!

The air in the room was filled with so much tension, that they tried their best not to suffocate by it. So many unshed tears were in their eyes, trying to keep their emotions at bay...If only time travel were not so risky, Kara would have done it without a second thought, just to avoid this situation, just to make things right...But isn't it a typical thing that the universe loved to play with risky things? 

"You lied to me." Lena spat out those words like venom. Her whole face has been covered with a cold mask, hiding every emotion, except for anger and hatred. Kara stood in the other side of the office, letting her tears finally fall. "Lena..." She whispered weakly, trying to sooth the Luthor. "You lied to me. You lied for the past 5 years in front of my face, acting to be my friend...I thought you were different Supergirl. But let's be honest, you are just like all the others from my past, just worse." The Luthor's voice was laced with anger and so much hatred, and if words could kill, Kara would have been long gone. 

Those words were daggers to Kara's heart, her tears falling free from her pained blue eyes. "I never meant to hurt you..." The Super said, her voice breaking a little. All she heard was a scoff from the other woman in the room. "Well you did. But I should thank you for this...Because you exposed me to the worst of humanity." Lena kept her stone cold glare, causing Kara to feel the warmth in her heart to slowly fade away, and be replaced by emptiness and coldness. "Please, let me exp-." Kara did not have the chance to finish that sentence, when Lena interrupted: "EXPLAIN?! FOR WHAT? WHAT IS THERE TO EXPLAIN? ALL I KNOW, IS THAT YOU DID NO TRUST ME ENOUGH AND THSI WHOLE TIME OUR FRIENDSHIP WAS A LIE! A DAMN LIE!" The mask broke, and here stood Lena Luthor in a breakdown, while her voice was filled with so much anger...So much hatred. "There is nothing to explain, because your actions are enough to tell  me...Words can't fix this, there is no hope speech that could mend the damage." Kara's heart started to break upon hearing those words, showing just how hopeless this situation is, how hopeless the damage she has made to be fixed...There was nothing that could be done. Nothing.

"Our friendship was never a lie..." Kara whispered, afraid that she might just break something more. Anger was fuming inside Lena's body, and she spat out words, that were too late to take back: "I never want to see you again, Supergirl. I never want to see you near me again. From this day on, our path finally ends."

And like that, Kara accepted her painful fate and flew out of the office...Leaving the life she once had with Lena.

Weeks passed...And paint just grew within Kara. Seeing Lena's emotionless face, when her name gets mentioned by anyone...She never knew that could hurt so much. Seeing the Luthor on TV, doing a killer speech, as if nothing ever happened...It was like she was okay without Kara in life, and that just made the stinging pain in her heart stronger, to soon unbearable. The pain was too much...Her heart felt empty and everyday the warmth just faded bit by bit...It was like she was becoming a ghost, her soul getting sucked out of her little by little.

Kara felt miserable everyday, not even reporting or superheroing made fun...It was like, those important aspects in her life, slowly didn't matter anymore...What was the reason of being Supergirl, when all it did was hurt the people closest to your heart? What was the reason of being Kara Danvers, when the cheerfulness was caused by one person? What was the reason staying on Earth, when there was no place where she could find comfort? What was the reason to stay, when the one person that held her together, now despised her?

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