She's perfect

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Kara was pacing around her apartment...Today she was going to confess to Lena. She can't keep all of those feelings in her anymore, mostly to the person that has to know. Always when Kara tried to confess, she would chicken out and start an endless ramble...So Kara found another way to confess.

What felt like ages of pacing around, Kara finally heard her favorite heartbeat. Immediately she super sped to the door and was met by a happy Lena. "Lena!" Kara said happily and hugged her 'best friend'. "Kara! I'm happy that you're okay. God you scared me while you were fighting that Kryptonite-fueled robot." Lena said and hugged Kara tighter. Both didn't want the hug to end and it did last longer then it should, but really both loved it. "Anyway. You wanted to talk about something." Lena said and walked into the cozy loft, with take out. Kara just stood stiff. "Uh yeah...I almost forgot. But let's eat first and then talk." Kara said and Lena nodded in agreement. They talked a lot, while eating. Lena would often asked things about Kara's life on Krypton and really did test her intelligence, which gobsmacked Lena. They both talked about work and Lena told Kara about her projects. "Kara would you like to help me on a project?" Lena asked shyly. The Super just smiled and nodded eagerly. "I would love to." Just that made the Luthor smile bright and Kara...She wanted to be the reason why Lena smiled like that.

After an hour of eating and talking, it was time for the talk. "So what did you want to talk about. It sounded urgent through the phone." Lena said worriedly and sat next to Kara, whit their knees touching. Kara just swallowed and built up her courage to talk. "You know that I'm bisexual, right?" Kara asked and Lena nodded, signaling her to continue. "Well I have this huge crush on a girl...Wait, no...I know this girl is the love of my life, but I just don't know how to confess." Kara said has she looked at Lena. And when she did, she did see Lena frown a bit. It was silent for a little, till Lena said. "Can you describe her?" Lena asked. 'Bingo.' Thought Kara. The Super nodded and took deep breaths.

"Her eyes...Oh Rao, her eyes make the stars look like they're not shining." Kara said and looked into Lena's eyes, with full of adoration. "Her hair falls perfectly without her trying. And she' so beautiful...That I want to tell her everyday. When I compliment her she won't believe me, which I find so sad to think she doesn't see what I see." Kara said with full of love and looked at Lena's beautiful, soft raven hair. Lena was totally clueless, but kept quiet so that Kara could continue. "Just...When I see her face. There isn't a single thing that I would change, because she's amazing." Kara said, like a teenager totally in love. Just then she saw Lena smile and chuckle. "Oh Rao..and when she' smiles, the whole world stops and stares for awhile. Because she is amazing...just amazing like she is beyond this universe." Kara said and couldn't stop looking at Lena. For her, Lena was a goddess...Just perfect. Everything about Lena made her stomach fill with butterflies. Roa, she wanted Lena to be her's...Because Lena stole her heart form day one. "That is a beautiful description...Can you tell me more about her?" Lena asked, but frowned a little. Kara saw the frown and felt bad, but at the end everything will make sense. Kara took a deep breath and continued: "Her lips, I could kiss them all day...If she would let me. And her laugh, which she hates but I think it's so sexy. She's so beautiful and I want to tell her that everyday." Kara looked at Lena's kissable lips and was already craving for them. Then she heard Lena laugh and Rao, she could faint right there and then, but she still had to tell her. "I would never ask her to change, never. If perfect is what she's searching for, then I'll put a mirror in font of her and define perfect, because she is perfection...She's perfect." Kara said the last part, as if she was out of earth.

Kara was done with her 'confession' and looked at Lena with heart eyes. The Luthor seemed clueless and was thinking who it could be. On the inside she felt hurt, that Kara loved 'someone' else. But to be a good 'friend', you need to accept and let go. "That was beautiful Kara. Who is the lucky girl?" Lena asked out of curiosity. Kara smiled and looked into Lena's eyes. "You." Is all that Kara said and Lena's green eyes went wide. "Me?" Lena asked, just to make sure she didn't get that wrong. Kara nodded and said: "It's always been you...Since day one." Kara said and inched her face closer to Lena. Lena did the same and inched closer and closer, till she couldn't take it anymore and crashed their lips together. The kiss, just the kiss was perfect. Both loved the taste of their lips and couldn't get enough of it. Kara swiped her tongue on Lena's bottom lip asking for entrance, which lena happily obliged. They both moaned at the taste of their tongues. Their lips fitted perfectly, like they were the missing puzzle pieces in their lives. Their tongues danced in sync, into a prefect rhythm. Everything was just perfect.

When they broke the kiss, both were out of earth. Ocean eyes met Kryptonite eyes, and Rao that was all they needed. "I love you Lena, always." Kara said with full of love and looked at Lena, as if she were her star, her sun. Lena just smiled and kissed Kara again, this time more softly. "I love you too Kara, always." Lena said in adoration. they couldn't get enough of each other and never will. All they needed was the other...Kara needed Lena and Lena needed Kara. "So that was me that you were describing?" Lena asked and raised a prefect eyebrow. Kara chuckled and nodded. "It was you Lena, because you are perfect." Is all Kara said and felt soft lips on hers. That night, that particular night was the perfect night...

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