I will join you one day

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After Kara had recovered from her injuries she sustained in her fight against Reign, she went after the Worldkiller again. But Reign decided to hurt Kara in the biggest way possible...She went after the person that held Kara's heart, Lena. Kara was unable to save Lena and spiraled out of control...She did the one thing, she swore she would never do...She killed Reign out of revenge and when she did it, she hung up her cape.

3 months later

It had been three months since Kara had lost Lena. She quit CatCo and she hung up her cape for good, after killing Reign. She stopped being Supergirl, because why should she fight when she has nobody to fight for?

She had lost so much already, before losing Lena. She lost Krypton, her family...Everything. She lost everything when she was only twelve years old. But she found a safe place with Lena...She found anew home with Lena...The love of her life. Lena never expected Kara to to be strong 24/7. She knew what Kara had lost and knew that some days the pain and memories consumed her. Lena was always there to help her in whatever way she could. But now she had lost Lena too...

Lena understood her in a way nobody else did. In return, Kara had promised Lena to always protect her and keep her safe. But not all promise hold...Kara broke her promise to Lena and now Lena was no longer here. Everyone was worried for her and had tried to help Kara deal with her pain and grief. Yet, they didn't understand how much the Kryptonian was truly suffering. They all expected Kata to eventually bounce back, because she was 'Kara Sunny Danvers'...Well, that was Kara. None of them could understand the agony what losing Lena had caused her. Her heart had been shattered into minuscule pieces and then crushed into dust. Kara completely shutdown. She drowned herself with alcohol...She couldn't even remember the last time she had been completely sober, since she lost Lena. All of her friends and family tried to bring her back...But they only made things worst, with their callous words. Kara could still remember the last time they had decided to try and pull an intervention.


Kara wasn't sure how long she had been at the alien bar, not that it really mattered. She didn't have anyone to come home to anymore anyways. Lena wouldn't be there to meet her with a smile, hug and kiss. Thinking about going home to her empty apartment caused the place where her heart used to be to ache. 'Apparently no matter how much I drink, I can't forget.' Thought Kara to herself. She eventually made her way home.

When she stepped inside her apartment...The apartment she once shared with Lena, she saw all of her finds and family sitting in her living room. There were boxes and trash bags all over the place. Kara was confused about what was going on. Why were they in hot apartment? What had they packed up? Kara would have used her x-ray vision, but she was so wasted she could barely walk without falling over.

"Kara, honey we need to talk. I know that you are grieving but this has gone long enough." Eliza began. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. Kara's eyes narrowed and she could feel her hands balling up into fists. "Mom is right, Kara. You quit CatCo, you no longer go out as Supergirl, you're always drunk and you have become thug for hire. Enough is enough. We have given you enough time to grieve about losing Lena, but this is ridiculous." Alex told Kara. Kara could fell herself sobering up quickly. How fucking dare they...They had no idea what she was going though. They had no clue how much she had lost when she lost Lena. Lena wasn't just her girlfriend...Lena was her home, her safe place, the one person who didn't expect her to be perfect...Lena was her everything.

"You need to move on Kara." James put in his two cents. "That's why we have decided to help you." Winn added. Kara was completely sober now. The anger rushing through her veins, chasing away her drunkenness. "What the fuck did you do?" Kara made sure to enunciate each word slowly. She was trying not to let her anger get the best of her, but it was consuming her with each new word that someone spoke. Everyone looked around at each other nervously, before Maggie decided, since nobody else would say anything then she would. "You hadn't changed anything, since the last day Lena was here. It's like you're waiting for her to walk back in the door. The first step in moving on is to accept that they aren't coming back. In order to do that, you have to let go of her physical possessions." Kara really wasn't liking what it seemed like Maggie was telling her. She could feel the panic and anger in her chest as she looked  around and realized that Lena's things weren't were they used to be. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!" Kara screamed at them...Everyone looked at her in shock. They had known she would be upset, but they hadn't expected this.

"Honey you need to move on. You can keep clinging to the hope that girl will walk back in the door. We only wanted to help. So we helped you with the first step. We packed up all of Lena's things." Eliza started to tell Kara, before Kara completely lost her mind...She picked up the lamp that was closest to her and threw it at the group. They barely managed to duck in time...They hadn't expected a violent reaction.

"YOU HAD NO FUCKING RIGHT! NONE OF YOU UNDERSTAND! SHE WASN'T JUST SOME GIRL! SHE WAS MY WORLD! SHE WAS THE ONLY PERSON IN THIS UNIVERSE AND EVERY OTHER UNIVERSE OUT THERE, THAT UNDERSTOOD ME! SHE WAS MY LIFE, MY HOME, MY HEART, MY REASON FOR LIVING! LENA WAS EVERYTHING TO ME! I PROMISED TO PROTECT HER AND I FAILED HER...I FAILED HER!" Kara screamed at them so loud she wouldn't be surprised if her neighbors didn't call the police. She fell to her knees, as her sobs  began to shake her body. Eliza, Maggie, Clark, Alex, James and Winn looked at each other unsure what to do. They slowly began to approach Kara, but before they could get too close...Kara looked up at them. Her eyes began to glow, showing how pissed off she truly was...

"Get.The.Fuck.Out." Kara managed to get out though gritted teeth. Someone began to protest. Kara didn't know who and she honestly didn't care. She jumped up quickly and advance on them, her whole body tense and beginning to get into a defensive stance. "I don't believe I stuttered. Get the fuck out of our-." Pain flashed though Kara's eyes, before she corrected herself: "My apartment!" They all realized that if they stayed longer, Kara might actually resort to attaching them. They all grabbed their things and left the apartment quickly.

End of Flashback

Kara dragged herself out of the memory. No one had come around after that and she couldn't find it in her to care. It was better this way anyways. Kara didn't need anyone anymore. She had lost the one person who had made her feel seen. Now that Lena was gone, nothing else really mattered anymore. Kara ordered another shot. Maybe one day she would be able to drink herself to death, but until then she was stuck in hell...A hell that was once a heaven. Forced to remember Lena, yet never able to hold Lena in her arms again. She felt tears beginning to fall down on her face, as she thought about everything she had lost, when Lena took her very last breath. Kara prayed to Rao, begging him to keep Lena safe until she would finally able to join her.

"I will join you in Rao's light one day, my love." Kara whispered, before she went back to trying to get drunk enough to ease the agony in her chest, even if it only lasted for a bit.

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