Quantum Entanglement

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"Okay, I mean I love him...Ido. I-I love him. But come on. JT has got to be the only one holding um a reunion right now." Kara said a matter of factly, stating her facts in the best way. Kara and Lena were catching up on lunch at CatCo and were talking obviously about their favorite boy band, NSYNC. "Oh, obviously." Lena said, while watching Kara stuff her fifth sandwich in her mouth. "Here, but let me ask you this, right?" Lena asked and caught all of Kara's attention. The blonde just hummed in response, since her out was full with the sandwich. "Would you rather have a NSYNC reunion or JT and Britney back together?" Lena asked, showing her 'Luthor' in her. "Ugh! My OTP." Kara faked feigned, clothing er hand onto her heart. The drama she made, made Lena and her chuckle. "That's an impossible question to answer, and you are cruel for asking." Kara started, leaning back to her chair. "Yeah. Well, you know, sometimes my Luthor genes just shine through." Lena teased, making both of them laugh. "Hey, thanks for catching lunch with me." Kara said and gave Lena a warm smile. "Yeah. Well, since I canceled on you the last three times and you said you couldn't get away, I figured you were worth the extra effort." Lena said and looked at Kara with heart eyes.

The Super smiled at the Luthor, but then raised a brow, which Lena found absolutely adorable."Yeah, what's keeping you so busy?" Kara asked curiously and eyed Lena. The Luthor's eyes went wide and pursed her lips. "It's top secret." Whispered Lena, making Kara even more curious. "Intriguing." Kara said, who just got more interested. Putting her hand under her chin and gazed at Lena. "A-As soon as I can tell anyone anything, you will get an exclusive." Lena stated, but stuttered at the beginning a little. All Kara did was a little effect of puppy eyes, lifting her glasses a little, tilting her head and giving a sweet smile at the end...Making it impossible for Lena to deny. "I'm working with a new partner." Lena said excitedly and smiled. "Mhmm." The Super hummed, showing her interest and happiness by the tone. "Yeah, she's...She's fantastic. It's...It's like having a mentor, you know? You'll...You'll love her. Promise." Lena said and looked into Kara's ocean eyes. Kara was biting her lips and looked into Lena's Kryptonite eyes. "You got to give me something. I have to have something to look forward too." Kara stated and for a short moment looked onto Lena's lips. Lena sighed and could not handle Kara's adorableness. "Okay. Something to look forward too." What do you know about Quantum Entanglement?" Lena asked and Kara had to act dumb as if she wouldn't know anything...For Rao's sake she is a prodigy in science, but se can't reveal it or it will bring out suspicion. "Polyatomic anions?" Lena asked again and Kara acting clueless, again.

When Lena saw the 'struggle' on Kara's face she started to explain the simple things. Kara started to explain it in her head...Till she interrupted Lena and explained instead. "Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when a pair or group of  is generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in a way such that the  of each particle of the pair or group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when the particles are separated by a large distance. The topic of quantum entanglement is at the heart of the : entanglement is a primary feature of quantum mechanics lacking in classical mechanics." Kara said out loud and did not notice it, leaving Lena speechless. When Lena wanted to say something, she got interrupted again: "Polyatomic anions are electron rich species and are negatively charged. An example of the polyatomic anions is Hydroxide ion, as it contains two atoms, namely oxygen and hydrogen. It can also be considered as the conjugate base of water." Kara blurted out, without knowing she just explained complex science with no problem.

It was completely quiet for a moment, till the Super finally looked up and saw a bedazzled Lena. "Wh-what?" Stuttered Kara nervously. Lena had her mouth open, like a gaping fish. "I thought you didn't know anything about Quantum Entanglement and Polyatomic anions. And here you are explaining it to me, with no problem at all." Lena said amazed and only fell in love more for Kara. She found nerdy Kara cute and...hot. "Umm, I don't know anything." Kara lied and tired to cover up, which she failed terribly. "Yeah, like you just haven't stone my words out of my mouth." Lena joked and rolled her eyes. "So I did say it out loud." Kara sighed in defeat and looked at her empty plate. "Since when do you know all of this stuff?" Lena asked curiously and gave a quick peek onto Kara's lips. Kara looked at the plate and did not answer Lena, since she didn't want to go into details and accidentally reveal herself. "Again, what is a Quantum Entanglement for example?" Lena asked and noted to listen to Kara's answer.

It took one quick look for The Super and she knew it. 'She's the one.' Thought Kara. Lena's eyes, beauty, lips, laugh, smile...Everything. She's in love with Lena, she's always been. "I would say ideal soulmates are the ideal example for Quantum Entangled systems. Because a change in one person is instantaneously felt by the other." Kara said, looking at Lena with heart eyes. The Luthor was puzzled, but after a moment she got the message.

Lena felt what Kara felt...That they were meant to be. "I love you." Lena said in an inaudible whisper, but Kara...She heard it loud and clear. "I love you too." Kara said. They didn't know how long they were gazing at each other and they didn't care. For them it seemed like the whole world was fading into the background and they were the only ones. "You do?" Lena asked, double checking if she heard it right. "I always had." Kara answered out of breath and inched closer.

They both abruptly stood up, sped walked to the elevator, exited the elevator after reaching the main floor, left CatCo and fled into an empty alley. When they were only inches apart, inching closer and closer....Lena could not take it anymore and crashed her lips with Kara's. The Super pushed Lena against a wall and it only got more heated. Tongues fighting fir dominance, tasting each other, their lips citing perfectly, their hand roaming each other's body, kissing in a prefect rhythm...It was amazing. After the amazing kiss they just smiled at each other and kissed again, this time it was softer and sweeter. "How is that for proof?" Kara asked, her smile never leaving her face. "More than enough." Lena said out of breath.

I guess Quantum Entanglement does bring soulmates together.

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